Someone stated, "No matter what is thrown at Trump's success it doesn't matter."
Correct. Why is that?
Why would Americans elect a person that is self-directed to the office of the President of the USA?
The people supporting Donald Trump are somewhat new to the voting process. They were disenfranchised from the benefits of the USA, no different than minorities.
There is a very big difference between the white man of the Donald Trump loyalists and the USA minority populations. The difference of the two is best defined in economics. The white man of the Trump movement works hard, sometimes three jobs, their wives work, they sacrifice time with their family and have resigned to be filled with family on legal holidays, birthdays and religious ceremonies; and if they can fit in a few hours of work on those days they will work.
The USA minorities are different in that their disenfranchisement is caused by race. The USA minorities are excluded from holding down three jobs. Additionally, if an employer decides it would be better to relieve their payroll of minorities it can be achieved by making an excuse in more states than a few and gets away with it. Because USA minorities have exclusive racist problems it places them on the MARGINS with their white counterparts, but, in slightly different reasons. Also, the issue of violence against minorities by the GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE is real. That is a different discussion.
The Donald Trump loyalists and first time voters have invested their lives for decades and even two generations into the Republican message. They believed in it because of it's harmony with their religion. They believed Christians could have a country based in their sole religious identity. They believed that and were told by a Supreme Court that is mostly conservative, that is not the case. They were told by a Supreme Court majority they have longed for with Justices Alito and Roberts; their core beliefs about the USA is wrong. They were told the USA is about freedom and not biased to a religious majority. The court they longed for told them in the private sector there can be leanings or devotions to Christianity or a particular faith.
The Donald Trump loyalists know where their reality lies and he doesn't dismiss it as part of their lives and disappointment in their country. Donald Trump has been carrying their message as part of his reality for a long time and through several elections. Donald Trump put their values first regardless of any impact on his personal and professional life. Donald Trump carries their reality of the USA with him and respects the US Constitution.
When people defame Donald Trump through criticism or laughter it is like water off a ducks back and they keep going. I am pleased they have a spokesperson. Now, they want him taken seriously and mean it. When all kinds of strategies are rolled out to impede Donald Trump's victories to the party's choice this year, they won't be a part of that. They will continue on their steadfast path and encourage their hero on to the national race.
I am sincerely happy for them. Donald Trump is right. They a good people and they love their country. They love their country today even with their new reality and that is saying something.