There is a right and a wrong in this life. The path the USA has been traveling has been one of immoral indulgence of wealth AT THE COST of overseeing the well being of us all. It is going to stop. There is no faith on this planet that has THE RIGHT TO DICTATE to another. NONE.
There no is man or woman alive that has THE RIGHT to pass judgement on another. NONE!
There is no political party with THE RIGHT to judge any citizen in this country as worthy of their own thoughts or their own well being. There is NO political party that has the right to deprive any citizen of this country the right to health and hence life. NONE!
Democractic US Senate contenders (from left) Michael E. Capuano, Stephen G. Pagliuca, Martha Coakley, and Alan Khazei addressed the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization’s concerns last night at Bethel AME Church in Jamaica Plain. (Photos By Matthew J. Lee/Globe Staff)There WAS a very healthy division of church and state in this country and it needs to be reclaimed while political influence with the Republican Party would see themselves in a 'high moral ground' to turn the USA into a theocracy. It is going stop.The race to fill the shoes of the Late Senator Edward Kennedy is a daughting one. He loved the people of Massachusetts as family and viewed the greater society of the USA the same way. I think one of the candidates running for US Senator to fill the shoes of the Late Senator Edward Kennedy had something interesting to say.Attorney General Martha Coakley: "The American dream has been turned upside down . . . and it is time to answer yes, yes, yes, yes to all these questions,’’ she said."I want you to look what 'the paranoid Senate' did to the page where Bill S1796 was. (click here) That link ONLY yesterday took anyone clicking on it to the Baucus Bill. That is called CENSORSHIP. Censorship is being practiced in the USA regarding the Baucus Bill. Hello, America. Hello? Whatever happened to transparency and DEMOCRATIC participation in government? Huh?Sorry, there is no web page matching your request. The address may have been typed incorrectly, the page may no longer exist, or the file may have been moved to a new location during our recent redesign.
Your request will be automatically redirected to the Home page after 10 seconds.
If this problem persists, please contact the Office of the Secretary Webmaster at, look at this (click here). Where, oh, where did the Senate Health Care Bill go, oh where oh where did it go?Why there it is. Redirected in hopes no one could find it. AH, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Let's see if the NEW link, less than 24 hours old, opens now.Why, there ya go (click here). Better download it to my computer before it disappears again.My, my, my, my. Shame on them.Page 1 seeks to capture the 'spirit' of the bill IN SMALL PRINT:To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.Well, they may have changed the 'statement' to ORIGINAL, rather than amending SSI LAW. It reads as below. It will show up soon enough if the bill amends the SSI laws or not. It will have to state so in the text of the bill. I don't think this was changed completely overnight either. ????????? At any rate, I have downloaded the text as it appears today at this computer site on November 16, 2009 at 7:39 PM. There will be no additions, deletions or alterations to the bill as it appears today by me. There is no other person that accesses this computer LEGALLY either. It is my personal desktop and it is a magnificent computer. Custom made so I could read satellites and do some online gaming and accumulate large volumes of information without deleting it. Currently when I need to transfer information off this DATA BASE, I have an 80 Gig hard drive that is a peripheral for PERMANENT storage. It isn't connected to this computer EXCEPT for OFFLINE transfers.So, with that, I can now read the bill uninterrupted. Unless the paranoid government does something stupid to it like consider it a SECURITY risk. It might be. TO THE GOP that is. Well, enough of all that.IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES
OCTOBER 19, 2009
Mr. BAUCUS, from the Committee on Finance reported the following original
bill; which was read twice and placed on the calendarI got a problem with the first page. Good reason to hide it, I suppose.A BILL
To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.I have a problem with the SHORT Title on the First Page:‘‘America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009’’This isn't about THE FUTURE. This is about changing the face of health care insurance and health care delivery and the quality of that delivery to enhance the quality of life of all Americans. It isn't about 'futures as in stocks either.' It is not about the well being of health insurance companies OVER and ABOVE the well being of the people that are suppose to receive care, so given those words BOTHER me, I think there is a better SHORT Title to be discerned here!Page 1, lines 6 & 7 being the Table of Contents to the Bill and it continues to the top of page 13. I am not interested in the Table of Contents or its 'correctness' to the actual content of the Bill. I don't intend to 'skim' through this babe. So. With that....Ah, PAGE 13. PAGE 13. PAGE 13. What a damn remarkable choice of verbiage. Dear God, does anyone really consider the Baucus bill ORIGINAL or benevolent to the well being of the people of this country. LUCKY 13 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Page 13, lines 1 through 13. What is it with this 13 junk? Someone's idea of a joke. I can't wait to see page 666. Coincidence I am sure.
Subtitle A—Insurance Market Reforms
The Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
Does anyone want to actually call this language legitimate? I mean really. This ONLY addresses individuals and small groups? Medicare is not an individual entity nor is it a small group, how can a bill with such BROAD interest in the people of the USA be amended into issues of small groups or individuals? That doesn't make sense.Insurance Market Reforms? Insurance Market Reforms? This isn't about the insurance market. It is about providing ACCESS to ALL Americans REGARDLESS of the Insurance Market. This isn't about supporting corporations or conglomerates in the market place. It is about the well being of the American people and access to QUALITY and affordable health care REGARDLESS of the provider.
I WANT A PUBLIC OPTION. WITHOUT QUESTION THERE IS TO BE A PUBLIC OPTION TO BE SURE THE PEOPLE OF THE USA AREN'T 'TRAPPED' IN 'REFORM' THAT DOES NOT BENEFIT THEM IN ANY CONFIGURATION OF THE MARKET.The Baucus Bill is ILLEGIMATE. The private insurance sector of the USA is NOT to be the beneficiary of ANY legislation of the people of the United States of America. This Bill is illegitimate. It is not about THE PEOPLE as the USA Constitution dictates, it is about 'the market' (an intangible and fluctuating entity). It isn't constitutional. It does NOTHING for the people and the laws of this land are supposed to be BLIND to private entities that are ALLOWED to exist within the SOVEREIGN boundaries of the USA. Our laws are about the PEOPLE, not Wall Street. Wall Street is allowed to exist. It is NOT guaranteed rights under the Constitution of the United States of America over and above the well being of the citizens of this country.Page 13, lines 14 through 20 and Page 14, lines 1 and 2:‘‘It is the purpose of this title to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable and essential health benefits coverage—
‘‘(1) by requiring that all new health benefits plans offered to individuals and employees in the individual and small group markets be qualified health benefits plans that meet the insurance rating reforms and essential health benefits coverage requirements established under parts A and C;WHERE IS THE ATTORNEY GENERAL? Where is Eric Holder !?!?!?!?!?!?!This is not about Insurance RATING reforms, it is about putting forth a law that protects the people of this country. Not reforming insurance RATES. Reforming insurance rates is not the business of the USA Constitution or its laws. Providing affordable access to the ALL the American people is what this legislation is supposed to provide.
I WANT A PUBLIC OPTION. THERE IS NO LEAVING IT OUT OF ANY BILL AND THESE "Rate Reforms" are an illegitimate use of the powers of the USA Legislature. Insurance rates are up to the companies and if they LOSE subscribers because they can't provide quality insurance at reasonable rates that is THEIR problem.
This is illegitimate use of the laws of the USA. This is practicing business with government authority.
You know what is going to happen here? There will be sculpted out some kind of understanding to provide some kind of 'RATE reform' to provide for individuals and small groups in the SSI laws and will abandon reform to those insurances that provide coverage to employees of businesses. As a consequence, the rates charged to companies for their insurance will go up without mercy and the people that work for large employers will have their rates unmercifully increased while services will diminish. This is unacceptable law. Completely. It interfers in the private sector of this country in an inappropriate manner. Page 14, lines 3 through 15:
‘‘(2) by establishing State exchanges under part B that provide individuals and employees in the individual and small group markets greater access to qualified health benefits plans and to information concerning these health plans;
‘‘(3) by making health benefits coverage more affordable by establishing premium credits and cost sharing subsidies under part C for individuals enrolling in a health benefits plan through an exchange; and
‘‘(4) by establishing the CO-OP program under part D to encourage the establishment of nonprofit health care cooperatives.
There is nothing comprehensive or worthwhile here. It divides benefits according to the SECTIONS of the Medicare Law. There are some benefits provider to individuals and small groups and there are some that are not. It is bad law.
To understand better what this bill does one has to realize the different aspects of the SSI law when it comes to health care. There is nothing comprehensive for people under the Baucus Bill. It divides up 'interest' in even the 'reform' it states it provides.
Part A, B, C, D 2009 (click here)
Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium
Part C Overview (Medicare Advantage Plan)
Part C is the combination of Part A and Part B. The main difference in Part C is that it is provided through private insurance companies approved by Medicare. With this program, you may have lower costs and receive extra benefits.
Part D Overview
Part D is stand-alone prescription drug coverage insurance. Most people do have to pay a premium for this coverage. Plans vary and cover different drugs, but all medically necessary drugs are covered. You can choose what drug plan will be best suited to your needs.
The ONLY way small groups and individuals will receive HOSPITAL coverage under the Baucus Bill is if it is provided by private insurance companies that currently qualify under Medicare Advantage. How convenient. How much money did Medicare Advantage throw to the people that wrote this mess?
And the coop for Part D, is for PERSCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE ONLY.
I don't think so.
How is Medicare Part D ever going to provide for medical coops? Part D is about perscription drug coverage. It isn't about medical ANYTHING. Is this a joke? Because if the Baucus Bill is a joke it is a very bad one.
This has gotten on my last nerve tonight. I'll pick up again tomorrow. For now, I have something to do really worth my time.