Paved road provides improved access to mountain area (click here)

I mean for this, we get 'fly in the face of regard' of SO !!! Yeah, right ! Why do I get the feeling that paved roads FACILITATE the Opium economy that supports the Taliban, al Qaeda and their warlords? Why is that? Any guesses?
...Vice presidential advisers said Cheney wanted to talk to Karzai (click here) about the problems in the south, push him to take steps to extend Afghanistan's governance beyond Kabul and stress the need for successful elections next year. Cheney also wanted to address ways the Afghan government could curb corruption and deal with the rising production of poppies, which are used to make narcotic drugs that fund insurgent operations.
At a news conference later, Karzai highlighted progress, saying that just a few years ago, his country, which is about the size of Texas, lacked paved roads.
"Now we have more than 3,000 kilometers of paved highways and other roads," he said. "Go to schools, go to hospitals, go to lots of other reconstruction activities in the rebuilding of Afghanistan. ... So thanks to you, the international community, for having given us all of that. Please continue."...
The USA Electorate has out done themselves over the past month in its hideous willingness to be lead around by the nose.
The FBI was used by the Bush/Cheney White House to 'hunt down' a sex scandal on Eliot Spitzer and rather than realizing the illegal activity of its intelligence agencies, the American Public danced on the grave of its Democratic Brain Trust still again.
The 'knee-jerk' reaction from Oprah was to have women on to discuss infidelity (click here). Did she discuss something 'half-way' intelligenct, like the abuse of power? Heck, no, that would actually mean taking a hard look at a politically dangerous subject, therefore, American women are again confirmed as mindless voters seeking justice of their own marital difficulties while publically prosecuting a political figure:
U.S. Defends Tough Tactics on Spitzer (click here)
Published: March 21, 2008
Supposedly, the Justice Department was investing "The Emperor Club" a prostitution ring. Do you know how many professional prostitutes there are in the USA? A lot. Do you how many prostitutes there are in New York City? A lot. Do you KNOW how many times The New York Times has come out in defense of the treatment of prostitutes by society? A lot. Do you know how long times 'sex traffiking' of minors in the USA has been an issue? A long time. Do any of these undertones to the social mores give permission for 'sex on demand?' You betcha. The number one reason men look for prostitutes for sex is to perform fellatio. Does the American Electorate care to understand the idiocy connected with illegal prostitution? Heck, no, all the USA electorate wants to believe is that every elected official has a perfect marriage so they can hide their own issues with infidelity from sight and therefore IT DOESN'T EXIST !
If the Spitzer's marriage and intimate relationship lacked the tenacity to sustain 'fidelity' IT AIN'T ANY OF MY BUSINESS. Quite frankly, when it comes to infidelity among political spouses and their mates, I am not surprised, the rigors of public life are divisive and lend itself to opportunity rather than not. In a country with declining marriage rates and divorce rates still in high percentages there is little to no room for the American electorate to be this stupid about the realities of 'sexual antics' of its members.
So, here again the Neocon Elite has a field day with the Democratic brain trust. The Republican Neocons found a way to enforce antiquated social mores of fidelity, racism while at the same time scoffing at the majority of American citizens that oppose the Iraq invasion. How is it that Cheney manages to avoid impeachment? Any distracted?
I mean. ???????????? SO ??????????????
Before the USA electorate loses their ability to discern sincere leadership from that of religiously motivated 'political content' in 'moralizing' over issues that are irrelivant and gain the support of government budgets including that of the FBI, they best start to put into perspective the events leading up to the demoralizing of Eliot Spitzer, Barak Obama, the intellect of the American woman and the 'fly in your face' disregard of the Vice President of the USA while conducting business in the Middle East for the Executive Branch of the country.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department used some of its most intrusive tactics against
The scale and intensity of the investigation of Mr. Spitzer, then the governor of New York, seemed on its face to be a departure for the Justice Department, which aggressively investigates allegations of wrongdoing by public officials, but almost never investigates people who pay prostitutes for sex.
A review of recent federal cases shows that federal prosecutors go sparingly after owners and operators of prostitution enterprises, and usually only when millions of dollars are involved or there are aggravating circumstances, like human trafficking or child exploitation.
And here is the excuse. It's a New York Governor, therefore and hence, every action by the FBI is justified. NOT !!!!! The misuse of the powers of the Executive Branch for political purposes is exactly that and as in discord as all these entries may be there is a serious discussion NOT occurring in the American media suppressed by people such as Michael Powell, whom as a journalist is seriously concerned about profound issues such as 'The Real Eliot Spitzer' (click here). Powell should write an article in a 'fair and balanced format' regarding 'The Real Dick Cheney' when he is openly in disgust with the American people and their LONGEVITY of disgust with him and the Iraq War he promoted under false realities !
Government lawyers and investigators defend the expenditure of resources on Mr. Spitzer in the Emperor’s Club V.I.P. case as justifiable and necessary since it involved the possibility of criminal wrongdoing by New York’s highest elected official, who had been the state’s top prosecutor.
Bradley D. Simon, a veteran Justice Department trial lawyer who was federal prosecutor in Brooklyn throughout the 1990s, said that although it was rare for the department to use so many resources on the workings of a prostitution ring, the involvement of such a high-level politician must change the equation.
“If they’ve got some evidence of a high-ranking public official involved in violations of federal criminal code, it may not be unreasonable for them to pursue it,” he said. Still, he said, “I don’t think prostitution has been a high priority at the Justice Department.”
The focus on Mr. Spitzer was so intense that the F.B.I. used surveillance teams to follow both him and the prostitute in Washington in February. The surveillance teams had followed him at least once before — when he visited the city in January but did not engage a prostitute, officials said, confirming a report in The Washington Post. Stakeouts and surveillance are labor-intensive and often involve teams of a dozen or more agents and non-agent specialists....
In previous reporting regarding the 'hunt' for a reason to demoralize Eliot Spitzer's public image the surveillance was more than just January, it began during 2007 and sustained from a period of time that is unreasonable to consider this as a 'sting operation of a prostitution ring.' This was a political operation perscribed by the Justice Department that began under Gonzalez, most assuredly as a favor to Bush on behalf of his brother, potential running mate to McCain and future presidential hopeful, Jeb !
While Eliot was pushing his luck in New York State when "Troopergate" manifested (click here) as his own abuse of power, he paid the political price following that escapade and his popularity was dimished for valid and zealous methodologies. Yet, while Spitzer's Troopergate was revealed and he was held responsible, the FBI is yet to answer for using tactics not dissimilar on him. What gives?
The difference between "Troopergate" and "Spitzergate" is a matter of a twat and a twenty somethings 'American Sex Idol' rise to stardom? Give me a break !
The lead editorial following the zealotry of the New York Times under the direction of Michael Power was that this 'woman' was a twenty something and not a thirty or forty something, while Eliot's spouse in much older. THAT AIN'T IT. I doubt The Emperor Club employs many 'senior women' in the 'profession' on their Call Girl List. Hello?
Here AGAIN and STILL the 'Poor, Aggrieved American Woman' was used to promote 'unrest' among the 'stupid electorate.' I mean when do people FINALLY get so disgusted with this mess that they simply reject it for what it is? Never? If that is the case then the American electorate will deadlock their decision making regarding any dismantling of the Republican 'mind set' that holds them hostage while carrying out illegal wars and false agendas that benefit cronies, FOREVER.
Then and in zealotry becoming the finest of Michael Powell's FCC dictatorship rulings, the media reinvented a Black Minister as a sinister character 'in control' of the Post Election Agenda of a Democratic Presidential Hopeful in Barak Obama. And the favorite ridicule of the American Electorate in regard to the Bush/Cheney lies in the lead up to the Iraq War is "Conspiracy Theorists Suck !' Well. Guess what the media is using to demoralize the public image of Barak? Yep, you guessed it, "Conspiracy." See, somehow and here again, only this time it's a Black Man, the 'mindlessness' of Barak will be over taken by his overpowering minister to carry out crimes against White America no less than Hitler. No one is sick and tired of this mess, yet? I am and I am tired of people in this country with the POWER to vote for Neocon War Lords to continue to do so in ignorance of their own failings to overcome the propaganda of it's media.
White House still runs on Iraq misinformation$PAGE%23ap%40click2listen%23pg%40$PAGE%23sub%40$SUB%23fromsite%40palmbeachpost%23
MS. RADDATZ: Two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting, and they're looking at the value gain versus the cost in American lives, certainly, and Iraqi lives.
MS. RADDATZ: So -- you don't care what the American people think?
VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: No, I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls. Think about what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln had paid attention to polls, if they had had polls during the Civil War. He never would have succeeded if he hadn't had a clear objective, a vision for where he wanted to go, and he was willing to withstand the slings and arrows of the political wars in order to get there.
In this one passage, Cheney was able to compare Bush and Iraq to Lincoln and the Civil War, refer to the president's support in the polls -- which ranges from about 32 percent to 34 percent -- as fluctuations, and respond to American public opinion with one word: "So?"
The comment came in Amman, Jordan,...
In Amman, Jordan is where Dick Cheney demoralized the importance of the American people and their opinion of the relevancy of the Iraq invasion and war.
In Amman, Jordan Dick Cheney told the entire Arab world that the American people were not important and therefore didn't deserve his attention of their opinion.
Why is it that Richard 'the Dick' Cheney can 'get away' with demoralizing an entire majority of Americas to audiences in The Middle East?
Why is that and more importantly why do Americans CONTINUALLY elect people exactly like Dick Cheney that DO disregard their importance causing them embarrassment to that importance in their OWN democracy while Dick Cheney speaks out of both sides of his mouth?
Because the American people are caught up in a national abuse of their regard by the Republicans UNTIL it comes time for elections when the Republicans can 'push their buttons' and demoralize their oppossion?
Americans can't set a better example to the world than this regarding their ability to make decisions that will protect nations from illegal invasions while twarting every effort to protect themselves through effective military actions that actually defeat terrorist networks?
There is something very "W"rong with this picture !
...during an interview with ABC's Martha Raddatz, who prefaced a question to Cheney by saying, "Two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting."
"So?" Cheney interjected.
"So?" replied Raddatz. "You don't care what the American people think?"
"No," said Cheney. "I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls."
Cheney continued with standard White House rhetoric about improving conditions in Iraq and the need for steady leadership.
On Thursday, it fell to White House press secretary Dana Perino to put Cheney's comments into perspective. President Bush and Cheney, she said, don't "chase popularity polls."
"And they understand that people aren't necessarily going to agree with their decisions," she said.
"I think what he means," Perino said of Cheney's remark, "is that regardless of how bad it could get in terms of your popularity rating, you can't make decisions based on chasing popularity."
Everyone in the Bush administration, she said, "would like for people to support the president's decisions."
"We realize that that's unrealistic, especially in a time of war, and in particular this war," she added.
"But what the president has said is that while people might not like the decisions that he makes, he has to do what he thinks is right for the country."
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, Cheney dismissed fears that that nation could slide into a failed state, telling troops Thursday that the United States and NATO allies will not allow resurgent extremists to bully their way back into power.
More than 8,000 people died in Afghanistan last year, making it the most violent year since 2001, when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban regime after the Sept. 11 attacks. Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters have regrouped, especially in the south, and the job of coordinating aid and NATO troops from scores of nations has proved daunting.
"The Afghan people have no desire to be pulled back into the dark ages," Cheney said at Bagram Air Base during an unannounced trip to Afghanistan. "They're trusting America to stand by them in this fight, and that trust is being repaid every day. Having liberated this country, the United States and our coalition partners have no intention of allowing extremists to shoot their way back into power."
Cheney said NATO members need to step up military assistance for Afghanistan as it struggles to rebound from years of tyranny and war. That will be at the top of the agenda when leaders of the 26 nations in NATO meet early next month in Romania.
Cheney flew from Oman to the Afghan capital, then took a helicopter to the dusty presidential compound, where he met President Hamid Karzai for an hourlong discussion.
At a news conference later, Karzai highlighted progress, saying that just a few years ago, his country, about the size of Texas, lacked paved roads.
Suicide Bomb Attack Kills 36 near Baghdad during Cheney's Visit
By Diane Smith
20:04, March 17th 2008
The series of suicide bomb attacks was continued on Monday, the day US Vice President Dick Cheney visited Baghdad, as a female wearing an explosives-laden vest detonated it close to a Shiite shrine in the Iraqi city of Karbala. The powerful blast killed at least 36 people and wounded at least 50 according to health and police reports.
Cheney made an unannounced visit to the Iraqi capital to meet US and Iraqi leaders and confer about the country's security issues.
The exact place where the woman blew herself up was about one-half mile from the Imam Hussein shrine of Karbala. She was among a large crowd of people when she detonated the explosives which ripped people apart, sending body parts all over the place.
Seven pilgrims which came from Iran at the shrine were also killed in the explosion according to AFP which quoted Salim Kadhim, spokesman for the Karbala health directorate.
It's not the first time the insurgent carry out attacks on the Shiite shrine so after the blast, the local police imposed a curfew in the central districts of Karbala.
The suicide bomb attacks have increased recently and most of the volunteers are women. Nevertheless, it's not sure weather they volunteer for the attacks or not, but there were cases when insurgents used mentally disabled women to do the job.
The bloodiest bomb attack carried out by a woman occurred last month in two very crowded Baghdad markets. The woman blew herself up and took with her at least 100 civilians. A Sunni tribal leader was also a victim of a female suicide bomber when she detonated her explosive vest near him on March 10 in the Diyala province.
"Late in 2007 there were about eight or 10 (suicide bombings) a month; in the month of February, there were 18. There is an increase," Rear Admiral Gregory Smith said during a news conference on Sunday.
© 2007 - 2008 - eFluxMedia
Aaron Brown
6 years in, and a 40-year flashback
As has been widely noted, this past week marked the fifth anniversary of the Bush administration's unethical, immoral, and unwinnable war in Iraq. As the war enters its sixth bloody year, no end appears in sight. The fragile, fractious political situation in Iraq is no better now than it ever was. The public infrastructure is still shattered, with such basic necessities as electricity and potable water still widely unavailable in many regions of the country for more than a few hours a day. The so-called surge is stalled and its tenuous successes are failing to take hold. Everyday violence is still omnipresent, and the 3,000-year-old civilization of Iraq is still in shattered ruins. By any measure, George Bush's ill-advised Iraq adventure is an unqualified disaster.
Numerous comparisons have been made between the untenable situation in Iraq today and the equally untenable situation in Vietnam back in the 1960's. Not all of those comparisons are apt or accurate, but many of them are. America in the spring of 1968 was a very different place than it is in the spring of 2008, even though it's fundamentally unchanged in many ways today. Racial and political tensions were far higher then than they are today, with riots in the streets still in the news and bombings of banks and other public institutions still far too common for comfort. The assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were raw wounds in the shared psyche of America in 1968. And overseas, an endless war against amorphous insurgents continued to drain the hearts and minds and blood and treasure of our nation's best and brightest for the sake of a cause that no one could satisfactorily explain at home.
Ever hear the words "Gun Control." I hope the Supreme Court is reading the news. To mandate vast use of guns through personal ownership is "W"rong. It's not the answer to resolving the issue of violence in our country, it only masks it !
Neighbors of victim's dad feel uneasy
11:07 PM EDT, March 22, 2008
It was the sight of the grief-stricken father raging on television and, later that night, the sound of car wheels cutting across their front lawn that made the Huston family rethink their place in Old Town Estates.
"That's when we got scared," Karen Huston, 40, said. "I don't know what's going to happen."
What's happened so far has had nothing to do with the Huston family, of Port Jefferson Station, but fate and race have upset the peace that suburbia was supposed to offer.,0,3007545.story
If there is corruption in government than deal with it.
Bush and Cheney should have been gone out of the Executive Branch of the USA a long time ago.
If there are social issues that overshadow the best interests of the nation than those are issues that need to be put into a context and dealt with in a manner that resolves those issues. There is absolutely no way that social issues should be dominating the 'Power of the Vote' of any people where a nation is conducted with the highest esteem of free will and self regulation.
I live in a country called the USA. But. In the year 2008, it doesn't at all resemble the country I grew up in. I am being 'robbed' of my 'entitlement' to the country I was supposed to inherit by greed accompanied by government corruption.
DO IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!
4,000 U.S. deaths in Iraq...Arkansas braces for floods...Drew Peterson ... (click here)
BAGHDAD (AP) A grim milestone in the Iraq war as the conflict enters its sixth year. The deaths of four U.S. soldiers from a roadside bomb in Baghdad yesterday has brought the total number of Americans killed to at least 4,000. A U.S. military spokesman says the death of every soldier is "equally tragic."
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) Clear skies, sunshine and floods are in the forecast for communities along the White River in Arkansas. The National Weather Service says high water left over from last week's rains could produce the worst flooding in more than 25 years.
Seas a little rough? (click here)
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) A crew member is still missing from a fishing ship that sank off Alaska's Aleutian Islands yesterday. The captain and three crew members died. Forty-two crew members were rescued.
NEW YORK (AP) JPMorgan Chase is considering a deal that would sharply increase its bargain-basement offer for troubled investment bank Bear Stearns. The New York Times reports JPMorgan wants to raise its offer from two dollars a share to ten dollars in an effort to appease unhappy Bear Stearns stockholders....
And Drew Peterson is STILL a free man !