Thursday, December 13, 2007

The lack of comprehensive Climate Change policy by the United States of America is grossly irresponsible. It's literally causing Climate Change and deaths domestically and internationally.

This is the USA?


This an explotive Republican agenda for the USA. It doesn't even begin to represent the significant dedication people of the USA have to stopping and reversing Human Induced Global Warming.

Global Warming: Melting delusions


You know those little sounds ice cubes make when they crack and melt? The Arctic's ice is sending out a loud roar of warnings about global warming.

report the Arctic ice melt this summer was like nothing they had ever seen. Some are talking in terms of the world having reached an ominous tipping point, where the Arctic sea might be ice free during the summers as early as five years from now.

Gee. Do you think we might be headed to real trouble -- along with polar bears, the penguin population at the other pole and tens or hundreds of thousands of other
species from the Cascades to the Caspian Sea? If so, it's not going to be reflected in the Bush administration's strategy of slashing the scope of any international undertakings that may come out of the current Bali conference on climate change.

In his
Nobel Peace Prize lecture, Al Gore spoke about "a planetary emergency." He was right. The Arctic ice melt suggests the emergency is worse than most of us imagine.

Even the most guarded of the most accepted scientific assessments say some level of warming will be with us for decades. But we can limit the extent of the damage to climactic systems and their impact on human society.
Gore also said in Oslo: "We still have the power to choose our fate, and the remaining question is only this: Have we the will to act vigorously and in time, or will we remain imprisoned by a dangerous illusion?" Even among those most wedded to wishful thinking, the illusions should be cracking.