Friday, May 07, 2010

Oil spill has washed up on the western side of North Island, the northernmost sliver of the Chandeleur and Breton Island Chain.


Friday, May 07, 2010
By Mark Schleifstein
Staff writer
Orange-colored oil from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has washed up on the western side of North Island, the northernmost sliver of the Chandeleur and Breton Island chain, and officials with BP and federal and state agency say they have drafted a strategy to begin cleaning it up.
"On a small section of the northernmost island, we could see a pretty significant buildup of oil," said Times-Picayune photographer John McCusker, after an aerial tour of the spill on Thursday. "It's not inundated, but oil has definitely reached the island."
Oil was spotted at several other locations along the curved sand archipelago on Wednesday by two teams of scientists who flew over the area, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association scientist Jacqui Michel told reporters during a teleconference Thursday afternoon.

We should be grateful for mud evidently.  I would prefer to be grateful for fish !!!!!

Safety fluid removed before rig exploded

Mud may have slowed gas from racing up to platform
Friday, May 07, 2010
By David Hammer
and Dan Shea%%par%%Staff writers
The investigation into what went wrong when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20 and started spilling millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico is sure to find several engineering failures, from cement seals that didn't hold back a powerful gas bubble to a 450-ton, 40-foot-tall blowout preventer, a stack of metal valves and pistons that each failed to close off the well.
There was, however, a simpler protection against the disaster: mud. An attorney for an eyewitness says oil giant BP and the owner of the drilling platform, Switzerland-based Transocean Ltd., started to remove a mud barrier before a final cement plug was installed, a move industry experts say weakens control of the well in an emergency.
When the explosion occurred, BP was trying to seal off an exploratory well. The company had succeeded in tapping into a reservoir of oil, and it was capping the well so it could leave and set up more permanent operations to extract its riches.

This better work, otherwise, BP needs to get out of the way and drastic action should be taken !!!  The USA cannot allow this to continue past any more reasonable outcomes by BP.  This is outrageous enough right now to think the citizens have been made to suffer for this company's attempt at continued profitability.

Dome may start catching oil from one leak Monday

But that would be a best-case scenario, officials warn
Thursday, May 06, 2010
By Rebecca Mowbray
Business writer
If all goes well, on Monday BP will begin capturing oil in a containment system and pumping it up to a drill ship to limit the amount of new oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.
But there are a lot of steps to take between now and then, and both BP and the Coast Guard took great pains to manage expectations Wednesday about the prospects for sealing the leaks from an offshore BP well that exploded April 20.
"I know we are all hoping that this containment system will work, but we have to remember that this containment system is the first of its kind in 5,000 feet of water. I wanted to manage expectations," Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said in a conference call Wednesday afternoon.

Spill confuses summer vacation plans

Some locals afraid to book in advance
Thursday, May 06, 2010
By Katy Reckdahl
Staff writer
Jim Johnson of Slidell has five days to cancel his family's weeklong vacation on Navarre Beach, Florida.
"If you had a vacation that began on June 12, what would you do?," he asked, agonizing about whether to cancel his condominium reservations because of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He'll only lose 10 percent of his reservation cost if he cancels more than 30 days in advance. After that, he'll be on the hook for all of the lodging costs.
On Wednesday, Johnson called the real-estate agency that rented him the condo and said, "I guess you know why I'm calling." He was told only that the agency was sticking with its cancellation policy but that if the government closed the beach, he would be get a refund.

Landrieu is a danger to her own constituency.  BP money must line the pockets well !  When a plane falls out of the sky it doesn't wipe out the living of fisherman along the Gulf Coast.  

No analogy.  


Not even close !  

The delegation from Louisiana needs a huge reality check.  

What to go for a swim Mary?  I know just the place.  

Maybe a little seafood and endangered turtle ribs?  What do you say?

....The federal government should proceed with investigations into the rig accident but should stop short of shutting down future harvesting of the oil fields beneath the waters, members said.
“It’s appropriate to put up some yellow lights, not red lights,” said Democratic U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.
Landrieu has caught some national flak for a speech she made last week on the U.S. Senate floor that critics said minimized the catastrophe. The nation uses 21 million barrels of oil a day and the leak is 5,000 barrels a day, Landrieu said.
Popular television show host Jon Stewart repeatedly showed snippets of speeches that Landrieu gave supporting the oil industry. Landrieu stood by her comments Wednesday, noting that at least 1,000 wells exist in the gulf.
“When a plane falls out of the sky, you don’t ground every airplane,” Landrieu said.
Republican U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander of Quitman agreed....

I have to admit though, Mary knows how to work a crowd.  She is calling for a payoff for fisherman to exonerate the tragedy from effecting oil drilling offshore.  That should shut them up, huh?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Landrieu renews call for BP to issue aid package to commerical fisherman

...“Gulf Coast commercial fishermen are in desperate need of immediate and direct assistance from BP,” Sen. Landrieu said. “I have urged BP officials to honor the fact that this unprecedented disaster has, at least temporarily, put many of our fishermen, shrimpers and oystermen out of business. What these fishermen need is a financial support package from BP to help pay their bills and provide for their families, as we learn more about the environmental damage caused by this oil spill. I have every reason to believe that BP is willing to step up and assist these families and businesses, and that support must continue so long as their livelihoods are being affected by this disaster.”...

Influence Peddling. I demand the Obama Administration release the entire proceedings surrounding the National Energy Policy !

The proceeding of the National Energy Policy of 2001 was unreachable from the public because of Executive Privilege.  Richard Cheney is no longer in office and the proceedings need to be released to the public to determine what needs to be done to discern the best policies regarding the Petroleum Industry's future in the USA.  I demand the proceedings be released for the public to know where it all went wrong and why the Petroleum Industry was allowed to act no differently than that ungainly investment banks in 'self governance' at the expense of the citizens of this USA!

There cannot be effective energy policy and/or climate policy without the complete disclosure of the proceedings that lead to this irresponsible document and policy.

The citizens of the USA are paying the price on every venue for the polices of the previous administration.  We demand full disclosure.  There are no secrets within these proceedings that will compromise any national security issue.  For anyone to state that and delay the disclosure that will save lives and livelihoods in the USA is nothing but corruption.

I demand hearings regarding this continually unfolding disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and I demand to know what occurred on that rig that cost 11 people their lives and the entire nation, potentially the globe, the worst environmental disaster in the history of Earth.  

I demand any international interests in the USA to demand disclosure to learn what was done in what may be an incident that will taint international waters and international fisheries.

Nidal Hasan is NOT an issue of political correctness.

ABOUT: Fareed Zakaria

Sound like a solution?  Huh?  I didn't think so.

— Fort Hood officials said they are increasing security at the on-post courthouse that will house an upcoming hearing related to the court-martial of Maj. Nidal Hasan, who faces 13 counts of premeditated murder in the Nov. 5 shootings at the post...

05/06/2010 08:56 AM

Fort Hood moving forward 6 months after shooting

By: Chie Saito
...In the wake of the shooting, Fort Hood launched a multi-phase behavioral health campaign in order to monitor individuals immediately affected by the shooting, as well as to ensure behavioral health needs are met in the future....

Army indicates it will seek death in Ft. Hood case
FORT WORTH, Texas — Military prosecutors have sent a notice indicating they plan to seek the death penalty against the Army psychiatrist charged in the deadly Fort Hood shooting.
That's according to defense attorney John Galligan, who says he received the notice Wednesday outlining an aggravating factor — that more than one person was killed in the same incident. Military law experts say that's the Army's way of saying they plan to seek the death penalty.
If military jurors were to convict Maj. Nidal Hasan, they could sentence him to death only if they found that there was an aggravating factor in the case.
Hasan is accused of opening fire at the post on Nov. 5, killing 13 and wounding dozens. Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, which carries the death penalty.

There are currently issue at The Virginia Zoo regarding a couple of tigers. It needs to be investigated to the quality of water and food they have recieved.

I realize they aren't younsters, but, these tigers are precious and the thrill they have given children over their long many years deserves some loyalty and concern.

Family, if you will.

This cancer with the two tigers could be genetic as well.  We want to know what happened to these magnificent tigers.  We want to know that the rest of the zoo animals are going to be safe as well.

Shere Khan, a Siberian tiger at the Virginia Zoo, was euthanized Thursday after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer.  (click title to entry - thank you)
Zookeepers found a mass on the 18-year-old tiger’s left side April 14. It was an aggressive abdominal skin tumor, a zoo news release said. Because of the tiger’s advanced age and condition, she was not likely to survive surgery.
Shere’s sister, Shaka Khan, was also diagnosed with cancer on her left elbow in April. Treatment would involve amputating the leg, but the surgery is also not recommended. She is expected to live another 10 to 12 months.
Tigers in captivity typically live to be 15 to 20 years old....

The Chemicals 'in the environment' issue is huge, isn't it? Yep. There is a good way and a bad way to think about this mess. Alcohol sterilizes, okay?

I am not someone that has a grandchild with Max Absorb next to her skin either, okay?

Baby Gwen in our family has all natural everything. including her diapers which are cloth.  So, let's start there.

The Chemical Industry, including the petroleum industry is an influence in life that simply lacks legitimacy on all fronts, including trustworthiness.  However, there are ways of thinking about this that are helpful.

Feds investigate baby bottom complaints

We can start with the fact that the American Chemical Society has been archiving chemicals, their characteristics, including harmful properties for a very, very long time.  The Bush White House could never harm the information in the American Chemical Society (ACS) archives.  It is far too extensive and exists 'in fact' of the properties of chemicals, otherwise, the world would have blown itself up by now.

So, let's start with 'the authority' that is reliable in discerning where best to 'learn' what is real about any chemical and its compounds and where it isn't real.

This statement is going to send the Right Wing in the USA right over the edge, but, ask me if I give a damn.  There was an approach to this issue some time ago that gave rise to legislation THAT WAS HELPFUL.  It is a book called "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson.

It is a remarkable book.  I have a copy.  It was written by a woman that died of breast cancer two years after it was published.  Carson was a marine biologist.  She was brilliant and as a career woman in the 1950s she knew where her strength lay and that was in writing.  She had written something like four books or so before she wrote Silent Spring.  The Hardcover of that book from 1962 is her original content.

That said, there is validity to the claims that came out regarding chemicals in the environment and I will not come away from that statement.  This point of view is void of political ideology.  Like I said, chemicals are chemicals and their properties are carved in STONE.  That can't be changed.

The eight years of the Bush/ Cheney White House are scandalous regarding the CARELESS METHODOLOGY regarding chemicals used in society INCLUDING arsenic.  I mean the FIRST DAY of office in 2001 Bush signed an order to increase the levels of arsenic in water supplies.  Like what the hell was that?  I suppose EVERY OTHER AUTHORITY before the little tin gods that took over were illegitimate.  I DON'T THINK SO.  Bush/Cheney were no Einsteins.

So, there is no way I will state this report is not prudent.  I will say this; it is about time.  HOWEVER, there are ways of doing this that makes sense and a run on Proctor and Gamble stocks is not one of them.  I believe the 'pit bosses' at the Exchange did a great job.

There is another authority that needs to be recognized and that is the FDA.  It was razed of its authority, save some whistle blowers, for the eight years of Republican idiocy from 2001 - 2009, but, it has solid footing in OLD METHODOLOGIES that work.  IN THAT, is an understanding that Proctor and Gamble PRODUCTS are tried and true and where there might be issues with cancer causing chemicals, the FDA would have found any and all evidence by this point.

The most LEGITIMATE methods of determining the effects of any chemicals lies in an OLD METHODOLOGY called LD50s.  It has been in existence since the American Chemical Society began and its methodology is as solid as the day is long.  I would say EVERY chemical ever archived by ACS has LD50 studies.  I doubt there exists any chemical on Earth that does not have an LD50 study.

With that we need to reinstate the safeguards that were abandoned during the Bush/Cheney years and simply GO BACK to what works and is known to work in protecting human health.  The Bush/Cheney administration was a desperate attempt to excoriate all regulations from the American lifestyle to illegitimately garner profits WITH abandon and WITHOUT the RESPECT for life outside of the Oval Office and the Map Room.

Dear God, they were horrible and that is putting it mildly.

The oncologists can also stop using chemicals that were never supposed to be used on any human body in the name of saving lives from cancer.  The practices that were allowed regarding cancer treatment under that administration in the USA were unbelievably hideous and Medieval.  So, the idea that JUST examining chemicals in the environment as a method to improving longevity is the only focus is not looking at the complete scope of chemicals in use today.  We also need to look at oncological treatment that was permitted in the USA during those eight years.  I mean, Dear God, what they did is a crime.  I mean that, too.

So, basically, everyone needs to calm down.  There are right ways and wrong ways of approaching this issue, but, by damn it we are going to do it and the people of the USA are going to have peace of mind regarding their market places and what is good for them and what isn't and YES, there is going to be LEGISLATION to pick up where Carson left off and the industry will be regulated !

To show EVERYONE how completely manipulative the Petroleum Industry is, they released information about the safety of chemicals from oil about 6 hours ago or so.  They are monsterous in their propaganda and information CONTROL.  The Petroleum Industry likes to control information and scientists, but, not the toxic effect of oil and their practices.


At this point, with Chemical Dispersants being touted as 'the savior' in the Gulf of Mexico, lends itself to having potential for a Great Lakes disaster if the nature of those chemicals aren't known and the circulation of the oil that is sinking isn't tracked.  The Gulf of Mexico RUPTURE is more than any civilized society should tolerate.  This has the potential of being an international incident.  Not only that, but, what in heck are the fisheries going to look like.  Can't wait to see how many legs frogs are going to have in six months from now along those shorelines.  I still believe in torpedoes over any 'Act by BP.'

BP Won't Say What Toxics It's Dumping Onto Its Oil Spill

...Most view the use of these dispersants as a trade off – either disperse the oil throughout the water column and damage the aquatic life we cannot see, or let more come to shore and kill a lot of wildlife that we can see. (This "trade off" inaccurately assumes that life on shore is not connected to life deep in the water.) It is important to remember that using dispersants does not reduce the amount of oil being spilled. It does add secret chemicals whose environmental and public health impacts are poorly understood....

And a trade off is exactly what those chemicals are.  There is NO CHOICE.  The Petroleum Industry is completely negligent in prudent practices and this is the direct result of it.  5000 feet down in the ocean, what was any reasonable human being thinking?  Men are not gods, except, on Wall Street.  I don't think so!