Bush is using his Lame Duck Administration to instill regulations that will lead to wide ranging lawsuits. They are all about money and only money. The Neocons have no conscience and the 'monkeying' with the Family - Medical Leave Act is proof. Let this day, 60 days from inauguation, represent the two faced nature of the Republican Party. They 'play' with people's emotions to become elected and then slash their rights and the well being of the unborn to suit their cronies.
American should remember this day. November 21, 2008. The Day President George Walker Bush turned his back on the Unborn !
He is proposing hideous and irresponsible changes in 'regulations' beginning with the Family and Medical Leave Act whereby those taking leave will not be able to substitute paid vacation time off. Is that ridiculous or what? Now, parents (the beloved Baby Pro-Life Producers) will have to bring their infants into the world without the benefit of financial security for the length of time the mother and/or father determines to be best for that transition into parenthood by either birth or adoption.
Amazing. Bush is a hypocrit and carpetbagger.
He states he is Pro-Life, but, in the next breath denies the unborn of financially secure parents to welcome it into the world. That is incredible, how do people like him look themselves in the mirror? He favors the whims of business over that of a stable circumstance to a child birth. But, mind you, according to Bush, the newly conceived is an American citizen. Unbelievable.
Other regulatory changes are predictable from the 'hated filled' President of the USA, exploitation of National Parks and assaulting the Endangered Species Act. Bush has done nothing in his irrational 'rationalizing' except created litigation issues.
Most of these assaults won't stand for the four year tenure of the President-Elect. They are all old enough to require a revisit and bolstering especially considering the ravages of the Republicans for eight years.
After Obama takes office it will be an eye-opener to realize the extent corruption has played into the Bush/Cheney years. They can 'paper shred' from now until January 20th, but, they won't be able to hide from the very shadows of their actions that have dismantled the USA economy left by Former President Clinton and placed the USA at the disposal for war that increased the opportunity for global terrorist networks.
I can't wait.