Friday, June 03, 2011

The "George Walker Bush Economy" returns, with a vengence !!!!!!!!!

Draconian state and local budget cuts while attempting to destroy unions and the Middle Class.  So, what else is new?

It is safe to say the Republicans 'have no ideas' to improve the sagging economy which was left behind by Bush, Cheney, Paulson and Evans / Gutierrez.  This is surprise.  We already know cutting taxes for the wealthy provides NO new job growth.  We already know that cutting government 'to fit the political rhetoric of the Republicans provides NO new job growth.  So what was everyone thinking when they put draconian political hacks in the Governorships of the states?

Jobless rate inches up; job growth flattens (click title to entry - thank you)

The new job numbers are out. The economy produced 83,000 additional jobs in the private sector in May, still in the positive range but well below the improvement shown in recent months and also below the number needed to shrink the unemployment rate, which rose from 9 to 9.1 percent.
Private-sector job growth was offset to a degree by job losses in state and local government, a decline that brought the total number of jobs created in May down to 54,000. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted, “local
government has lost 446,000 jobs since an employment peak in September 2008.”...

The ONLY idea the Republicans, be it mainstream or Tea Baggers, have to offer is to be the 'Equal and Opposite' Force in the USA economy and then to blame it on the current President.  Amazing.  "Equal and Opposite" is the only aspect of science a Republican values.

The lack of insight as to what really comprises return of viability to any economy can currently be noted in North Carolina where there is a Republican majority in the legislature with a Democratic Governor trying to 'right the ship' and 'protect children's futures.'

...Gov. Bev Perdue (click here) says the Senate budget would force local districts to lay off school personnel. Her office distributed information after the Senate vote on the amounts each district stands to lose. Perdue's budget proposal kept part of a temporary sales tax increase adopted two years ago to see the state through the recession....

What the NC Republican budget attempts to deceive the electorate of is a proposed increase in jobs in education.  While the NC Republican budget definately would remove valuable teachers from the classrooms, what it intends to do is create less classrooms wtih less teachers, increase the number of students in each classroom while HIRING teaching assistants to help accommodate the increased number of students each teacher has to educate.
The question is WILL THE CHILDREN LEARN?  If a teacher is asked to use EXTENDERS to the learning process of the students it means they will not be able to PERSONALLY attend to the students' needs.  Instead, students will be left to seek learning opportunities by far less qualified and experienced teacher assistants.  The NC Republicans turn every teacher with larger numbers of students into a 'lecturer' while the students at all grade levels are left on their own to understand the lecture with the help of assistants that do not have the expertise of the teachers.  It sets students behind and certainly doesn't begin to be sure "No Child is Left Behind.'

North Carolina has one of the lowest pay scales in the nation.  A teacher's starting salary out of college with a four year degress is $19,000 per year.  If that isn't enough of an insult, teachers with teacher's assistants in the classroom will be measured for merit salary increased based on the same standards of teachers with smaller classrooms.  North Carolina doesn't have unions either.

One might note the 'drop out' rate is high for NC.  While the state boasts some of the top public universities in the nation, it might be worthwhile to realize those universities are also a bit of a cash cow for all the out of state students accepted for education.  I believe the average percentage of out of state students accepted in the public university system is at least 18% of the student body.  The success rate or should I say the lack of success rate of in state students justifiies the ever increasing percentage of the public university system.

The teachers of every school and university in North Carolina deserves to have a union to protect them and more than that, to protect their students and the quality of education they receive.  Most if not all North Carolina teachers are very dedicated to improving the lives of their students and seek success for each one.  That will be nearly impossible if Governor Purdue does not veto the state budget.

I'll tell you how dedicated the teachers of this state are, they provide the learning materials for their students.  Tablets, pencils, erasers and the list goes on.  See, the draconian Republican rhetorical standards of 'the south' have turned METHODS of the public education into private education by demanding the students provide their own learning supplies.  Next they'll have to purchase their own books.  Teachers in order to teach often buy their own teaching supplies out of their poorly compensated salaries. 

So, then, what is left in 'disposable' income in North Carolina to ACTUALLY have an economy?