Monday, September 08, 2008

What the Republicans are saying - energy.

"Energy Independence in Ten Years"

The McCain plan is the same as the Cheney National Energy Policy. McCain continues with all the same fossil fuels, such as oil, gas and coal. McCain also believes in building more nuclear plants.
There is no difference between McCain's plan and that of Cheney's Energy Committee. There was call for alternatives in Cheney's plan as well, but, just as with McCain it is not the focus of change in the nation's energy strategy.

Monday September 08 2008
John McCain's plan to cut carbon emissions will simply increase profits for America's biggest polluters
After eight years of inaction, carbon emissions policy may finally take a reality-based turn. Both Republican senator John McCain and Democratic senator Barack Obama have proposed "cap-and-trade" (CAT) plans. While McCain's running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, recently declared she doesn't believe climate change is "man-made", I'll assume that McCain continues to support his plan....