There is $100 billion in aid to poorer nations from industrial nations.
All nations will report to an emission verification system, including China.
The accord that was reached will reduce Greenhouse Gases and provides for protections of very valuable rainforests through protections from deforestation.
There won't be allowances for Plantation Forests. They are SINGLE species forests and cut biodiversity to nearly nothing.
To be honest, I think there are many in the community breathing a sigh of relief that a comprehensive understanding wasn't completely reached. The language to the main agreement was toxic, left over from the Neocons in the White House and their State Department that muddied the waters globally.
The EPA decision was the best of the annoucements, quite frankly. The USA stopped denying it was the largest polluter on the planet and did something about it.
The United Nations needs to work closely, if not in conference with, the Clinton State Department to bring deeper understating to the needed language of the 'pact' in a year from now. The language really needs to reflect the 'best' interest of Earth as needed for sustainable life. And that was life, not economies.
I believe the USA State Department can incorporate environmental protections AGAIN to their relations with other nations, such as Ethiopia and Indonesia.
In a year, after the language is better, there will be more cohesive agreement. The funds are necessary to continue protections of valuable carbon sinks, so they aren't abandoned to poor management principles, as Bush no doubt advocated.
Everyone did a great job and there should not be ill will between any of the participants including the demonstrators. It is an important issue. It was better this year and will improve next year.