Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Kiev needs to have their air defense at the ready.

This is probably what Putin and Trump discussed to prove NATO is in the crosshairs. France and the UK should not underestimate the plans of two madmen. It is why Zelenskyy was kept out of the talks.

If Russia launches a nuclear strike against Ukraine it would be to prove Trump reigns supreme. Watch North Korea as well. 

They are all up to no good. They are a bunch of power hungry, self-righteous, egotistical bastards. I don’t believe Iran has the capacity, but, it might with Russian assistance. Israel is threatening Iran with Daisy Cutters. It is now or never. 

The USA triad better be at the ready. Putin will play Trump for a fool and take no prisoners.

Musk will turn off Starlink.

(Click here)

Kentucky with 14 know deaths.

FEMA is a lifeline for Americans. No matter how imperfect the agency may be it is vital with the climate crisis continuing to destroy land and kill people.

(Click here)


Trump has the idea that being peers with
Communist countries will bring about peace. That is the issue. It is called surrender. 

He is also attempting to pay for the USA’s expenses in the world differently. Eliminate the federal budget by removing Cabinet level agencies, cut the military budget in half, and use tariffs, as in the years before the 16th Amendment to pay for whatever is left as an expense.

The USA and others such as the City of New York forgave Trump’s obligation to pay taxes for 16 years. He doesn’t want to pay taxes anymore.

He has serious delusional issues as none of his goals are embedded in reality. He continues to lie and simply won’t stop. He is at the very least delusional about the real world. 

Russia thinks Trump is great. Of, course. Russia has lost the war in Ukraine, but, with Trump’s delusion Putin could reconstitute the USSR. Trump is a really stupid guy about the real world. What else is there to say? 

He fired the USA nuclear scientists by mistake. Oops. Republicans are tolerating this man? What do they hope to gain by playing him against the reality the USA lives in everyday? Seriously. “The people love him.” That is what some Republicans are saying. It appears they don’t care about the country, but, only the monoculture of Project 2025.

Trump believes propaganda is a cure all.

Trump believes Putin, but, not NATO. Trump believes his own lies. Everyone knows that and now President Zelenskyy does. 

The MAGA culture is built by tabloid journalists. That culture is Trump’s philosophy. Trump is an ideologue. Trump has mental health issues and let’s face it he couldn’t pull off a victory in the real world so he turned to the culture of adult political fantasy. 

President Zelenskyy has lead Ukraine brilliantly clearing away corruption to the point where Europe believes Ukraine can joint their economy.

February 24, 2025 will mark the third year of Russian invasion into Ukraine. Russia needs to leave a Post-Soviet country it lost a long time ago. The dissolution of the Soviet Union was on display and will never be reconstituted.

I suppose it is a real challenge for allies to deal with a seriously disturbed USA president.

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Ad Junct

Any scientist threatened by Trump’s assault could propose an Ad Junct position to any teaching institution where they can preserve and carry out their research. 

The private sector is an option but research is hobbled for profit.

National Security

Rebuilding the federal government needs to begin and end with national security. The Trump national security council has a single characteristic across the group; they have voluminous evidence of an anti-military focus. Go get ‘em. Keep them in line.

Best advice for Dems

Don’t over react.

Continue to oppose an obvious breach of the USA Constitution.

Offer a starkly better plan that effectively cuts costs, including agency personnel and reduce taxes. I know the Dems are up to it. They know exactly where to cut to be effective without assaulting the USA Constitution. Give real world reasons for every measure.

Allow social groups to carry the social burden.

Look. Trump is lying about everything and following Project 2025 to the letter. He is ethnic cleansing abroad and domestically. The social groups directly involved with these populations are best to speak to the injustices and the crisis. The American people will listen to them, not politicians. It worked for the Gay community a long time ago when families started to speak for their loved ones. Congress members are not immune to the pain of our people either. They have to speak well of their personal experiences. It is horrific. People most effected will become stressed and worse.

Good luck to all.



There is no transparency.

(Click here)

“…finding widespread waste and fraud …”

The statement “I am finding widespread waste and fraud..” is a cliche. There is no widespread anything except invasion of privacy and every American should be concerned.

At the Social Security Administration, Musk’s DoGE isn’t looking for any criminal activity, they are looking for medical records and work activities of those receiving their Social Security retirement. Why? To fraudulently state Americans are healthy enough to work until they are 90 so there is no use to continue SSI payments. The only fraud is the misinformation, frank lies, and attempt at manipulation of the public by Trump, Musk, and their minions.

This country will be 250 years old next year. That isn’t going to change. The only thing that will suffer under Trump’s widespread assault against American privacy is the economy. While Trump is dissolving the federal government to take over governance as a dictator, the states that will suffer the most are the Red States that are impoverished both culturally and economically.

Monoculture dictated by Project 2025 lacks the impulsion to create so much as stagnant. Politicians chasing ideology take the current vibrancy of the USA for granted. Ideologues never get enough of their own boredom and never ask why things are so great as it is right now.