Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Arlen Spector back on the campaign trail and beating up on Labor !

New polls: Specter in trouble? (click title to entry - thank you)
Controversial Republican on shaky ground. Toomey ahead in one survey.

...The Republican U.S. senator, facing what two polls released today show could be the fight of his political career, pacified business groups on Tuesday by saying he will oppose legislation making it easier for workers to form unions.
Specter's much-anticipated decision on the card check bill was perhaps his most difficult in nearly two decades. But whether it will erase conservative outrage over his support of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill is another question....

Pennsylvania has Governor Rendell, Senator Casy, kicked out Rick Santorum for his extremist views and it would seem as though they will seek the same fate for Arlen Spector. I don't believe opposing improvements in labor rules will be popular either, except, with his contributors perhaps. The labor unions have done their part during this crisis. There is no way they should be limited in building strength.