Monday, December 01, 2008

World AIDS Day - "Sari's mother" should be downloaded to You Tube for the world to witness the travesty !

Sari's Mother (click title to entry - thank you) is a true story about an Iraqi boy that contracted AIDS through a tainted blood transfusion. In this documentary, his mother has attempted every way possible to treat her son with anti-retrovirals only to be denied.

This is Iraq. This is the country we occupy with our military and children can't receive treatment for HIV/AIDS ?

There is something very, very "W"rong here !

...In his 22-minute documentary "Sari's Mother," Longley follows the daily life of an Iraqi mother. It's a life full of difficulty and deprivation as she tries, amidst the war and the occupation, to save the life of her son, who has contracted AIDS as a result of an infected blood transfusion....

...She has to be strong: she doesn't have any anti-viral drugs for her boy, and it's a long way to the nearest hospital in Baghdad. But she's prepared to make the trip. Together with Sari, who, as a result of his illness, seems physically like a five-year-old, she sets off, only to find out from the Iraqi authorities that any attempt to help her son with medicine will be useless....

James Longley shows how Sari and his mother try to keep their heads above water in a situation dominated by daily terror and the occupation by US troops

Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator (click here)
The U. S. Global AIDS Coordinator's mission is to lead implementation of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Emergency Plan/PEPFAR). The Emergency Plan is the largest commitment ever by any nation for an international health initiative dedicated to a single disease -- a five-year, $15 billion, comprehensive approach to combating the disease around the world.