Sunday, June 17, 2007

Iceberg "Sicko" strikes the USA Healthcare Industry. Will the captains go down with their ships? I sincerely hope so !

"Sicko" is due out soon. I spent the last few days in Provincetown, Massachusetts viewing some rather interesting films. Through all that, guess what the local matinee was advertising? You guessed it. Michael Moore's "Sicko."

Look the film reveals a lot of truths and dramatizes the gross disparity of appropriate care vs. the interest of a disinterested government. It's time for huge changes. This time the baby is getting thrown out with the bath water. No lie. People die. No more. Single payer system including all our soldiers now on waiting lists for health care.

There is something very, very "W"rong in the USA. Healthcare that kills. Unabated Human Induced Global Warming. Escalating gun violence. Non-responsive government in the face of strong electorate opinion. This country needs change. Big change and it's ain't coming from the Republicans. All we can expect from them is more of the same.