Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Good Night Moon"

The phase of the Moon on December 19, 2010 at 11:25 PM is 98% a Full Moon.


Bradley Manning and Julian Assange never had the capacity to destroy the USA through treason or otherwise. 

THE CAPACITY just wasn't there WITHOUT the evidence showing up in THE TRUTH.  But, there was no METHOD to destroy the USA infrastructure and that is how I know 'sincere treason' is not the issue.  Both men knew this was an act to balance the power and inform the public.

However, in the USA, as Mr. Assange is finding out, the truth doesn't really matter. 

On the other hand, Rupert Murdoch is not only guilty of treason, but, well on his way to achieving it.

I am really curious about something.


How close to treason was he ever in his life, especially before leaving Australia for as a citizen in the USA?