Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Mike Johnson

So far he is a preacher, national guardsman at the southern border, deficit Hawk while the USA is an ally and a genocidal defeated, the freest most powerful nation in the world was hard fought for over two hundred years. Decentralizing the legislative branch of the USA Constitution means defeating the vote because the US House is where legislation of the people happen. Decentralizing legislative power guaranteed by the USA Constitution is an insurgent leader and nothing short of it.

It would be interesting to see how much each Republican received in donations with the vote today and who donated it.

It would not be difficult to imprison Trump. Give him an ankle bracelet and commission the secret service to guard him at home. 

It is impossible for a home arrest to interfere with the political campaigns of insurgents.

Johnson plans to legislate hope. Really?

I have as much liberty than I have ever had. No more, no less. The same all my life. Good reason to keep communists and terrorists in their place.

How much does hope need in the federal budget? I doubt insurgents, like Trump, should have any hope in the federal budget.

US House

 Every word spoken by Stefanik came from Trump or one of his speech writers.

I don’t want to hear one more word about tax cuts for the wealthy. Being a strong ally to Israel is not cheap. Any Republican that wants to cut taxes for the wealthy are not supportive of Israel and are nothing but Trump pandering political insurgents.

Where is the interview with the Insurgent Trump to ask how it feels to own a political party?

It is so hypocritical to have the Capital Police to be securing the Capital where a vote inside is to elect a Trump puppet for US House Speaker. The GOP are a bunch of cowards in standing up for the USA Constitution.

Thank you Trump witnesses

It isn’t easy to be a witness in the Trump trials. The country got a taste of the people that surround Trump when Rep. Jordan’s wife was terrorized by a Trump supporter.

Coming forward to do the right thing for the country is full of Trump supporters supplying plenty of pressure not to be honest or supportive of prosecutors. 

It is best for the country if all the prosecutions go forward with credible witnesses to bring the truth to bear. Justice requires transparency.

Trump terrorists are all part of a false sense of security the former president seems to enjoy.

Princess Raina can look forward to…

 Gaza Evacuation (click here)

I hardly believe the West has been complacent. Astounded by the brutality perhaps, but, I wouldn’t think the word complacent applies.

Hamas has been a criminal organization from the beginning. They were granted Gaza in hopes it would end hostilities between the two nations of people. That never happened even after Hamas was accepted as a political interest of the Palestinian people. 

It is all countries can do to handle their own evacuations from the area and now they are to evacuate Gaza. It is impossible. People should be allowed a process from Gaza to Egypt refugee camp where they can process to their homes elsewhere in the world or transport into the West Bank for Palestinians without any other destination.

If that is impossible to accomplish it is because terrorist groups have been accepted as the status quo far too long while hoping they would find meaning in democracy if even a generation later.

Hamas’ act against Israel has completely destabilized the entire region. Peaceful countries are frantic for their own citizens. The West Bank should have had in place contingency plans for such possibilities but evidently even President Abbas didn’t expect this.

The instability in the Middle East is compliments of Iran’s propagated hate expressed through religious intolerance, violence, and war armament proliferation to terrorist organizations. 


This is what HOPE breeds. Extending kindness and concern to so called “adversely effected” populations has rarely resulted in benevolence and reform. The world is to small for religious intolerance.

In all honesty, the terrorist groups need to stop their hatred and count their blessings instead. Nuclear proliferation is not an answer, it is and always has been mutual assured destruction. The entire paradigm is pure idiocy and the Non-Proliferation Treaty should have been achieved a long time ago.

I can’t believe how narrow minded these people have become only to realize now their is no such thing as a single religion in the entire world. There is no such thing as a single world government either. How completely stupid is that idea.

Communists always make that mistake. They think the only way communism survives is if it is a world order, while democracies hum along in diversity and benevolent acceptance of differences. 


It is time for Middle East leaders to stop tolerating terrorists within their borders as a method of civil order and domestic peace. Accepting any terrorist within any country is NOT normal domestic peace!