Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What was on Ted's Mind in his final days?

Profound loss in life is often times greeted with a concentration on distraction. Work is frequently a respite from such loss. Ted Kennedy knew the loss of his brothers, beloved sister, Mother and Father, the hardship of injured children and he distracted from his loss with complete dedication to purpose.

A very healthy thing to do. There was no self-destruction. No self-pity.

As he faced leaving behind all those he still loved, he was content to focus on the work that brought him such respite. The People of Massachusetts and the people of the USA. The people his family dedicated their purpose needed directions from their ailing champion.

Ted's dream is almost complete. The Massachusetts' Legislature and Governor Patrick have done themselves proud to a grateful nation.

The Massachusetts state senate has voted to allow the state's governor to pick an interim replacement for the late US Senator Edward Kennedy. (click title to entry - thank you)

Young adventurers send cell phone into space.

Something a little on the lighter side. Some young scientists sent the created their own investigation of Earth by assembling a cell phone transmission from a weather baloon. Genius.
Enjoy the adventure of those inventive enough to satisfy their curiosity. And get this, they got the cell phone back when the weather balloon broke in high altitude before leaving the atmosphere of Earth. And. The cell phone still works.

Dust storm rings alarm bell for environment protection

Australia experienced deadly brush fires last year.

The Australia Drought has been profound for over five years to date.

The dust storm over Sydney, Australia is stated to be the worst ever experienced. Lives are at 'risk' with particles in the air. (click here for photo expose at Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the New South Wales (NSW) Environment Department, (click title to entry - thank you) the dust storm has blown 16,000 tons of dust across the state each hour in the last 24 hours. The dust, the worst since 1939, has affected not only Smith's travel, but also the traffic of the whole city.