On December 18th, (click title to entry - thank you) during a rainy afternoon in Santa Cruz, a small group converged at the Town Clock to show support for Bradley Manning and Wikileaks. People spoke with one another while Takashi Yogi peddled a bicycle-powered sound system. Most people at the demonstration stood under a portable shelter with a sign that stated, "Free Bradley Manning! We deserve the truth. Thank you WikiLeaks!"In regard to Bradley, there are reports of very poor treatment of the young man. He is a citizen of the USA and his treatment SHALL NOT be worse than that of any other high security prisoner. I am very concerned the discussion for political purposes of this incident will play out with adverse consequences to this young man, the ONLY person being detained in prison at this moment regarding the UNAUTHORIZED and PREMATURE release of this information. In time, it would have all been released anyway as a "Freedom of Information Act" demand.
Another demonstration in support of Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks, with speakers and a march, is in the works for Saturday, January 8th at 1pm at the Town Clock.
I believe Bradley needs an 'independent observer' such as the International Red Cross to visit him and be sure he is not adversely affected. Also, I believe his attorney needs to insist, pending the findings of the INTERNATIONAL Red Cross and possibly Amnesty International, that he be removed from the custody of the military and placed in a Super-Max or something like that where he can anonymously receive better treatment while this 'episode' in USA military priorities plays out.
I believe the 'tensions' in the world currently were not a result of Bradley's actions, so much Bush and Cheney and that needs to be put into perspective as well.