I don't think I got very far on the Offsets to the Jobs Act.
This limitation applies to TAXPAYER'S adjusted gross income. Let's see...
Adjusted Gross Income is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income.
Now, that means it is not the GROSS income is taxed, but, the NORMAL and regular place for taxing at the adjusted income tax. So, if someone has a business and he/she/they have expenses this won't effect their ability to deduct expenses. So, the ability of the business/farm to actually profit is not removed from this tax adjustment. So, the idea this change in tax percentage would effect the functioning of a business is a false accusation. This is not going to put anyone out of business. Now, is it?
As a matter of fact the Adjusted Gross Income on IRS From 1040 doesn't show up until line 37. I don't believe folks using 1040EZ will be effected by this provision. I don't even think 1040A will find this a change to worry about.
Now on IRS Form 1040 there is a lot that happens between line 6d (exemptions) and line 37. Let's see if I can list all that mess.
Under Income there is this:
7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Attach Form(s) W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8a Taxable interest. Attach Schedule B if required . . . . . . . . . . . . 8a
b Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a . . . 8b
9 a Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required . . . . . . . . . . . 9a
b Qualified dividends . . . . . . . . . . . 9b
10 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes . . . . . . 10
11 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
12 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ . . . . . . . . . . 12
13 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here ▶
14 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
15 a IRA distributions . 15a b Taxable amount . . . 15b
16 a Pensions and annuities 16a b Taxable amount . . . 16b
17 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 17
18 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
19 Unemployment compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
20 a Social security benefits 20a b Taxable amount . . . 20b
21 Other income. List type and amount 21
22 Combine the amounts in the far right column for lines 7 through 21. This is your total income
Then there is the Adjusted Gross Income section of the IRS Form 1040:
23 Educator expenses . . . . . . . . . . 23
24 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and
fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ 24
25 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 . 25
26 Moving expenses. Attach Form 3903 . . . . . . 26
27 Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE . 27
28 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans . . 28
29 Self-employed health insurance deduction . . . . 29
30 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . 30
31 a Alimony paid b Recipient’s SSN ▶ 31a
32 IRA deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
33 Student loan interest deduction . . . . . . . . 33
34 Tuition and fees. Attach Form 8917 . . . . . . . 34
35 Domestic production activities deduction. Attach Form 8903 35
36 Add lines 23 through 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
37 Subtract line 36 from line 22. This is your adjusted gross income
Yep. Imagine that. All those deductions if one cares to itemize. Now, that may seem unfair at first glace because I would ask, there are all the expenses for business? Well, if one looks at the Income section there are some interesting areas.
8a Taxable interest. Attach Schedule B if required . . . . . . . . . . . . 8a
b Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a . . . 8b
9 a Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required . . . . . . . . . . . 9a
b Qualified dividends . . . . . . . . . . . 9b
10 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes . . . . . . 10
11 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
12 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ . . . . . . . . . . 12
13 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here ▶ 13
14 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
15 a IRA distributions . 15a b Taxable amount . . . 15b
16 a Pensions and annuities 16a b Taxable amount . . . 16b
17 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 17
18 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F.
There are also QUALIFYING entries as noted in 9b, offsets of state and local income taxes, and gains or (losses). So, to believe the change in the law that offsets the costs of the American Jobs Act is draconian and is unfair while costing jobs is nonsense.
(1) the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income is above—
(A) $250,000 in the case of a joint return within the meaning of
section 6013,
(B) $225,000 in the case of a head of household return,
(C) $125,000 in the case of a married filing separately return. or
(D) $200,000 in all other cases; and
(2) the taxpayer’s adjusted taxable income for such taxable year exceeds
the minimum marginal rate amount,...
That's a lot of money on line 37 of Adjusted Gross Income. For a joint return it is a quarter of a million dollars US. That is not small potatoes. I defy anyone to say it is.
Subtitle B – Tax Carried Interest in Investment Partnerships as Ordinary Income
Here we are at Carried Interest, otherwise known as "Found Money." Santa Clause even.
Carried interest is not interest in the sense of an interest-bearing savings account. It is a share in a fund. The person claiming that interest is the general manager of a private equity firm or hedge fund, and the carried interest is calculated as a percentage of the profits generated by the fund he manages. When the fund has a capital gain, the manager's percentage is treated as a gain to him, taxed like an ordinary capital gain on the sale of real estate or stock. Critics say this particular income source does not fit the correct definition of capital gain and should be taxed as wages. Ya think?
I am not having a lot of sympathy for folks here. I sincerely believe by the time they get finished with their legal deductions and their 'take home' is capable to be burdened during trying times to benefit job growth that might even help hedge their funds.
Sec. 411. Partnership Interests Transferred In Connection With Performance of Services
The definition is best described by the provision of the American Jobs Act itself:
“(i) the fair market value of such interest shall be treated for purposes of this section as being equal to the amount of the distribution which the partner would receive if the partnership sold (at the time of the transfer) all of its assets at fair market value and distributed the proceeds of such sale (reduced by the liabilities of the partnership) to its partners in liquidation of the partnership
(b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to interests in partnerships transferred after December 31, 2012
So, long as the Republican House and Senate continue to stall with all these provisions it will be New Years Eve and they won't have to worry about it anymore.
Something tells me Mr. Romney would haven't done this. As a matter of fact Mr. Romney would most likely be interested in having Jamie Dimon in the Oval Office at first opportunity. Perhaps, confidential federal records would be evening reading in family quarters. Just me. I can image all that happening easily. Sort of like a financial Cheney meeting with young agents.
business is described in this paragraph if such trade or business primarily involves
the performance of any of the following services with respect to assets held
(directly or indirectly) by the investment partnership referred to in paragraph (1):
“(A) Advising as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling any specified asset.
“(B) Managing, acquiring, or disposing of any specified asset.
“(C) Arranging financing with respect to acquiring specified assets.
“(D) Any activity in support of any service described in subparagraphs (A) through (C).
These are subparagraphs A through C
“(A) shall not be treated as an investment services partnership interest for any period before the first date on which it is so held in connection with such a trade or business,
“(B) shall not cease to be an investment services partnership interest merely because such person holds such interest other than in connection with such a trade or business, and
“(C) shall be treated as an investment services partnership interest if acquired from a related person in whose hands such interest was an investment services partnership interest.
Yes, indeed, eating confidential material rather than pretzels. Good roughage.
My imagination gets carried away sometimes. Actually, the material would be get served shredded to the horse. Remember how Cheney had these trucks come to the White House to haul away all this shredded material?
Subtitle C – Close Loophole for Corporate Jet Depreciation
See now the Republicans would have the electorate believe there would be absolutely no deduction from corporate jets and it would crash the industry. NOT SO. The deduction is not eliminated it is lengthened from seven years to twelve which reduces the amount per year deducted but makes the time the deduction can be taken longer. The industry wouldn't crash. The Republicans are horrible, they love to play on fears of people.
“(F) General aviation aircraft. In the case of any general aviation aircraft, the
recovery period used for purposes of paragraph (2) shall be 12 years.”
Sec. 421. General Aviation Aircraft Treated As 7-Year Property
Section 421 is the only provision under Subtitle C.
Subtitle D -- Repeal Oil Subsidies
Sec. 431. Repeal of Deduction for Intangible Drilling and Development Costs in the Case of Oil and Gas Wells
(a) In General.—Section 263(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to
intangible drilling and development costs) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: “This subsection shall not apply in the case of oil and gas wells with respect to amounts paid or incurred after December 31, 2012.”.
(b) Effective Date.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after December 31, 2012.
There is nothing more corrupt than these subsidies. There isn't anything else to say. These are corrupt subsidies of an industry well established in this country for decades making exorbitant profits. There simply no reason for the American taxpayer to continue this exploitation of their federal treasury.
Sec. 432. Repeal of Deduction for Tertiary Injectants
The Oil and Gas Industry does all sorts of weird stuff to the land to extract oil. If one recalls the early assessments of Iraq's oil fields by Halliburton revealed low pressure of the vats. That means the pressure forcing the oil to the surface (gushers) is close to zero or below zero and while there is still oil in the vat there is no 'physics' at play to bring it to the surface. The viscosity and the depth doesn't allow suction of the oil and then there is the possibility of geologic collapse of the vat, vacuum under the ground and/or all kinds of contaminants entering the well from the surrounding rock. The petroleum industry is fairly primitive. They drill a hole in the Earth and the oil and gas come up through that hole. ie: Deepwater Horizon Disaster. There was no way of stopping that pressure and when it was finally stopped by a cast metal bulkhead there was the danger and still is of fracturing the sea bottom nearby and having the seepage or worse a gusher all over again.
When a vat is low in pressure but still containing oil, the industry injects water and in the case of hydraulic fracturing all kinds of chemicals to destroy the rock. Those elements of the industry have a fancy name called "Tertiary Injectants" (third party participants).
(a) In General.—Part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 (relating to itemized deductions for individuals and corporations) is amended by striking section 193 (relating to tertiary injectants).
(b) Clerical Amendment.-- The table of sections for part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking the item relating to section 193.
(c) Effective Date.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to amounts paid
or incurred after December 31, 2012
So, if President Obama wants to fund a jobs program for the USA economy putting firefighters, teachers, police, construction workers back to work, he would have to be sure there were no loopholes the petroleum industry could create after they lost the subsides. That is what this is. For the time period to New Years Eve 2012 the oil industry could not cheat the American taxpayer in providing offsets for the funding of these jobs.
Is there any wonder why the Republicans obstructed any of the bills intended to correct the course of the American economy. How dare President Obama step on the toes of their cronies after all?
Sec. 433. Repeal of Percentage Depletion for Oil And Gas Wells
There is a provision in the IRS Code allowing the petroleum industry a depreciation of the wells. Imagine that? This is the industry these folks are in and they get to depreciate the holes they drill where they hit paydirt. Amazing isn't it? And they get subsidies, too. So, while taking profits from the oil and gas and anything else, like rare earth elements coming up from below the surface of Earth is depreciable. The equipment used to carry out this mess is depreciable and the wells themselves are depreciable. Amazing.
No, President Obama doesn't take the depreciation away. This is the provision in the American Jobs Act. This has to be the only industry where their deductions provide for nearly a cost free production, receive subsidies and rake in huge profits. Where is the morality in that?
(a) In General.—Section 613A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to
limitation on percentage depletion in the case of oil and gas wells) is amended to read as follows:
OF OIL AND GAS WELLS. The allowance for depletion under section 611 with respect
to any oil and gas well shall be computed without regard to section 613.”.
(b) Effective Date.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2012.
This is not a strange thing, there is extensive explanation of this provision in the Tax Code here:
Subtitle A - Income Taxes
Subchapter I - Natural Resources
(a) General rule
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the allowance for
depletion under section 611 with respect to any oil or gas well
shall be computed without regard to section 613
What President Obama did here was to continue the law as stated in the Tax Code without allowing the industry to fall back into the provisions of section 611 of the code.
I'll continue tomorrow.