Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Media Fear Mongers of the USA are fabricators. Nothing more.

Going, Going, Gone! (click here)

Is Perez going to be exiled is the next 'real' question !

Why take the chance of this mess happening again, after all he came to power through a coup?

Perhaps he should be exiled to Afghanistan or India where he can finally learn what it is to be a peace maker and THEN write his repentant book regarding his traitor status to his people and those he conveniently called allies.

Meet the 'Acting President of Pakistan (in the foreground). The former Prime Minister Mohammedmian Soomro.

It is doubtful there will much consternation regarding this man as the parties are busy with a coalition government seeking new authority for Pakistan. Acting President Mohammedmian Soomro was Prime Minister under the former President Musharraf. I doubt there is much suprise to 'the business of Pakistan' this leader doesn't understand.

The war mongering media of the USA simply doesn't have a brain in their head other than one that screams fear at their listening audience.

They have NO credibility.

There are no such things as "Loose Nukes" in Pakistan. Musharraf gave up his general uniform some time ago. That ended on November 3, 2007. Does the American Neocon Media actually think they can get away with such misinformation?

Oh,wait. They don't care. They are only looking to turn the USA into aggitated, sleepless maniacs willing to put General McCain in charge of the USA nukes.