This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Abortion and Gay Rights aren't the ONLY minority issue suffering at the hands of Self Righteous Right Wing Christians

When the Robert's Court decided "The Partial Birth Aborton Law," Justice Kennedy stated...

...if he heard of one case whereby a woman's life was saved because of the procedure he would have voted with the opposing Justices. Does he consider emotional distress enough of a reason? Does he consider a woman desperate enough to attempt to take her own life enough of a reason?
I do.
The decision regarding the oppression of any abortion in the USA was "W"rongly decided. It was legislation that was intended to be a Trojan Horse to promote an Evangelical Christian agenda and victimize women. Justice Kennedy didn't see that?
If Justice Kennedy needs an 'example' of the circumstances women now will be facing to end an unwanted pregnancy, it might include their lives along with the fetus.
This isn't the first case. There was another one, I think it was Nevada within the last year. Not sure the state, whereby the woman was hit with a baseball bat stating it was an accident. She shortly thereafter aborted the fetus. She as well could have died, perhaps not caring if she would. Women have to be assured they are accepted in society when they don't want a pregnancy, they will receive confidential treatment when they do decide an abortion is better than pregnancy. They need support without ridicule or embarrassment.
Abortion at any stage of pregnancy should be a woman's right. Funny, if you asked me about this a year ago, I would have stated abortion should stop at 22 weeks. Not anymore. Not now that I see what venue this is all taking. Partial Birth Abortion was never exclusively used for terminating pregnancy, but, the 'fallout' as a result of the Justices' decision is more than women in the USA are willing to live with. If having the permission 'on the books' adds balance to the ability of women to cope with life, then we are better with the law than without it.
Pregnancy is a special time to MOST women. To others it's '...the wrong time...' and still to others it is a goal they never want to achieve. To those that seek a different road then an Evangelical enthralled with her pregnant status, I state they have the right to be different. They have the right to seek whatever relief they desire to end any unwanted pregnancy. Women should never live in fear of having a uterus or ovaries, but, need to accept their bodies as vital to their lives without a second thought to any resolve they have for their life.
The Christian Extremism that resulted in the successful elevation of fetus over woman would continue until they had their precepts in place in law.

Pregnant Woman Stabbed in Queens
A man with a knife attacked his pregnant girlfriend and two other people in the woman's apartment house in the Ridgewood section of Queens yesterday, the police said.
Waldemir Diaz, 29, of the Bronx, slashed Karl Mitteibur, 71, the owner and superintendent of the Queens apartment house shortly after 3 P.M., said a police spokesman, Officer Robert Samuel.
Mr. Diaz then dashed to the fourth-floor apartment of his pregnant girlfriend, Ingrid Jorge, 21, and stabbed her in the stomach and chest, Officer Samuel said.
Her screams attracted her neighbor, Darkys Vargas, 22, who went into Ms. Jorge's apartment, where Mr. Diaz slashed her, too, the spokesman said.
All three victims were in stable conditions in Queens hospitals, he added.
In this case the attacker was interested in killing both the fetus and the woman. No rational man with a pregnant girlfriend or wife that attempts to stab the fetus is giving second thought to the woman. If she dies with the fetus the attacker could not care less. There are tragic circumstances surrounding issues of pregnancy, but, in no way should a fetus be valued over and above the life of a woman. If it weren't for the life of women, fetus wouldn't exist.
It is an outrage to realize women desperate enough to inflict deadly wounds are considered murderers when they are more victims than anyone cares to realize. The charges in Ohio are wrong and the 'idea' that fetus have a special status separate from their mothers is hideous.
When fetus are valued by a family and the woman is known to be terminally ill, there are provisions to provide for the extended 'existance' of that woman to bring about a birth. There is clear recognition that a uterus is vital to the birth of any fetus. WOMEN have a special status because they do give birth.
To begin to jail and imprison women for the sake of saving a fetus is simply a society 'gone wrong' and one out of complete balance with the priorities naturally afforded women. The Right to Life Movement is way out of line and they only exist today in status because the Neocons pander to anyone willing to vote them into POWER.
A Nation of Christians Is Not a Christian Nation

This was the New York Times today. It bears noting. The United States of America is a secular nation whereby every citizen should have a voice.
Fetus are citizens.
The Evangelical Right Wing Neocons currently occupying the White House and evidently police departments in Ohio are attempting to build a case of "Fetal Rights." There is no such thing. There never will be. The Lacy Peterson case was widely viewed by the media and was "W"rongly decided. While the fetus died because 'it's' mother did, it had no 'right to a murder trial' separate from Lacy's trial. Allowing 'the fetus' to carry weight in sentencing is correct, but, there were NOT two charges of murder that should have been leveled, but, ONLY ONE and that one was of a woman pregnant.
The move toward 'fetal rights' is dangerous and carries with it brevity to women's rights that should never appear anywhere in a court of law. The woman mentioned that shot herself could have died. Didn't care if she did and was in dire need of professional intervention. It was a tragedy, a personal tragedy for her and anyone who loved her enough to care, but, that is where it ends. Women's lives matter over and above their ability to procreate !
...In the 1790s, in the waters off Tripoli, pirates were making sport of American shipping near the Barbary Coast. Toward the end of his second term, Washington sent Joel Barlow, the diplomat-poet, to Tripoli to settle matters, and the resulting treaty, finished after Washington left office, bought a few years of peace. Article 11 of this long-ago document says that “as the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,” there should be no cause for conflict over differences of “religious opinion” between countries....
Yesterday there was an article in "The Plains Dealer" regarding a self inflicted wound.

The lies and deceptions of the Bush White House - 'Benchmark' Strategy

You gotta be joking here. This is what corruption does to a military and to a government. This is a human being outfitted for war? Not in my book. This is a human being 'dropped kicked' into a war for oil the Commander and Chief has designed to support his cronies. Our military doesn't deserve this type of treatment in this type of extreme conditions without good reason and more than sufficient personnel to carry out a mission. Noted the dead soldier laying on the ground next to his pier. The equipment didn't save him, did it?
When the Democratic majority of the House and Senate set down 'benchmarks' they weren't asking 'pretty please.' The benchmarks were to be met or the USA military was no longer at the Iraqi government's disposal.
All that clear. What did Bush have to say?
Bush's latest rhetorical tactic is unlikely to win over dissatisfied voters (click on title above)
By Howard Fineman
Updated: 3:33 p.m. ET Oct 25, 2006
Oct. 25, 2006 - Remember Al Gore’s mysterious “lockbox?” Well, I have a new item to nominate for the Museum of Inert Campaign Rhetoric: “Benchmarks.” The president says that they are the keys to victory in Iraq. But if I’m a struggling Republican candidate—buffeted by winds of anger and confusion over the war—I’m not sure “benchmarks” will insure my victory on Nov. 7....
Benchmarks aren't a political tool. They are measures developed by the legislature to influence the 'W'rongful use of the USA miltitary. What's so hard to understand, unless, in the minds of the moronic every legislative agenda is a political agenda. That is not what the Iraq War is or should it ever HAVE BEEN. Our military is supposed to be available to defend the USA, not victimize sovereign countries for oil and the economics of America's wealthy.
The quotes of General Petraeus at the recent Senate hearings:
One of the Republicans who is increasingly skeptical of the Iraq War strategy is outgoing Sen. John Warner of Virginia, who is retiring after 2008. While he has criticized the president's policy, he has never supported a Democratic withdrawal plan.
(Warner) :: "Are you able to say at this time if we continue what you've laid before the Congress here as a strategy, do you feel that is making America safer?" Warner asked Petraeus during a charged session of the Armed Services Committee Tuesday.
"Sir, I believe that this is indeed the best course of action to achieve our objectives in Iraq," Petraeus answered.
(Warner) :: "Does that make America safer?" Warner pressed.
"Sir, I don't know, actually," the general said. "What I have focused on and riveted on is how to accomplish the mission of the multinational force in Iraq."
Recent views of the Republican legislature (click here):
..."I think it gets to a point where we have spent enough time and enough lives and enough money in this one particular spot," said Rep. Bob Inglis, of South Carolina, who was one of 17 Republican House members who voted against the U.S. military buildup in Iraq last February.
"Our military has succeeded," Inglis said. "The question is whether Iraqi politicians can succeed. If they fail, it is not a U.S. failure. Let them go baby-sit a civil war."
While several prominent Republican senators have broken with President Bush on Iraq — notably Sens. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and John Warner of Virginia, both of whom aren't seeking re-election — their counterparts in the House largely have backed Bush despite ebbing public support for the war.
There are signs the House Republican compliance is fading, especially as Republicans try to recapture control of Congress in next year's elections and lawmakers focus more on their campaigns.
"In general, you're going to see more of a splitting with Bush," said John Geer, a Vanderbilt University political scientist who has written extensively on congressional elections.
Republican incumbents are "going to seek mechanisms by which they can show their opposition on Iraq and gain credibility with the electorate," Geer said. "They will find ways to get those extra few votes to keep their jobs."...
There is definately and "Us and Them" to the Evangelical Christian Regime. They are God's correct populous and the rest of us are in the way.

Evangelize they may. Convert the nation of the USA to a 'strategy' that feeds war, killing and international destabilization is facism (click here).
mission statement
The American Evangelical Christian Churches (AECC) believes everyone should enjoy the freedom to proclaim the Word of God as imparted to them by the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to serve our immediate church community by implementing the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 18-20 and ministering to the needs of God's people (Matthew 25: 34-40). In order to accomplish this we reach out and accept into membership those who believe the Bible to be the unerring Word of God and are called into His ministry. Our mission is to create a body of believers where we as individuals can realize God in our lives and model, teach, call forth, and celebrate the integrity of the spirit, mind and body in all that we do.
The article at this title link is from today's newsprint at the Los Angeles Times

The Democrats put forward a great candidates in 2004. What happened exactly? Was Kerry defeated because of policy? Character? Or simply by character assassination?
I consider the strategic move by Bush regarding SCHIP another political strategy of Georgie's agenda. In my neck of the woods (there is still a woods, right?), this is called "...throw the dog a bone...." Object to perfectly good legislation that will insure the nation's children from any adverse outcome and APPEAR to offer a real objection. Therefore, it's not Bush that has the problem, but, the Democrats and those that LACKED his superior intellect to 'see the real problem.' He isn't stating what his 'specific' changes would be because he doesn't know what they should be. He will allow the 'subservient' and 'inferior' Democratic legislature to play around with proposals until he basically thinks it 'appears' a 'proper' form of legislation.
He doesn't care about the nation, he wants to play politics. He objects to 'adults' because he thinks no one in the USA realizes there is an adult component to SCHIP. He threw it 'out there' to 'shock and awe' the Americans that ridiculed him 'unwittingly' in favor of a Democratic program. It's a strategy.
Of course there are adults included in SCHIP, especially if they were raised in Foster Homes and grew up with that insurance. Of course there are adults when PRE-NATAL care is afforded women who can't pay for it otherwise. Of course there are adults included in a program when there health and ability to work are impeded and as 'minors' were never able to work or build a Social Security Trust Fund.
But, that isn't the issue after all. It's just that MOST of the recipients of SCHIP are children. That is who is most important in this legislation as a majority. But, Bush is using this legislative 'opportunity' just as he uses the Iraq War and Evangelical Religion to promote 'party politics.' We don't have a president or vice; the USA does have a figure head that plays politics with lives and the USA Treasury with the cunning of a fox.
Bush calls for compromise on children's healthcare (click title of entry)
The president still has not said what specific changes he wants to make to the bill, though he wants adults moved off the program.
By Judy Pasternak
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 7, 2007
WASHINGTON -- President Bush indicated Saturday that he would be willing to accept a larger increase for a children's health insurance program than the one he has proposed, but defended his veto of the expansion of coverage approved by Congress.Bush's long-promised veto Wednesday set off an ideological battle about who holds responsibility for extending healthcare benefits to uninsured children: the government or the private sector.The congressional bill would spend $60 billion over five years to expand health coverage for children of the working poor and middle class, and pay for it with higher tobacco taxes. Bush has offered $30 billion, a 20% increase from the current levels but not enough to maintain the existing enrollment in the State Children's Health Insurance Program, budget analysts say....
1 Corinthians 13 is not the same for everyone? Click on this title to a link that has sound of the entire passage.

This 'spiritual note' above and at the bottom of the listed Bible entries are 'applications' of this passage in secular literature. Realizing how people incorporate what they find inspirational into writing that many people, with and without a perscribed faith, will read and also find inspirational leads to the point that a democracy can 'contain' the same values regardless of the 'particular' value systems of it's members. It is those value systems and their diversity which is an incredible feat of the American experience. The Evangelical Christians seeking domination of the people of this nation and the policies of the USA want to take that 'miracle' called The United States of America away from us.
The USA 'has been' a marvelous example of tolerance with a 'melting pot' heritage. Who among us doesn't love corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day or Misteltoe at Christmas or Pizza from the local 'take out?' Who among us can't appreciate the 'difference' of the colors of the rainbow or realize the 'common' plight a health issue such as cancer presents? Dearly few, so what is the problem in the tolerance of Evangelical Christians when it comes to realizing they need to RESPECT the laws that apply to all this nation rather than a limited population.
I would like to know the number of Jewish Synagogues that have closed down over the past seven years and how many have opened. You won't readily find those numbers anywhere as a measure to the spiritual health of the USA. I also wonder how many relish in that thought in the Conservative Christian community and how many feel the destruction of the Islamic Holy Land is a measure of progress. Oh, it exists. I know it does. These are not 'bitter' words, they are words of concern. The demise of any culture is not the answer to the world's problems. Quite the contrary.
1 Corinthians 13:11
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I no longer used childish ways.
King James Bible
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
American Standard Version
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things.
Bible in Basic English
When I was a child, I made use of a child's language, I had a child's feelings and a child's thoughts: now that I am a man, I have put away the things of a child.
Douay-Rheims Bible
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
Darby Bible Translation
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I reasoned as a child; when I became a man, I had done with what belonged to the child.
English Revised Version
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things.
Tyndale New Testament
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I imagined as a child: but as soon as I was a man I put away childishness.
Weymouth New Testament
When I was a child, I talked like a child, felt like a child, reasoned like a child: when I became a man, I put from me childish ways.
Webster's Bible Translation
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
World English Bible
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things.
Young's Literal Translation
When I was a babe, as a babe I was speaking, as a babe I was thinking, as a babe I was reasoning, and when I have become a man, I have made useless the things of the babe;
'When I was a child I thought as a child ...': the importance of memory in constructions of childhood and social order in a selection of post-disaster fictions.
Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature, September, 2005 by Braithwaite, Elizabeth
When I Was a Child I Thought as a Child
Roger Parham-Brown
Callaloo, No. 30 (Winter, 1987), pp. 55-70
This article consists of 16 page(s).
Don't talk to me about how wonderful Neocons were, including Giuliani, following September 11, 2001. They completely neglected an entire community.

As an American raised by an American family, I had a very interesting childhood into young adulthood.

I lived in a predominantly Caucasian town, but, my neighborhood was multicultural. There were Jewish kids, Catholics, Greek and Russian Orthodox. I don't remember any Muslim kids. My loss. There were Italian kids, Polish kids, Russian kids, Hispanic kids and a token Black kid. We didn't invite the minorities into the neighborhood, you understand, they lived there.
We were all different but we were all the same. Lower Middle Class with modest methods of enjoyment and attire, but, we were great together. I haven't asked lately, but, if one were to ask the staff at my former High School which graduating class was the most memorable, they would tell anyone for years to follow it was clearly the Class of '73. The truth. No lie.
As one of the kids in the neighborhood growing up, it was important to have a bike. And there all kinds of bikes. Bikes with high rise handle bars, some with cable brakes and some with gear shift levers. There were blue bikes and black bikes and green bikes and red bikes. Each one different from the other. It was important to have shiny chrome wheels. Clean bikes, they had to be clean bikes.
Everyone of us were different from each other. We celebrated the holidays differently, we went to different places of worship, some didn't worship at all, but, we were never so different that we didn't have playmates. We found commonality in our difference by being fascinated with the same things as we grew up.
The time I remember we all were happy, inventive and enjoying each other was on a summer day when a breeze was blowing. I brought out a section of stiff cardboard from the basement of the house out of complete boredom and cut a piece that would fit perfectly between the frame of my bike and the spokes of my front wheel. I jumped on my bike and raced down the street and this completely delightful noise filled the air. It was no time when all the neighborhood kids heard me and well you can guess the rest. They all wanted to make noise as well. I was pleased I had enough cardboard and fasteners for all of them. The adults didn't pay attention, were absorbed in their own worlds while the children of the neighborhood loved the joy of wonderment and learning.
That is my America. That is the America I grew up with. Diverse. Interactive. WITHOUT computers or I-Pods or DVDs, but, only radios that played FM and telephones with an extension cord. No barriers. No hatred. Nobody was right, nobody was wrong, we all lived and loved and got by with what we had while laughing and smiling through our own entertainment with our lives.
Now, I obviously have a computer. I have DVDs. I listen to more than just FM radio. But, it's still the same America to me and the changes that have occurred over the past seven years under this current 'regime' in DC has me worried about the tolerance of each other and the stability of my country. The USA is becoming a blight on Earth and that above all else has to precede any 'ideology' of perfection a MINORITY of religious devotees desires as the precepts to government.
I doubt many people are going to 'appreciate' what I have to write about tonight; but; as an American woman anchored in the belief all people can find a way to get along; this needs to be done. I will not stand by and have my country victimized by obsessed religious bigots.
NOT !!!!!
"A Town Called Hypocrisy" by Lostprophets
Video (click here)
Can you take this broken boy?
And put the pieces back as one?
Though he has all of his toys...
He is never having fun
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so…
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
(Town Called Hypocrisy)
Can you take this lonely girl?
I pick her up from off the ground
'cause theres no pride, to be found
When you follow sheep around
And no future here, no future
For us in this town
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so…
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
La la la
Lalalalalalalala la la
Lalalalalalalala la la
Lalalalalalalala la la
(lalalalalalalala la la)
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
(lalalalalalalala la la)
We are giving up
We are moving on
(lalalalalalalala la la)
Because its not enough
We were growing up
(lalalalalalalala la la)
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so…
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy