This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Climate Meeting in Copenhagen was very successful. The world doesn't have to agree, it has to cooperate.
There is $100 billion in aid to poorer nations from industrial nations.
All nations will report to an emission verification system, including China.
The accord that was reached will reduce Greenhouse Gases and provides for protections of very valuable rainforests through protections from deforestation.
There won't be allowances for Plantation Forests. They are SINGLE species forests and cut biodiversity to nearly nothing.
To be honest, I think there are many in the community breathing a sigh of relief that a comprehensive understanding wasn't completely reached. The language to the main agreement was toxic, left over from the Neocons in the White House and their State Department that muddied the waters globally.
The EPA decision was the best of the annoucements, quite frankly. The USA stopped denying it was the largest polluter on the planet and did something about it.
The United Nations needs to work closely, if not in conference with, the Clinton State Department to bring deeper understating to the needed language of the 'pact' in a year from now. The language really needs to reflect the 'best' interest of Earth as needed for sustainable life. And that was life, not economies.
I believe the USA State Department can incorporate environmental protections AGAIN to their relations with other nations, such as Ethiopia and Indonesia.
In a year, after the language is better, there will be more cohesive agreement. The funds are necessary to continue protections of valuable carbon sinks, so they aren't abandoned to poor management principles, as Bush no doubt advocated.
Everyone did a great job and there should not be ill will between any of the participants including the demonstrators. It is an important issue. It was better this year and will improve next year.
I don't know how many times I have stated on this Blog,...
Where is Joe Lieberman on that? "Let it ride."
Those websites should have been shut down years ago and he claims to be a competent leader.
When the nation realizes ANY cost increase the Republicans are predicting is CAUSED by Joe Lieberman, he won't be in office long.
Kick him out !
He is not a competent legislator and in Homeland Security, he called the massacre at Fort Hood a terrorist attack. That is straight out of Murdoch's playbook, NOT, the USA military. Lieberman has more clout than the military?
Lieberman: Fort Hood Shooting Could Be 'Most Destructive Terrorist Act' Committed on U.S. Soil Since 9/11 (click here)
He had the nerve to use inflammatory language about the military? Worst since 911? Where does he 'get off' being confrontational to military investigations and exploiting violence for political propaganda? That is all that is, by the way. When one is pulling stunts out of the Murdoch playbook, it is propaganda and political grandstanding. No, Chairman of Homeland Security should be defaming the investigations our military, especially not in this case. I don't think so.
Maybe he should have waited for the CID report, at the very least. (click here)
There was no real indication the violence that would result. Nidal Hasan had everyone fooled. He just did.
...But Allen stopped short of criticizing the FBI (click here), saying that it is "extraordinarily stretched in working counterterrorism cases."...
Joe Liberman is NOT competent. The only way I can see my way clear of criticizing the USA military is if Lieberman and Homeland Security had reported suspicious activity BEFORE it occurred. That didn't happen. So, Lieberman has no grounds to state otherwise. He is simply, CYAing for his electorate. A sincere leader doesn't oppose the findings of career military that were doing the level best they could.
...“It is not the cup half empty, but rather the cup half full,” (click title to entry - thank you) said Francis Padilla, vice president for program policy and administration at the Universal Healthcare Foundation....
Good job, Connecticut, real good.
"...he wasn't the only Senator opposed to a public option, even though he got the lion's share of the attention. "There's a lot of venom out there in our political system. I can't let that stop me from doing what I think is right....''
The citizens of Connecticut have ONE person to thank for raising their Health Care Insurance, AND, no one else.
President Obama stated, the nation needs a Public Option to compete with private industry. What is so difficult to understand now? Hm?
Under a thick blanket of CO2, snowfall never lasts long in the USA.
Flooding is occurring. Some families may have to take shelter by Christmas.
...At 8 pm Monday the Savannah River (click title to entry - thank you) at Burtons Ferry had a stage of 17.0 feet. Flood stage is 15 feet. Minor flooding is occurring. The river is forecast to fall to 16.9 feet by Wednesday morning. At 15.0 feet, flooding of some adjacent agricultural lands occurs. Most boat ramps along the river are unusable.
At 7 pm Monday the Savannah River near Clyo had a stage of 16.2 feet. Flood stage is 11 feet. Moderate flooding is occurring. The river is forecast to remain at 16.2 feet through Wednesday morning. At 14.5 feet, the bottom floor of several riverfront homes along Tom Goethe Road begin to flood....
The Unemployment Rates in the USA are improving in Non-Farm Areas.
The goal of this administration is marred everywhere with heritage issues from the Bush Administration.
Their goals are also to return 'GOOD PAYING' jobs to Americans. That isn't easy considering how many of the the American work force has endured paycuts and outsourcing. I think President Obama is doing an admirable job when one realizes where we were a year ago.
Regional and state unemployment rates were generally lower in November. (click title to entry - Thank you)
Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month
unemployment rate decreases, 8 states registered rate increases, and 6
states had no rate change, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported
today. Over the year, jobless rates increased in all 50 states and the
District of Columbia. The national unemployment rate edged down in No-
vember to 10.0 percent, 0.2 percentage point lower than October, but
3.2 points higher than November 2008....
Some of the failure of a rebound is what I described earlier in regard to States convening their legislatures to create jobs and extend training.
The weather promises to be colder as the nation just experienced a major snow storm. It is the time to weatherize. The Stimulus funds need more oversight as some of the projects appear to be no better quality than those in Iraq by Halliburton.
WEATHERIZATION PROJECT: Nevada behind schedule in spending stimulus funds (click here)
State must use or lose federal monies
Nevada has some catching up to do if it hopes to make full use of millions in federal stimulus dollars aimed at making homes more energy efficient and creating green jobs.
Of the $18.6 million in Recovery Act funds available to Nevada for residential weatherization projects, only $607,000 had been spent retrofitting about a hundred homes by the end of last month....
Michael Cooper is used to reporting on shoddy construction, he covered Iraq for a long time.
Inadequate Oversight Cited in Weatherization Program (click here)
When federal inspectors visited Illinois recently to see how the state was using $242 million in stimulus money for weatherizing homes, they were troubled by what they found.
A weatherization contractor had done slipshod work, installing a furnace that leaked gas in one home, they said, and the local agency overseeing the work had failed to detect the leak. The state was not inspecting the work of all the agencies administering the work, and the federal government was not making required site visits. In short, both the state and federal oversight of the program fell short, they found....
The Public needs education to their best outcomes when weatherizing their residence and businesses. They have become accustomed to the 'LACK' of help from systematic abuse by Republicans and need a refresher course on what to expect and checking the costs.
Montana Weatherization Training Center
Montana State University Extension & Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Providing Training and Certification to the Weatherization Professional since 1991
The goal of weatherization is to reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety....