Yep. They said it. It was a FOX News station. I heard it and I'm still wondering how any Earth process can 'select' carbon dioxide over any other and then vent it into outer space. I mean to tell you that is pure fantasy.
If they believe there is an Earth vent that is sending carbon dioxide into outer space, then they need a chimney sweep because it ain't working good.
The closer the USA gets to the elections of 2008, the more propaganda that will come out about Global Warming and Climate Change. The reason is obvious. When a President is elected to stop this deadly trend that the USA to date has refused to recognize yet alone legislate policy, the opposition will seek to 'Swiftboat' any mention of the legitimacy of the issue.
The link to this entry is an article about Solar Radiation. It has it's merits, but, nowhere in the article is there a mention of the increase in Earth's temperature because of the Sun's activities.
There is a direct and tracable link between rising carbon dioxide levels and climate change. That link goes back decades. It was estimated a long time ago that Earth would change with higher carbon dioxide levels. Not due to politics, but, because scientists wanted to understand and estimate the level of carbon dioxide that would bring about damage to biota and people. The estimates back then reflected far higher levels than we are currently experiencing that would bring about the severe changes we are seeing now. As a matter of fact some of the estimates were twice the level they are now.
I promised to return to the issue below regarding the circulation of the Arctic Ocean. It mentions cycles. That is a reference point for the scientists reporting their data. They are simply reporting information they have found in their research and making reference to past 'decade-long' events as a point of reference to go forward from. In other words, they understand their data in relation to prior events and therefore none of this seems alien to them to discuss.
The thing is this, as is with every other mention of cycles in relation to this topic. For one, there is no more debate. There is a huge concenus among scientists that Human Induced Global Warming is a foregone conclusion that requires action by all 'carbon dioxide polluting' nations. That is to begin. So when the Conservative Media continues to rant about fantasy and myth surrounding this issue, it's to maintain a political base and not to deal with the facts. The facts are plain and no different than the Larsen Ice Shelf was monitored and known to be on the verge of collapse by sincere study over decades of time, current time. Not historic, science simply does not have those records no matter how they study fossil remains and find evidence in Earth geological records, it will never reflect absolute conditions. Ice cores come the closest to realizing what Earth's troposphere was like in the historical record.
Earth has finite properties. There are not infinite possibilities to the reasons for the current trends of Climate Change. There just isn't. When Earth reacts to increasing heat there will be 'old patterns' of weather such as El Nino, the Arctic Oscillation, etc., etc.. That is the 'nature' of Earth. No one can change that. When old patterns manifest, it is easy to point to such events from recorded and ancient history, allowing false confidence in the 'idea' Earth was always alright and will continue to be. That 'attitude' is very dangerous and not prudent. In order for the reporting of the current Arctic Ocean circulation to be attributed to 'decadonal cycles,' there has to be COMPLETE correlation with historic record and not just a casual one. The relationship the scientists reporting their findings have assembled in this article is a casual one and I'll explain why.