Friday, February 15, 2019

I think any court will find Trump's use of a national emergency to rebalance congressional spending a corrupt act. Congress gave him plenty of money for Border Security. He does not have the southern border fully employed due to the president's previous order to put a freeze on government hiring. Donald Trump has created this mess which never existed before and then has the nerve to ask for billions and billions of dollars besides. That is corruption to me. If the Robert's Court throws in with Trump for the sake of the integrity of the Executive Branch there is something very wrong.

A president cannot create a crisis that never existed before to satisfy his politics. That is pure unadulterated corruption of government.

First, Trump, FOX News and right wing media finds a subject that instills fear in their listeners and viewers. Trump finds the topic very helpful in his speeches to win the presidency. Once elected he places a hiring freeze so open jobs for Border Patrol can no longer be filled. Then he takes away funding to USA foreign interests causing people to migrate to the USA southern border seeking employment. Trump then describes them as killers, rapists and thugs, takes their children and puts them in separate detention without any means of identification that will reunite them, creating orphans that are wards of the court and dependents of the USA government. He then prosecutes the parents and deports them. He places people claiming asylum in detention facilities without adding judges (again the hiring freeze). He puts the USA military during the holidays near the border to lay barbed wire. He follows that up months later by deploying USA military men and women from Afghanistan to the southern USA. A USA general allows USA military troops in the country because, "He has a valid order." The general later resigns because of the removal of troops from Afghanistan. 

As a side note a Border Patrol officer goes off the grid and kills prostitutes. It is revealed an entire year before the American people were aware of the child separations it was being conducted without notice of any kind or in any speech, indicating the secrecy of the actions. Then two record setting drug busts take place in the USA, one at the southern border with both at USA legal crossings and any wall did not have a darn thing to do with it.

Trump has no plan because he keeps adjusting his approach to the USA southern border to satisfy his constituents. His administration is missing many qualified staff members and relies on Twitter to communicate with staff regarding firings and the like. Spending is out of control approaching trillion dollar deficits. He has a group of Americans ignorant of the national media and only listens to their master's voice. He puts billions back into his cronies pockets including that of his family and the Kushners by means of government mechanisms including a tax cut. All this while the Middle Class is burdened with more taxes, unwittingly paying less payroll deductions imperiling the cash flow within the USA government and Treasury.

Then to top off this disaster, he sends government employees on furlough as government has no money to pay them causing an enormously dangerous paradigm shifts as the of the government shutdown rolls on for far longer than any other. His calendar is exposed and he hasn't been conducting the business of the president relying on the Cabinet officers to keep things humming. Those cabinet officers, without research to back them up, often slashing budgets and regulations to dangerous outcomes.

To complete the picture, Russia is welcome to the White House for a picture opportunity and in receipt of classified information. Russia is catered to allowing secret meetings by Trump and even having the Treasury Department override legislation by Congress to provide billions back to a Russian oligarch.

Now, he places a national emergency on the country stating it is because of the problems at the southern border he created. He didn't call a national emergency months ago, but, only when he decides he needs was billions for a border wall that serves no purpose.

California has standing in this and they have filed a lawsuit to end the national emergency. Trump states if it weren't for the wall California would be in chaos. It will be interesting to hear exactly what California has to say including States Rights and perhaps removing the border wall already there.