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It is more than obvious the GRE is involved with this war technology. There may not be frank physical evidence of its existence, but, a lot can be inferred from highly qualified people like “Carrie” and her legitimate observations for the American intelligence agencies to make the correct call. Any physical evidence disappears when the GRE shuts down the wavelength contamination.
(It is my opinion the wavelength contamination in the case of “Carrie” resulted when she was located with her cell phone that then emitted the wavelength that effected her.)
This technology is not new. We know China and Russia spy on USA technology to have at the ready counter measures to cause the same damage of the USA. The USA has been developing wavelength technology as a military weapon for a long time. I don’t think the country has ever used it because of the permanence of the damage it causes to the human body. The USA does practice some degree of ethical warfare unless it’s backed into a corner.
In realizing the USA intelligence agencies are mostly washing their hands of the investigation (possibly by Tech Lobbyists) into “The Havana Syndrome” leaves enormous questions;
“How widespread can such technology be applied to an entire population of people?”
“What kind of energy does it take to cause such disruptive wavelengths?”
“How long can the wavelength be sustained?”
AND the important question;
“How is such an attack detected, stopped, and prevented?”
The intelligence agencies should be a friend to the American people, not Wall Street and certainly not Russia.
At this point the American people need a different disinterested third party to conduct a thorough investigation to a very dangerous and damaging war technology used against Americans in service to their country.
Russia is ruthless, ie: Navalny. Leave no stone unturned please.