Friday, March 21, 2014

International monitoring cannot include Russian personnel. It is a conflict of interest.

I remind, the Ukraine government stated there were Russian agents in the Crimea to stir up trouble. The international observers have to remain neutral and honest. The Ukraine doesn't need Russian observers making up charges of the people or the government. The former Ukraine president is in Russia. The conflict of interest is obvious.

Friday, March 21, 2014
VIENNA — Russia on Friday (click here) accepted the deployment of an international monitoring team to Ukraine that officials said will have free access to regions throughout the country. But a senior Russian envoy said that doesn't include Crimea, which his country claims as its own.

The development followed more than a week of stonewalling by Russia of a push by all other members of the 57-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to send such a mission, which they hope will prevent an escalation of tensions in Ukraine's east and south — regions that have large Russian-speaking populations.

Friday's decision calls for advance teams to be deployed within 24 hours. The mission, which has a six-month mandate, initially will consist of 100 observers. Up to 400 extra monitors could be deployed if necessary....

For the same reason it is in Russia's best interest to remain outside the scope of observers to protect itself from being blamed for false reporting. I disagree that the Crimea should be excluded from these observers. Quite frankly, the military that currently is terrifying the people need to put their arms away and allow the UN to do it's work. 

There are dead people. There are on going investigations. The parties involved need to stop the hostilities and accept neutral parties to participate in upholding the peace. Elections can't be held if there is no peace and conflict of interest.

Additionally, the elections in the Ukraine cannot go forward if the military threats at it's borders and in the Crimea continue. Just that simple. The people of the Ukraine have a right to peace to decide their future without threats sitting at their borders and within their sovereign nation. 

All the militias within the Ukraine need to be disarmed without exception.

I didn't want to bring this up exactly, because I don't believe it is anyone's business.

Phelps' son, Timothy told 13 News that his father died just before midnight. Timothy Phelps works at the Shawnee Co. Jail.

Ironically, another son who is a member of the church, attorney Jonathan Phelps told us Thursday morning that Pastor Phelps "is doing fine." That could have been a spiritual reference. 

No Funeral

Margie Phelps, Phleps daughter, told WIBW-AM that there will be no funeral for him.

Over the weekend, we learned that Phelps was reportedly "on the edge of death."

In a statement on his Facebook page, Nathan Phelps, who has been estranged from his father for 30 years, said the senior Phelps was dying in hospice care in Topeka, Kan., and that he had been ex-communicated from his own church in August of 2013....

I have a feeling something can be worked out with Norway on an emergent basis.

If one looks very close at this map it is obvious the sovereign waters of Norway aligns right next to that of the Russian Federation. The only reason Norway is second to Russia is because Russia has a longer coastline.

Country Analysis Brief Overview (click here)

  • Norway is Europe's largest oil producer, the world's second largest natural gas exporter, and is an important supplier of both oil and natural gas to other European countries. 
  • Norway is the largest oil producer and exporter in Western Europe.
  • Norway is the second largest exporter of natural gas after Russia, and ranks fourth in world natural gas production. 

If the aggressions of Russia continues; the Ukraine, post soviet states and Europe would be forced to seek other forms of energy anyway. I think this was a wake call in more ways than one.

Europe and the post soviet states have been good customers. How does Gasprom replace that level of customer sales without them? New customers? Where? The pipelines run west, not east. It seems fairly obvious Gasprom cannot do without it's customers. The higher the price, the more reason to look elsewhere.

West threatens Russia with sanctions over Crimea vote

Gazprom's shares down 1.1 pct, bucking a rising broader Moscow market

European companies voiced support to deals with Gazprom

Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:23pm IST

MOSCOW, March 17 (Reuters) - Russia's top natural gas producer Gazprom (click here) is considering making changes to contracts to keep its European customers on board despite western sanctions on Russia over Ukraine, the Vedomosti newspaper said on Monday.

Citing a source close to Gazprom, the daily said the company might be willing to change its "take-or-pay" requirements, which make consumers pay for gas whether they take physical delivery or not. It did not give further details.

There were cluster equakes today in Oklahoma between Enid and Oklahoma City.

These are fracking wells (click here) in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City is slightly to the right of center. Enid is slightly northwest of Oklahoma City and just below that huge cluster of well at the border.

There was also one earthquake in Kansas just north of the Oklahoma earthquakes. 

The U.S. Geological Survey (click here) reported three earthquakes in Oklahoma so far today.
At about 12:08 a.m., a 2.6 magnitude was recorded 21 miles south-southeast of Medford. Minutes later, a 3.1 magnitude was recorded in almost the same location.
At about 9:39 a.m., a 3.2 magnitude earthquakes was recorded about 2 miles south of Langston.Then, at about 11:46 a.m., another 2.6 magnitude recorded about 3 miles south-southwest of Langston.During the past seven days, Oklahoma recorded 29 earthquakes, including a 3.4 magnitude on Wednesday near Perkins, according to the USGS. During that same timeframe, Kansas recorded two earthquakes, while New Mexico, Missouri and Arkansas recorded one each.

I betcha these quakes are caused by fracking wells, ya think?

USGS Earthquake USA Map (click here) 

Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:45 pm 
Updated: 5:01 pm, Wed Mar 19, 2014. 
...During the past 7 days, (click here) the USGS recorded 26 earthquakes in Oklahoma, including a 3.3 magnitude Monday near Choctaw. During that same timeframe, Kansas recorded 4, Arkansas recorded 1 and Missouri recorded 2.

We so rarely hear how young Americans are finding their own way to prosperity. This is a great story.

By Julie MacSwain

When studying abroad in France (click here) and Spain, Sarah Woutat developed a love for organic farming after working on farms in both countries. The love was so strong, she retired from her New York City life working for an environmental publishing business and returned to farming.

After an apprenticeship at Fort Hill Farm in Connecticut, she returned home to her native state of Minnesota to run Uproot Farm.

Uproot Farm is a small vegetable farm just one hour north of the Twin Cities. This farm turns a profit on just five acres. The farm sells community supported agriculture, or CSA, shares to people in nearby Cambridge, Minn. as well as Minneapolis. When a person buys into a CSA, they’re guaranteed a certain amount of the farm’s harvest and the farm receives financial support up front....

...While high tunnels may look like greenhouses, growers manage them quite differently. In high tunnels, plants are grown directly in the ground.  High tunnels don’t use heaters and lights. Opening and closing the high tunnel regulates the sun’s heat. Right after it was built in September, she planted a crop of spinach.

Her first crop yielded 126 pounds. The following spring she planted and harvested several vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, beets, spinach, salad mix and radishes.

“She was very happy with the spinach crop that she harvested in the fall of 2011, just two months after the seasonal high tunnel was set up,” Bork said....
Mr. Gainer is the gentlemen that escorts the President to the podium in the joint session of Congress for the State of the Union.

by David Melna
When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (click here) declared "I support Senator Feinstein unequivocally" the same day she thrashed the CIA on the Senate floor, the question of whether the pugilistic top congressional Democrat from Nevada would leap into that fight seemed less a matter of if than when.

A little more than a week later, Reid made his move.

He fired off a letter to CIA Director John Brennan informing the top spy that Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer would be performing a "forensic examination" of computers and a computer network meant for exclusive use by the Senate Intelligence Committee....
Here is a reality of 2014 you can take to the bank. This is real.

McDonald's greatest worry is that they don't relate to Generation X and Millennials.

Where is Gen X and Millenials going?

Chipotle (click here)


Because the food is more wholesome and they don't use mistreated animals in their food preparation.

These generations don't speak about themselves in the same way other generations speak. They see their lives as service to improve the world, including the idea 'No Child Without Food In Their Bellies.' The world has changed and they are going forward WITHOUT those that can't get their minds around it.

The future in the USA does not at all reflect the past.

Is the Eurasian Union the end game of Putin's invasion forces? I don't see how.

The Eurasian Union is going to isolate itself and it's growth will be very limited. At the rate Putin is now limiting his 'friendly' contacts around the world the NEW EU can't possibly be the focus of Russia. It more or less looks like a military trap. If the Crimean invasion is any evidence of the focus of the "NEW EU" there is no interest in economic growth. Confrontation of any military of any country is about limiting and now growth. Military invasion is about control, not movement.

I don't see how this new venture by Russia is going to produce a growth incentive to any of it's members. If growth is being sacrificed control, then there is a military tilt to this reorganization of post soviet states. The idea Russia has to invade lands in order to capture it's participants is hideous. It won't work.

I don't see more buying at Macy's by order of the government, do you? 

Be Leon Neyfakh
Globe Staff
March 9, 2014

...For all its ambition (click here) and the grandeur of its name, the Eurasian Union hasn’t been discussed much in the West outside of foreign-policy circles; when asked about it recently, the State Department declined to comment. This does not mean US officials aren’t worried about its implications. In December 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made a remark that, to date, seems to represent the American government’s only public position on Putin’s idea: “There is a move to re-Sovietise the region,” she said. And while of course the new entity wouldn’t be called the USSR, she said, “Let’s make no mistake about it. We know what the goal is and we are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it.”...

The best analogy to this Eurasian Union is that of Perestroika. That was Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s. It was a brave attempt to reorganize the government and economy of Russia.

And I think this observation by Wes Kyatt is somewhat correct in that Putin is placing himself outside a clear definition of his actions. Chancellor Angela Merkel stated she thought Putin was disoriented to reality.

I don't see that Putin is being very honest to his actions and the outcomes he is expecting by spoofing The West. I sincerely believe he thinks he is pulling the wool over the eyes of The West because of a preferred blind spot to nuclear war, therefore, he can do as he please right up to conventional war with Europe. And will he do that? Did he scuttle a ship to block the movement of Ukrainian ships? Tell me that wasn't planned in a strategy to carry out from the beginning in Crimea.

Now, either Russia is completely incompetent in functioning in the real world including global markets or this is a strategy to bring about the redefinition of it's borders in an expansionist empire. The tilt by China about this is interesting. There is no mention in the headlines of President Obama leveling sanctions, China's propaganda is completely focused on the sanctions by Russia of the USA. Communists.  

We are still there. With all the attempts by the former ambassador to China in George H. W. Bush and all the promise of a world in cooperation with each other, we are still 'there' in a world divided into 'Us and Them.' As a matter of fact, "W" and Cheney probably solidified the ideas of "Us and Them" more than any figures in post WWII history.

The entire idea that Russia is going to build a successful economic engine in the Eurasian Union to challenge the productivity of The West is all too obvious a deceitful endeavor. I am sure the Eurasian Union would love it if it succeeded beyond any expectations, but, I don't think they even know what to expect from this new economic alliance. Not only that but with a launch of January 2015, there are more nations looking at Russia and it's affiliates as if it has three heads and sixteen eyes. It is a new monster on the block no one wants to begin to understand yet alone consent to it's aggression to build an economic something or other.

I don't know how much of 'The Soul of Peace' Putin has had to sell to the communists in order to secure the permission to build an economic alliance, but, it obviously involved a military overtone that the global community won't stand to witness as a reality. If this is the new face of the Eurasian Union, it isn't at all about economic competition so much as economic take over. It is unrecognizable in any economic dictionary currently used in classrooms in our universities.

War within countries does not increase economic viability, quite the opposite it is the ultimate oppressor. Where does Russia believe the Crimea is going to succeed in any economic scheme to be prosperous? Inclusion? Diversity? Appreciation of cultural tourism? Engineering genius? Inventive Environments of Think Tanks? It won't happen. The focus is military strength and in a world where economics is suppose to be important to all nations in an aire of cooperation and enlightenment so borders are open to exchange; it doesn't exist with Russia on March 21, 2014. 

Did it ever exist?

When The West says they want Iran to stop nuclear enrichment, it means it, otherwise there are economic sanctions as a weapon to relay the seriousness of it's will. When The West states "knock if off to Assad" it means it. When The West states stop the killing, it means it. But, is The West willing to throw down the gauntlet and begin wars and killing to back up it's words of meaning? Dear God I hope not

The world in 2014 is suppose to be built on trust and mutual expectations for people around the world. If Russia doesn't 'get it' because it demands blood to be spilled in order to define it's language of strength; then we haven't gotten anywhere with ignore leaders that are still angry over the abandonment of The Cold War and it's then leaders decisions to live a better quality of life than adhere to Lenin's dictates.

If Russia's present day leaders are still mired in hatred of difference. If Russia doesn't see the peaceful path forward reassured to every nation when participating in economics that work. If Russia doesn't care about improving the lives of the people of their nation there will never be anything on this Earth except a chronic struggle of powers who believe they have some strange idea of winning. Killing is winning? Regrowing hatred and political distance is winning? If that is the case, then the forward movement of humanity has ended and we are mired in stupidity forever.


Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:14 pm
Wes Kyatt, Contributing Columnist
During the now infamous press conference, (click here) Putin displayed himself as someone who is at least perceiving reality very differently from the West, and at worst completely detached from reality altogether. Russian troops were storming Ukrainian military installations in Crimea as Putin denied Russia was involved militarily at all.
“There are many uniforms there that are similar. You can go to a store and buy any kind of uniform,” Putin said.
The squadrons storming Crimea weren’t Russian units; they were “local defense units.” Two weeks later, Russian military exercises were being conducted just off Ukraine’s eastern border. If observers were gullible enough to believe Putin at the time, Russian actions since then illustrate that scenario as unlikely.
Putin has indicated beyond the shadow of a doubt that he and the United States are reading from different playbooks. President Barack Obama has correctly insisted upon a diplomatic solution, while insisting that the vote in Crimea to join the Russian federation is illegitimate, resulting in intimidation from Moscow. U.S. economic sanctions put in place yesterday target specific officials, including those close to Putin and former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The U.S. did not sanction Putin himself, leaving room to up the ante if the situation continues to escalate. Unfortunately, as indicated by the bruising the DOW took last Thursday, Russian banks have likely already anticipated sanctions. A vast amount of Russian money was taken out of the U.S. beforehand, and likely placed in London or Germany, where governments are more reticent to take action against the Kremlin....

Russia wants $11 billion in leases returned from Ukraine. I don't think so.

So, the important part was Russian Speaking People, huh? I think not.

There are reports on blogs, unverified, that Russia scuttled a ship to block deep water lane out of the port to trap Ukraine ships at port. That is more than worrying about Russia speaking people.

Europe and the Ukraine have other energy alternatives, they don't need to come to coercion.

Published time: March 21, 2014 09:48
Edited time: March 21, 2014 12:04

Russia (click here) may revoke a deal with Ukraine, which gave Kiev a considerable discount on gas in exchange for hosting the Russian Black Sea fleet. The Russian PM said this would oblige Kiev to return $11 billion which Russia paid to lease the bases.

The deal, which was signed in 2010 in Kharkov, extended permission to Russia to keep the Black Sea fleet at its base in Sevastopol for 25 years after 2017, when the current agreement was due to expire. In exchange Moscow offered Ukraine incentives, including a discount on the price of gas and a waiver for some payments to Russia.... 

There is this in the Daily Mail, though. 

By Sam Webb and Damien Gayle

The Russian Black Sea (click here) fleet has blockaded Ukrainian warships by scuttling an anti-submarine ship at the entrance to their port in Crimea.

Russian sailors scuttled the decommissioned warship Ochakov at the entrance to Donuzlav Bay, the location of Ukraine's Southern Naval Headquarters in the west of the peninsula.

It came as Crimea's parliament voted unanimously in favour of a snap referendum to decide whether the region should join the Russian Federation....

First Lady Michelle is making front page headlines in China.

First lady Michelle Obama, with her mother and daughters, arrives in Beijing on Thursday, March 20, to kick off a six-day tour focusing on education and cultural exchange. Click through the gallery to see where else the first lady has been.
By Michael Martinez
2:13 PM EDT, Thu March 20, 2014
First lady Michelle Obama (click here) is in China for an official visit to expand Sino-American relations, but she will refrain from talking about political differences.
Mrs. Obama, who flew Wednesday from Washington, D.C., is making a week-long trip to three Chinese cities and will speak with children at several schools about the importance of education and youth empowerment.

The U.S. first lady has several activities and events scheduled Friday with Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan.

"Her visit and her agenda sends a message that the relationship between the United States and China is not just between leaders, it's a relationship between peoples," said Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes....

Peng Liyuan meets with Michelle Obama 

Updated: 2014-03-20 23:43
(China Daily)

...Though nobody (click here) from the delegation spoke to the media, the first lady's brief debut spread quickly on Chinese media and micro blogs, where users discussed what she would wear and eat, and how she will interact with Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan.

"It is another innovation in the history of Chinese diplomacy" and helps both sides' leaders strengthen their personal relations, said Ruan Zongze, vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies.

Ruan was referring to the latest "creative" laid-back meeting between President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart, Barack Obama, at the Sunnylands resort in California last June, soon after Xi assumed office.

Peng, Xi's wife, accompanied her husband on the Sunnylands visit but did not meet Michelle Obama, who was in Washington. Her absence left some Chinese disappointed and more excited about the "make-up" meeting.

On Friday, Michelle Obama, a Harvard-educated lawyer, is to spend almost the whole day with Peng. The two first ladies will visit a high school in Beijing, stroll inside the Forbidden City, eat Peking duck and watch a performance together....

Putin's idea of civility is like "Return of the Klingons."

Fitch takes US off negative ratings watch

By Associated Press

A credit rating firm (click here) has concluded a review of the United States’ credit rating and reiterated that it deserves the highest rating.

Fitch Ratings had started a review of the U.S. debt rating in October and warned it might downgrade the nation’s rating....

Mar 21, 2014 5:08 AM ET
Russia’s credit rating outlook (click here) was cut to negative by Fitch Ratings, citing the potential impact on a slowing economy of widening U.S. and European Union sanctions imposed as it absorbs Ukraine’s Crimea region.

Fitch followed a similar move by Standard & Poor’s yesterday. Both companies affirmed the former Soviet republic at BBB, the second-lowest investment grade, on par with Brazil. Yields on 10-year sovereign ruble bonds rose to 9.66 percent, within 13 basis points of the five-year high on March 14, while The ruble continued declines....

I have to wonder how long Putin will remain the martyr for his war passion.

By Jason Bush and Barbara Lewis
Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:19am EDT

(Reuters) - Russian shares fell sharply (click here) on Friday as investors took fright at tougher than expected U.S. sanctions against President Vladimir Putin's inner circle over Moscow's seizure of Crimea from Ukraine.

The United States added 20 names to its sanctions blacklist, including Kremlin banker Yuri Kovalchuk and his Bank Rossiya, oil and commodities trader Gennady Timchenko and the brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, who are linked to big contracts on gas pipelines and the Sochi Olympics, as well as Putin's chief of staff and his deputy, the head of military intelligence and a railways chief.

In one immediate consequence, U.S. credit card companies Visa and MasterCard stopped providing services for payment transactions with Russia's SMP bank, owned by the Rotenberg brothers, the bank said....

In the meantime, the citizens in the Crimea remain terrified.

Who patrols your neighborhood and how predictable are their behavior while trying to get on with the day. There was a man found in a shallow grave that was beaten to death.

The Crimea is beginning to look like an occupied territory and not an independent state. 

Added by Day Blakely Donaldson
March 20, 2014.

To date the death toll in Crimea (click here) since Russian forces have occupied the peninsula is five. The deaths have taken place during the past several days. Two deaths came after a pro-Russian force stormed a Ukrainian army base–one death on each side of the conflict. Two deaths resulted from a sniper opening fire on both Ukrainians and pro-Russians, killing one of each. The fifth death was that of a Tatar man who was carried away from a protest two weeks ago and recently turned up–his discarded body showing evidence of torture....

This is not a benign incursion into an island whereby all people were happy for the end of a process to declare it's independence and incorporation into the Russian nation. This is very hostile and now it is becoming ethnic. Russians only, no one else needed.

...The first known death was discovered March 17. Reshat Ametov, a 39-year-old Tatar father of three, had been missing for two weeks after being last seen at Lenin Square in front of the Crimean Council of Ministers building, where he was participating in a small-scale protest. Crimean television news channel ATR showed video footage of three men leading Ametov out of the square. Two men were wearing military-style jackets and one wore a black uniform. None of the three wore identifying insignia on their clothing. The three men have not been identified.

The body of Ametov was found dumped outside the town of Belogorsk. The body had transparent tape around its hands and head, and bore marks of torture, according to local media reports....

It is all predictable, if a countries carries out occupation of another country for the purpose of ethnic reasons, ie: "Russian speaking people," there is going to be hatred of other ethnicities. It is outrageous. This is how Yugoslavia fell into warring factions and genocide of people. It is all predictable. Either the post soviet states are autonomous and diversified with support and inclusion of any minorities or there will terrible problems.

Mar 21, 2014 4:18 AM ET

...EU leaders added 12 names to their list (click here) of Russians and Ukrainians punished with asset freezes and travel bans. The bloc acted a day after the U.S. penalized 20 Russian officials and business leaders as having ties to Putin.

With Russia on the verge of annexing Crimea and massing troops near Ukraine’s eastern border, the U.S. and the EU are moving to coordinate their response as they press Putin to back down. The crisis marks the worst confrontation between the West and Russia since the Cold War ended more than two decades ago.

“The goal is not sanctions, the goal is to get Mr. Putin to the negotiating table,” EU Financial Services Commissioner Michel Barnier said today in interview on broadcaster France 2.

Western nations are signaling that Russia will face further repercussions if it fails to yield. The EU, Russia’s biggest trading partner, said today it would consider “targeted” curbs on business and investment. A separate order signed by Obama yesterday authorized potential future penalties on sectors of the Russian economy, including financial services, energy, metals and mining, defense and engineering....

To the Russian people Mr. Putin sounds like a man concerned about their best interest as well, "Russian speaking people." Those words are a flashpoint to hatred. He is beginning to designate Russian Speaking People as a superior race. He needs to stop this dialogue. It is a threat.

20/03 19:12 CET
UN chief Ban Ki-moon has told Vladimir Putin (click here) that he’s “deeply concerned” about the crisis between Russia and Ukraine.
Ban met Putin in Moscow, as the country’s lower house of parliament voted to approve a treaty to absorb the Ukrainian region of Crimea into Russia.
“I was profoundly concerned by the recent incident where Ukrainian military bases were taken over,” said Ban.
“It is at moments like this in history that a small incident can quickly lead to a situation spiralling out of anyone’s control.”
Earlier on Thursday, the UN chief met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Ban is expected to travel to Kyiv on Friday on a visit which the UN says is “part of (his) diplomatic efforts to encourage all parties to resolve the current crisis peacefully.”

Before any change in sovereignty of the Crimea was attempted by Russia, there should have been all kinds of open forums for the Tartars and hear their concerns while placing them at positions of prominence to elevate their importance in any of the scenarios and outcomes. The Tatars were important to the vote and instead they objected to it by refusing to participate. This was not the way to go about this. 

I keep coming back to Yanukovych and his stationing of militias throughout the Ukraine. There is only one reason for militias and that is kill people and maintain order that is not of the sovereign authorities.

BRUSSELS Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:23am EDT
(Reuters) - The European Union and Ukraine's interim government (click here) signed a political association agreement on Friday, committing to the same deal former president Viktor Yanukovich rejected last November, a move that lead to his overthrow.

The EU's 28 leaders and interim Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk signed the core chapters of the Association Agreement on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels, officials who witnessed the ceremony told Reuters.
The deal commits Ukraine and the EU to closer political and economic cooperation, although major parts of the agreement concerning free trade will only be signed after Ukraine has held new presidential elections in May.

Wall Street's Tombstone Mentality. They don't prevent tragedy or product failure they only respond to populous tragedy.

One has to wonder if tragedy is Wall Street's best advertisement strategy.

RAAF Loadmasters launch a 'Self Locating Data Marker Buoy' from a C-130J Hercules aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean during the search for flight MH370

The markers fall into the ocean and provides a GPS signal when it makes contact with fresh or salt water. It also measures surface ocean currents.

Those soldiers are brave for being tethered to the ramp of the Hercules aircraft while they send these signal buoys to the ocean. I could not do that. Wow.

To recap the main points (click here) from this morning's press conference from Malaysian authorities:
  • They are still waiting for information from the Australian search and rescue operation to see if the objects shown in the satellite images released yesterday are related to the missing plane. They are still searching the north and south corridors.
  • HMS Success is due to arrive in the southern Indian Ocean tomorrow, and HMS Echo is on his way. David Cameron has said he will provide Malaysia with a list of possible assets the UK can contribute to the search.
  • Flight MH370 was carrying lithium ion batteries, but chief executive of Malaysia Airlines says these were approved, and not declared as dangerous goods.
  • The Malaysian transport minister said they were using every possible asset, including the most sophisticated plans and vessels in the search effort.

Apple iPhone hopes to monopolize the market.

Why worry about an interface with other brand phones if iPhone is the only one that survives the market?

By Precious Silva
March 21, 2014 1:06 AM EST 

Apple will launch iPhone 6, (click here) its next flagship phone, soon. According to latest reports, Apple will release two versions of the device: 4.7-inch and 5.7-inch.

Analysts think the 5.7-inch will be the "motherload of all upgrade cycles." That is Apple will target Android big screen fans and compete better in the smartphone arena. Can Apple iPhone 6 deliver? 

Analysts believe Apple can boost up production and sales every year if it will start diversifying. According to Brian Marshall, analyst under ISI Group, iPhone users go through "large-screen envy" with other Android devices....

Isn't the corporate headquarters address as narcissistic as it comes? 1 Infinite Loop. Very cute.

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
It takes about four clicks from this page (click here) to get to the point where Apple asks for ID to perform a release on an iPhone to communicate outside the Apple environment.
Start with:
Product & Technical Support

Browse online support

Visit the Apple Support site for quick answers, manuals, and in-depth technical articles. Visit Apple Support Communities to get help and tips from fellow Apple customers. 

And click on Apple Support Site, then page down and click on Contact Us, then the blue box stating "Get Started," then the picture of the iPhone, then Internet and Air Play, then The Topic is Not Listed, then write a message and after the message click continue and you'll then arrive at the page below. Good luck.