This is the way trade relations is suppose to work. Welcome to the Chinese Middle Class.
The UK has nothing to worry about because they are not displaced from tourism to the USA, it means there will be Chinese tourists at the destination, too.
Basically, the more the merrier.
February 23, 2017
By Katie Johnson
A record number of Chinese tourists visited Boston last year, (click here) dethroning the United Kingdom as the top source of overseas tourists. And next month, local tourism officials are leading their first sales mission to China to attract even more.
The number of Chinese visitors to the area has more than doubled over the past four years, to an estimated 230,000 last year, according to the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau.
The visitors bureau is aiming to again more than double the number of Chinese visitors to the city to half a million by 2021.
This is the Chinese the people of the USA wanted to bring about in opening trade relations with President Richard Nixon. This is the USA that is proud of it's ability to instill an understanding of quality of life and how everyone on Earth is welcome to practice it.
Economies topple when they are contracted into the foreign impoverished worker and the American consumer. Citizen to citizen there should be an understanding healthy economies with quality of life, including health care, should exist for all. No more of the wacko Wall Street paradigm. It is over!
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, February 23, 2017
There is every reason to continue with all venues of treatment and cure.
February 23, 2017
By Natalie Akoorie
Curtis said it was previously known that the troublesome Lewy bodies accumulated in susceptible cells, but it was not known that the protein could spread from cell to cell, in the same way a straw connects two cups....
Obeso, Jose A., (click here)
Maria C Rodriguez-Oroz,
Christopher G Goetz,
Concepcion Marin,
Jeffrey H Kordower,
Manuel Rodriguez,
Etienne C Hirsch,
Matthew Farrer,
Anthony H V Schapira
& Glenda Halliday. "Missing Pieces in Parkinson's Disease Puzzle,"
Nature Medicine, 23 May 2010; 16, 653–661
By Natalie Akoorie
New evidence on how Parkinson's disease spreads (click here) offers renewed hope for a cure, according to researchers.
In a paper, published today in Scientific Reports - Nature, the study revealed that pathological proteins (known as Lewy bodies) in Parkinson's disease could be spread from cell to cell.
The discovery, made by researchers at the University of Auckland, is the first strong evidence on how Parkinson's develops and will help advance treatment of the disease.
Associate Professor Maurice Curtis, who leads research on Parkinson's disease at the University's Centre for Brain Research, said the new evidence is the first proof, using donated human brains, of the mechanism controlling the spread.

Obeso, Jose A., (click here)
...What can we learn from gene therapy? Currently, there are four clinical trials testing different gene therapy approaches against Parkinson's disease. One finding common to all of these studies is that no serious adverse events have yet been reported for any of the procedures....
Everything old is new again.
The giant November 2016 earthquake (click here) has snapped the top decks from a sunken Soviet cruise liner in the Marlborough Sounds.
The magnitude-7.8 tremor of November 14 last year pummelled the upper east coast of the South Island, cutting off the tourist mecca of Kaikoura, and causing its seabed to rise up to 2m.
It's also had an incredible impact on the wreck of the Mikhail Lermontov cruise liner which sank in Port Gore, at the northern end of the Marlborough Sounds, on February 16, 1986.
Go Dive Marlborough owner Brent McFadden, who has dived the world-renowned wreck thousands of times, noticed its damage just two days after the quake.
He found the top three decks of the 155m, 20,000-tonne Mikhail Lermontov had been jolted off in the force of the shaking and water force....
It is religious bigotry. There is no doubt about it. Caught 'ya.
The entire presidency of "W" was based out of the support of the Religious Right. Unfortunately, the Religious Right tends to be the voting base in Texas. The more reasonable persons are found, in no surprise, the larger cities of the states.
All the radical ideas found in the Trump administration are also seen in "W"s, but, with different measure of extremism. Trump found his place among the Tea Party that rejected the establishment Republicans.
The changes in education (click here), immigration, acceptance of sexual identity differences, housing (click here) and environmental law (click here) is all based in religious bigotry.
The introduction of computer based learning in impoverished populations of the USA is to force more and more children out of public education. Additionally, we already know voucher programs are primarily to "advance God's kingdom." (click here) That is engineered and institutionalized religious bigotry. How many churches don't mind the federal money but reject federal agendas because of it's religious standing?
Immigration is obvious. (click here)
Rejecting the transgender identity of children is based in hate and religious bigotry. When children are rejected at any level of society, what does that mean for the rest of us?
The cut back in housing incentives directly targets the lower incomes in the country and what demographic is that? (click here) Fifty-eight percent of low income Americans (200% of poverty level) are minorities.
Environmental law also seeking to turn the corner on "Environmental Justice." (click here) One guess to the demographics of these folks. The best example of religious bigotry (DO NOT ACCEPT SCIENTIFIC FACT) is the outcome of the people of Flint, Michigan to Snyder's Emergency Manager Law. The Michigan law was changed to include more than supporting educational infrastructure, it took over the entire elected infrastructure and caused profound damage to that city's infrastructure leading to deaths and brain damage; that is known.
All these changes in our government that protected citizens from greed have been removed, to put in place exploitative measures. The only defense the CITIZENS have are the states and local authorities that have been established over the past two decades. There was definitive measures made once "W" was elected, too.
The "W" administration and Trump administration is based on what ever can be exploited and gotten away with is fair game. Ha, ha, ha, I am rich, white and know it with God's permission.
February 22, 2017
All the radical ideas found in the Trump administration are also seen in "W"s, but, with different measure of extremism. Trump found his place among the Tea Party that rejected the establishment Republicans.
The changes in education (click here), immigration, acceptance of sexual identity differences, housing (click here) and environmental law (click here) is all based in religious bigotry.
The introduction of computer based learning in impoverished populations of the USA is to force more and more children out of public education. Additionally, we already know voucher programs are primarily to "advance God's kingdom." (click here) That is engineered and institutionalized religious bigotry. How many churches don't mind the federal money but reject federal agendas because of it's religious standing?
Immigration is obvious. (click here)
Rejecting the transgender identity of children is based in hate and religious bigotry. When children are rejected at any level of society, what does that mean for the rest of us?
The cut back in housing incentives directly targets the lower incomes in the country and what demographic is that? (click here) Fifty-eight percent of low income Americans (200% of poverty level) are minorities.
Environmental law also seeking to turn the corner on "Environmental Justice." (click here) One guess to the demographics of these folks. The best example of religious bigotry (DO NOT ACCEPT SCIENTIFIC FACT) is the outcome of the people of Flint, Michigan to Snyder's Emergency Manager Law. The Michigan law was changed to include more than supporting educational infrastructure, it took over the entire elected infrastructure and caused profound damage to that city's infrastructure leading to deaths and brain damage; that is known.
All these changes in our government that protected citizens from greed have been removed, to put in place exploitative measures. The only defense the CITIZENS have are the states and local authorities that have been established over the past two decades. There was definitive measures made once "W" was elected, too.
The "W" administration and Trump administration is based on what ever can be exploited and gotten away with is fair game. Ha, ha, ha, I am rich, white and know it with God's permission.

By Jeremy W. Peters, Jo Becher and Julie Hirschfield Davis
Washington — President Trump (click here) on Wednesday rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, overruling his own education secretary and placing his administration firmly in the middle of the culture wars that many Republicans have tried to leave behind.
In a joint letter, the top civil rights officials from the Justice Department and the Education Department rejected the Obama administration’s position that nondiscrimination laws require schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.
That directive, they said, was improperly and arbitrarily devised, “without due regard for the primary role of the states and local school districts in establishing educational policy.”
The question of how to address the “bathroom debate,” as it has become known, opened a rift inside the Trump administration, pitting Education Secretary Betsy DeVos against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Mr. Sessions, who had been expected to move quickly to roll back the civil rights expansions put in place under his Democratic predecessors, wanted to act decisively because of two pending court cases that could have upheld the protections and pushed the government into further litigation....
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