Tuesday, March 16, 2021

North Korea

North Korea has no incentive to speak to The West. It has nuclear capacity now with missiles that reach the USA. North Korea is not planning on giving that up. Un won’t use it against South Korea because he wants to unit the North and South. That will be the aspiration of the North forever. 

Un’s idea of uniting with the South is to maintain leadership as he has nuclear missiles and the South would disarm from them. In sees any disarmament as opening up danger to all Koreans. 

North Korea has amusement parks now along with many impoverished. It sees these western cultural achieves as an advancement.

Un’s sister has also stated in the past South Korean activists were responsible for infecting North Korea with the current SARS virus. She complained South Korea did nothing to stop the activists. I think she has a point in that in a global pandemic activists by principle alone should not be flying balloons over the border. That is just a global standard. For all we know the North Korean citizens that receive the packages from the South might actually welcome the contact as if family.

So, while The West sees nothing wrong with allies meeting for whatever the reason, North Korea does. Has anyone welcomed an invited North Korean delegation to the meetings? Perhaps that would mean real in roads if the North was welcomed to meet with the South and it’s friends.

“Scorched Earth Senate”

That’s McConnell’s warning if the filibuster is ended? He has got to do better than that, the USA Senate is already so anti-American and bigoted from the climate crisis to voting it can’t get worse. 

If the filibuster is McConnell’s only hope then he is not interested in the USA being anything but wealthy Caucasian.

No minority leader should ever be that dead set on obstruction.

President Biden should abandon any further construction of the southern USA border wall for environmental reasons. The path the wall is currently projected to take is harming the land and available habitat.

While on the subject of harming the land and environment, the USA should ban the importation of Chinese solar panels. They have toxic qualities including lead, chromium and cadmium. The USA is capable of manufacturing solar panels that are not a threat to human health and water quality.

Army Field Manual

The Army Field Manual needs to be amended allowing the Washington, DC commander complete autonomy in deploying the unit’s National Guard troops. The Washington, DC commander only has to report deployment and not request it with only a majority authority of the Joint Chiefs repealing that order.