Friday, April 04, 2008

Martin Luther King, Jr., Remembered on 40th Anniversary of Assassination

His last speech was so eerily foretelling it is difficult to deny he may have realized someone was about to assassinate him. He was just 'so ready' to make that speech, it's prophetic. There was only one Martin Luther King and for all the great Black leaders that have come in his wake, none have been him. Not even close.

Assassination does indeed take them away. It might galvanize a society to memorialize them, but, it also removes their presence of thought and inspiration. During this time of upheaval in the USA we lost some of the greatest minds of our time through assassination. We tried to 'keep them alive,' but, there is no replacing them.

Guns were the vehicles to their loss and that is a reality all to easily overshadowed by interests otherwise. I could never understand how a nation could tolerate the loss of such great people at the end of a bullet, only to allow such free flow of weapons on their own streets decades later. It makes no sense. It's almost as though there is a lack of respect for the dignity brought to our social conscience by the greatest of men such as Dr. King. He was a man of peace. He never carried a gun.

Great people walk unafraid in our society, I would think we would do what we could to make sure their footsteps in time were safe to travel the path they were intended for their entire longevity rather than accepting their deaths in stride. I miss him and those we lost during that American Era. It is my belief their loss has sincerely damaged the morality and commitment of the USA to social justice and lasting international peace. What would all of them say today if they witnessed the travesty of their country now?

On March 29, 2008, the people of Earth celebrated Earth Hour

In places like Dubai they had parades and children participated (click here). Most major cities around the world participated and it is estimated megawats of power were saved (click here).

Although to some this seems a minor activity and somewhat futile, it wasn't. For an entire hour, the people of Earth paused, reflected and celebrated Earth. It was a proud and glorious moment that were witnessed by the children yet to inherit an Earth rich in biotic content and full of the promise of the future.

If the people of Earth can agree for an hour, they can agree for an eternity.

I want to bring opinion to an article that appeared in the BBC yesterday regarding Climate Change.

April 4, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite

Noted several vortexes, two exceptionally large vortexes over each of the oceans, one at the water/surface interface of the Pacific Northwest, there is also a smaller one west of the Atlantic vortex creating a huge air wedge.

Image: La Niña is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the central equatorial Pacific. The colder than normal water is depicted in this image in blue. During a La Niña stronger than normal trade winds bring cold water up to the surface of the ocean. Credit: NASA

The discussion of the article points to the fact that La Nina is a cooling trend that will somehow provide some relief to Earth's global temperatures until a five year period goes by at which time the planet will sustain record high temperatures.

The author naively pursues a path of isolation of the event called La Nina. In an article in 2006, NASA clearly stated the La Nina phenomena would not change any Atlantic hurricane patterns (click here).

Eliminated from the article is the dynamic that would explain a sudden rise in temperatures in five years. One aspect of Human Induced Global Warming which has lead to the current Climate Change, is that all atmospheric phenomena are in play. The northern oscillation of both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the southern oscillations of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Arctic Oscillation. In conjuction with that is the chronic phenomena of vortexes that have manifested thoughout Earth's troposphere.

These vortexes/vortices act as heat transfer systems. They are chronic, unrelenting because of the significantly high temperatures under a thick blanket of carbon dioxide. The fact that Earth is warming has incredible amounts of verifiable evidence, the least of which is the gross reduction in sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, the shrinking of glaciers globally and the collapse of the ice sheets of Antartica. That doesn't even begin to discuss the droughts, which are brought on by oscillations in climate.

It is grossly "W"rong and highly political to separate the reality of these climate systems into separate circumstances of Earth when in fact they are all occurring at the same time and with the same result. The bottom line to any evaluation of Earth's current climate is one of dire concern and prudent regulations of fossil fuels. The human condition on Earth will not improve with Climate Change, it will only get worse. Certainly, the most extreme examples of that are the deaths in France some years ago when thousands of people died due to unexpected heat, the suffering of the African people with severe and persistent droughts and of course Katrina.

While anyone is allowed to publish nearly any opinion or write an article that appears to have brevity, the fact remains that these opinions when linked with hope of scientists and their evidence being "W"rong only prolongs the resolve nations need to pursue the measures to protect their populous and act in ways that will stem further demise of Earth's precious oceans and ice fields.

Enough of this stupidity already, when 90% of the scientists agree on the dynamics of a heating Earth, it's time everyone else stop their manipulation and pandering to oil companies and the possiblity of raising doubt !

The article is below:

Global warming 'dips this year' (click here)
By Roger Harrabin
BBC News environment analyst
Global temperatures will drop slightly this year as a result of the cooling effect of the La Nina current in the Pacific, UN meteorologists have said.
The World Meteorological Organization's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, told the BBC it was likely that La Nina would continue into the summer.
This would mean global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory.
But experts say we are still clearly in a long-term warming trend - and they forecast a new record high temperature within five years.
The WMO points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C....

The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (Crystal Wind Chime) is:

March 31, 2008
Harsens Island, Michigan

Elevation :: 33 ft / 10 m

Local Time: 6:08 AM AKDT

Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W

Temperature :: 39 °F / 4 °C

Conditions :: Overcast

Windchill :: 39 °F / 4 °C

Humidity :: 87%

Dew Point :: 36 °F / 2 °C

Wind :: Calm

Pressure :: 30.02 in / 1016 hPa (Steady)

Visibility :: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers

UV :: 0 out of 16

Scattered Clouds 1900 ft / 579 m
Mostly Cloudy 3100 ft / 944 m
Overcast 4700 ft / 1432 m
(Above Ground Level)