Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The words used by Homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen are far more specific and validates the cruel and unusual punishment of children and their families at the USA southern border.

Nielsen states "Asylum" seekers are provided human rights. The fact of the matter is the people coming to the USA southern border are primarily from Central America. The USA has a long history of human rights issues with Central America. Some of the children recorded crying are stated to be from Guatemala. This is not new. Many of the children that rode a train, with great peril for themselves, to the USA border from Guatemala was due to the fact their parents KNEW they would be kidnapped and trained as child soldiers in the drug cartel wars. Having children with their parents from Guatemala is a continuation of this same migration.

Few people coming to the USA southern border understanding English and only understand they were provided with the idea they would receive human treatment and compassion for the dangers their children face. They do not understand USA politics or why Trump and Sessions are separating family members and placing parents in mass incarceration units.

Most people at the southern border do not know the word, "asylum" yet alone it's complex meaning. They understand safety and the ability to walk long distances to obtain it.

The trust placed in the hands at the USA southern border speaks to the REPUTATION of this country of enormous humanity. That is a reputation the USA has received due to two centuries of trust. This atrocity at the USA southern border is anti-American, a human rights violations leading to genocide for every child alienated from their family and an international crime.