Friday, November 15, 2019

Republicans are obtuse.

Nunes is laughable. I don't know where his thinking went during the first session, but, he has absolutely no respect for a woman traumatized by Trump and his followers. He didn't have to apologize for Trump's rude and uncalled for behavior, but, as Ranking member he should have respected the Ambassador for her service and reporting of the abuse of power by the president of her highly distinguished reputation. She deserved respect and he handed her nasty comments about the legal and secure proceedings carried out before the hearing today.

Hearing after hearing the committee has always carried out confidential and issues of security in closed hearings.

Then Nunes didn't even recognize the Chairman's instructions to take 45 mins for himself and their attorney. Nunes went about calling on a Congresswoman when she wasn't recognized. That is nothing short of moronity.

Everyone on the committee will get their 5 mins AS THEY DID ON WEDNESDAY, after the questioning of the witness. 

The Congresswoman that played along with the APPEARANCE OF OPPRESSION of Republicans by the Deep State is as much a moron as her Ranking Member.

Honestly, games. They play games with the government of the people.