Firemen hose down a burning fuel truck at the site of a suicide bomb attack in Baghdad August 1, 2007. (click here)Four more American soldiers die in Iraq (click here)I intend to 'feature' issues until back home. Obviously, the 'mistrust' of this administration goes beyond the possibility of actually taking a 'real' vacation, as there just isn't a day that goes by the USA can claim it has a 'good government.' It doesn't. In regard to 'wise' infrastructure investments it hasn't existed for the entire 30 year Republican RULE. There has been 'a chance' to move the nation toward better choices with intermittent Democratic administrations but they never had the support of a strong Democratic legislature. The 'crumbling' USA is today the responsibility of the last Republican dominated decade. I remind everyone, Gingrich 'ran game' against the Clinton Administration and successfully 'collapsed,' American healthcare and American infrastructure. The Republicans are TOXIC to the American landscape on all fronts. It's time for a major 'overhaul' of the 'DC infrastructure.The Republicans have no conscience when it comes to 'occupying' the power of government. They'll do anything including 'The Contract with America' and 'pretending' to be moral and honorable men. There is no way. George Walker Bush says his prayers, questionably daily, while the corruption of his party is faciliated by his ruthless attacks against the USA Constitution. It's verifible. People could write books regarding 'The Bush Attack' on the USA Constitution.
In Iraq today there is a very high level of 'mistrust' by the people of Iraq and rightfully so. The Bush Administration, whom is COMPLETELY and DIRECTLY responsible for ALL that has happened in Iraq has never accepted the fact the people of that country don't want what he offers as a political solutoin. We need to leave Iraq to the Iraqis. When the politicians in the White House state the 'mistrust' is unforeseen they are simply lying. The mistrust of the Bush Administration by EVERYONE including the American Populous was predictable and measurable. The damages started with incompetents that Bush still rely on regarding Iraq, the Commanders. Currently, Colonel Michael Steele is STILL in the military while he openly and aggressively lied to troops regarding their mission and brainwashed them to kill anyone in their path to insure they would return home alive if not intact. The 'insurgency' was more than justified and continues to be legitimate as a rebellion against an American military that is "W"rongly deployed into a sovereign country. It's just that simple. Over and over again Bush states how he relies on 'HIS Commanders' to tell him what is happening in Iraq to JUSTIFY the continued occupation. His Commanders are corrupt and desperate to maintain as low a level of American troop deaths as possible otherwise they don't have a war to fight or a career under this Commander and Chief.
Very early on, Don Rumsfeld stated when the troop death toll hits 5000 the American people would not tolerate the losses anymore. It was a priority of The Bush Commanders to kill regardless of the chaos and justified mistrust that would result of their very aggressive and desperate battlefield strategies.
Colonel Michael Steele is a prime example of this "W"rong-headed war. He brainwashed American troops to believe they were fighting the people that caused the events of September 11th and developed a 'culture' that supported that all the way to deceiving the families of dead soldiers in memorial ceremonies.
Bush has to go and the troops have to come home. It just needs to be done. The evidence to that fact is far to voluminous to even begin to cover here.
I'll pursue "It's Saturday Night" but it might appear as early as tomorrow morning.
This year, vote to save your country, it's future which includes "The Rebuilding of the USA without Regrets."
In the article below, Gates is lying, The Mistrust of the USA started with the initial invasion and has been palpable. Colonel Michael Steele never killed one insurgent, but, massacred innocent civilians out of paranoia. It is easily stated that Colonel Michael Steele not only started the insurgency by reinforced it. It only grew after that and today we are still witnessing the aftermath of the initial illegal invasion. Gates is just trying to 'cover up' the reason for the political failure with excuses. There is no excuse for Iraq and it is easily stated with 8 million Iraqis holding on to life by threads of humanitarian support we could be looking at a genocide that dwafts Rwanda. Iran has to be let into Iraq to save lives and restore faith in leadership of the Shi'ites. Otherwise the people of Iraq are doomed to die.
The Saudis are already in An Albar and need to continue to support the people there, but, the 'no bid' military contracts currently proposed by Rice, Gates and Bush have to be defeated by the American Legislature. There is no way billion upon billions of munitions can be allowed into the Middle East. It is simply an outrage to propose to a highly unstable and volitile region of the world.
'Depth of mistrust' in Iraq unforeseen (click here)
With Sunnis' exit from government, Pentagon chief Gates says the focus will be on achieving reconciliation at a provincial level.
By Peter Spiegel and Alexandra Zavis, Times Staff WritersAugust 3, 2007
ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates acknowledged Thursday that the Bush administration underestimated the difficulty of getting a political truce in Iraq, where Prime Minister Nouri Maliki's government has been crippled by a walkout by Sunni Arab ministers.
Gates said he was optimistic about military progress in several Iraqi regions, particularly Al Anbar, a western province that was once a haven for insurgents.
But he said he was discouraged by the Shiite-dominated government's inability to reach a compromise to pass legislation aimed at reconciling the country's ethnic and sectarian groups. Reaching such political agreements, a central goal of the troop buildup strategy, may still be a long way off, he said.
"I just think in some ways we probably all underestimated the depth of the mistrust and how difficult it would be for these guys to come together," Gates said....
US 'underestimated' mistrust in Iraq (click here)
Compiled by Daily Star staff
Friday, August 03, 2007
Washington underestimated the difficulty of getting Iraq's Sunnis and Shiites to agree on key national reconciliation measures, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates admitted Thursday. At the end of a regional tour, he called the withdrawal of the main Sunni bloc from the Baghdad government "discouraging."
Meanwhile, Iraqi politicians said they were hoping for a breakthrough to restore a unity government after the withdrawal of the Accordance Front, but the magnitude of the sectarian conflict was underlined by the slaying of five brothers.
A suicide bomber drove a car bomb into a queue of recruits at a police station north of Baghdad, killing 13 people a day after bombs killed more than 70 people in the capital.
Gates told reporters as he flew back to Washington that gains made in security in western Iraq's Anbar Province and at the local level were cause for optimism, but he also acknowledged they were offset by divisions at the top....
Marine found guilty in death of Iraq civilian (click here)
Boston Globe
A Marine Corps squad leader from Plymouth, who his family said was haunted by his tour of duty in Iraq, was convicted yesterday of murdering an Iraqi civilian during a frustrated search for an insurgent.
Peter Schworm
August 3, 2007
Marine found guilty in death of Iraq civilian
Plymouth serviceman faces up to life term for murder.
By Peter Schworm, Globe Staff August 3, 2007
A Marine Corps squad leader from Plymouth, who his family said was haunted by his tour of duty in Iraq, was convicted yesterday of murdering an Iraqi civilian during a frustrated search for an insurgent.
Sergeant Lawrence G. Hutchins III, 23, faces a maximum punishment of life in prison without parole. He had been charged with premeditated murder, but premeditation was stricken from the verdict that was returned by a military jury at Camp Pendleton in California.
A verdict of premeditated murder would have meant a mandatory sentence of life in prison. Hutchins was also convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, making a false official statement, and larceny. He was acquitted of kidnapping, assault, and housebreaking....