Chow is breaking the law and exploiting the American people for re-election of her husband to the US Senate. This is not just an ethics violation, she is directing Labor Department monies to an exclusive lobbyist for her husband. She is breaking the law. She is stealing USA Treasury money for her own purpose.
Here again, taking the example of Trump's "in the open" lawbreaking.
June 11, 2019
By Jason Lemon
...Politico reported (click here) on Monday that Chao's Transportation Department had designated a special liaison to assist specifically with grant applications and other requests from her Republican husband McConnell, who is also the Senate majority leader. This effort set the stage for the approval of $78 million worth of projects in Kentucky, as McConnell runs for reelection in the state next year.
"Where a Cabinet secretary is doing things that are going to help her husband get reelected, that starts to rise to the level of feeling more like corruption to the average American," John Hudak, the deputy director of the Center for Effective Public Management and a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution told Politico. "I do think there are people who will see that as sort of 'swamp behavior.'"...
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
More failure of USA foreign policy under Trump.
Lebanon has always been a friend to the USA. We were Lebanon's strongest ally for decades. I find this alarming. Hezbollah is known to have residence in Lebanon. They were able to increase their military prowess during the time they were cut off from Iran by Daesh. This is a worry if the USA still cares about the people of Lebanon. No matter how one looks at this it is not good news.
When it comes to money, Trump doesn't need the State Department or the Department of Commerce, it only needs Jared.
June 11, 2019
The meeting in Bahrain is another money project by Kushner. Where the family this time?
Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil (click here) announces that his country will not participate in the US-led economic peace summit in Bahrain later this month.
Bassil says that Beirut will not be attending because the Palestinians will not be there. Moreover, he says that not enough information has been given about the plan for them to play along.
However, it is not clear if the US invited Lebanon to participate.
It is understandable that Lebanon would have strong opposition to any economic conference by the USA. The Palestinians are losing ground in international status as they lose more and more ground in the West Bank. These are all actions that continue to change Israeli borders.
June 10, 2019
Ramallah/Amman - A U.S. envoy’s comments (click here) on Israel having the right to annex at least parts of the occupied West Bank show “extremists” are involved in White House policy on the issue, Palestinian leaders said over the weekend.
In a responding statement to U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman’s comments in a New York Times interview, a Palestinian government spokesperson said some leading U.S. policy on the issue were “extremists” lacking in “political maturity.” The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said it was looking into filing a complaint with the International Criminal Court on the issue.
When it comes to money, Trump doesn't need the State Department or the Department of Commerce, it only needs Jared.
June 11, 2019
The meeting in Bahrain is another money project by Kushner. Where the family this time?
Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil (click here) announces that his country will not participate in the US-led economic peace summit in Bahrain later this month.
Bassil says that Beirut will not be attending because the Palestinians will not be there. Moreover, he says that not enough information has been given about the plan for them to play along.
However, it is not clear if the US invited Lebanon to participate.
It is understandable that Lebanon would have strong opposition to any economic conference by the USA. The Palestinians are losing ground in international status as they lose more and more ground in the West Bank. These are all actions that continue to change Israeli borders.
June 10, 2019
Ramallah/Amman - A U.S. envoy’s comments (click here) on Israel having the right to annex at least parts of the occupied West Bank show “extremists” are involved in White House policy on the issue, Palestinian leaders said over the weekend.
In a responding statement to U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman’s comments in a New York Times interview, a Palestinian government spokesperson said some leading U.S. policy on the issue were “extremists” lacking in “political maturity.” The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said it was looking into filing a complaint with the International Criminal Court on the issue.
A very big thanks to all the witnesses that appeared at the House Judiciary Committee meeting yesterday.
It was obvious from the testimony carried out at the US House Judiciary Committee meeting yesterday, there were sincere reasons to continue to investigate the crimes of the White House. The US House received the confidence from the testimonies yesterday that they needed to act to bring a civil contempt to the floor and pass it.
The witnesses were vitally important and it was extremely obvious every one of them love this country.
June 11, 2019
By Joe Perticone and Sonam Sheth
Washington — The House of Representatives (click here) voted Tuesday to allow a congressional committee to enforce subpoenas by taking uncooperative executive branch officials to court using a civil contempt resolution.
A civil contempt resolution is different from criminal contempt of Congress, which can result in lofty fines or even jail time.
The move comes after the House Judiciary Committee advanced contempt of Congress resolutions for both Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Don McGahn, marking the most severe congressional action against President Donald Trump's administration since Democrats reclaimed the chamber's majority....
The witnesses were vitally important and it was extremely obvious every one of them love this country.
June 11, 2019
By Joe Perticone and Sonam Sheth
Washington — The House of Representatives (click here) voted Tuesday to allow a congressional committee to enforce subpoenas by taking uncooperative executive branch officials to court using a civil contempt resolution.
A civil contempt resolution is different from criminal contempt of Congress, which can result in lofty fines or even jail time.
The move comes after the House Judiciary Committee advanced contempt of Congress resolutions for both Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Don McGahn, marking the most severe congressional action against President Donald Trump's administration since Democrats reclaimed the chamber's majority....
China's weak currency is reflective of a country without a strong domestic economy.
China has two currencies. In recent years it was promoting the renminbi as a potential international currency.
The phenomena of this Chinese currency should be a lesson to the third world and emerging economic countries, in that the Chinese currency including the Yen, can be manipulated by threats of tariffs.
A country cannot survive international pressures IF it does not have a strong domestic economy. China's claim to international economic markets is the fact it has a cheap workforce which makes it an exporting country. China imports very little, but, for very profound reasons.
Differently said, there is no reason for China to have a stable economy or currencies. It has no stable domestic economy that provides the country with a stronger currency. Resilience. There is no inherent resiliency to the Chinese economy, it is dependent on international trade. That is a very bad place for any country to be. The reason China survives these assaults on it's economic stability is that it is a communist country whereby citizens are workers and not consumers.
Communist countries, such as China or Russia, can build their military in the face of economic collapse. It doesn't need money. These countries have no real incentive to improve the quality of life of their people. We have witnessed the stagnation in Chinese and Russian leadership that only instills a stronger regime that oppresses the people.
It is reasonable to ask the question, "Does China or Russia actually want to be emerging countries outside the desire to destroy the Free World?" China was all too eager to provide cheap wage labor to the Free World, without any commitment to improve the quality of life of it's citizens. In other words, China alone can trap the Free World into a dependency on it's labor, while de-escalating the strong economic machine that has been the USA. What has resulted in the USA in the face of cheap Chinese labor is The Working Poor. China definitely depresses the wage in the USA.
This entire dynamic of China, calling it the second largest economic power in the world, is artificial. The tariffs are proof of that. The tariffs can bring economic penetration into the global economy by China to a standstill while shrinking the previous economic success of China. China has no resilience in a domestic economy. A stronger Middle Class in China would remove incentives for Free World companies to continue to use Chinese labor.
That is China's folly.
It believed it could take over the entire labor market of major Wall Street companies deflating the economic strength of the USA. Americans don't like to work for nothing, while citizens of communist countries accept their poverty. The resiliency of the USA economy allows for vibrant entrepreneurship and very stable local economies. China cannot completely remove the American will for a strong and successful "American Dream."
The current tariffs will compromise China and Russia's desire to end the economic strength of the USA. It only illustrates how opening relations with China so long ago was correct, however, China derailed it's own economic success because the communist regime is more interested in power than the quality of life of it's own citizens and it's own ability to manufacture to strong domestic consumerism.
China and Russia have lost the war to defeat the USA's economy. It would be best for these countries to embrace the idea of being a legitimate emerging economy and reward their citizens with a strong Middle Class and quality of life and end any international military ambition that would rob those citizens of such national achievements.

May 13, 2019
By Hudson Lockett and Daniel Shane
...A weaker exchange rate (click here) in the wake of the latest rise in US tariffs would provide China with cheaper and more competitive exports as it grapples with the latest demands for concessions out of Washington. But it would also have costs.
In August 2015, Beijing carried out the biggest one-day devaluation of the renminbi in more than two decades, in what critics described as an effort to boost its export-driven economy. However, the downward adjustment of the currency exposed China to criticism and it complicated relations with the US, where politicians have long argued that the renminbi is undervalued.
The move also undermined China’s efforts to have the renminbi accepted as a global reserve currency alongside the dollar, yen, euro and sterling. Gains made by the renminbi in this respect, before the devaluation, have since been reversed. In March the currency accounted for just 1.2 per cent of international payments, according to data from Swift....
The phenomena of this Chinese currency should be a lesson to the third world and emerging economic countries, in that the Chinese currency including the Yen, can be manipulated by threats of tariffs.
A country cannot survive international pressures IF it does not have a strong domestic economy. China's claim to international economic markets is the fact it has a cheap workforce which makes it an exporting country. China imports very little, but, for very profound reasons.
Differently said, there is no reason for China to have a stable economy or currencies. It has no stable domestic economy that provides the country with a stronger currency. Resilience. There is no inherent resiliency to the Chinese economy, it is dependent on international trade. That is a very bad place for any country to be. The reason China survives these assaults on it's economic stability is that it is a communist country whereby citizens are workers and not consumers.
Communist countries, such as China or Russia, can build their military in the face of economic collapse. It doesn't need money. These countries have no real incentive to improve the quality of life of their people. We have witnessed the stagnation in Chinese and Russian leadership that only instills a stronger regime that oppresses the people.
It is reasonable to ask the question, "Does China or Russia actually want to be emerging countries outside the desire to destroy the Free World?" China was all too eager to provide cheap wage labor to the Free World, without any commitment to improve the quality of life of it's citizens. In other words, China alone can trap the Free World into a dependency on it's labor, while de-escalating the strong economic machine that has been the USA. What has resulted in the USA in the face of cheap Chinese labor is The Working Poor. China definitely depresses the wage in the USA.
This entire dynamic of China, calling it the second largest economic power in the world, is artificial. The tariffs are proof of that. The tariffs can bring economic penetration into the global economy by China to a standstill while shrinking the previous economic success of China. China has no resilience in a domestic economy. A stronger Middle Class in China would remove incentives for Free World companies to continue to use Chinese labor.
That is China's folly.
It believed it could take over the entire labor market of major Wall Street companies deflating the economic strength of the USA. Americans don't like to work for nothing, while citizens of communist countries accept their poverty. The resiliency of the USA economy allows for vibrant entrepreneurship and very stable local economies. China cannot completely remove the American will for a strong and successful "American Dream."
The current tariffs will compromise China and Russia's desire to end the economic strength of the USA. It only illustrates how opening relations with China so long ago was correct, however, China derailed it's own economic success because the communist regime is more interested in power than the quality of life of it's own citizens and it's own ability to manufacture to strong domestic consumerism.
China and Russia have lost the war to defeat the USA's economy. It would be best for these countries to embrace the idea of being a legitimate emerging economy and reward their citizens with a strong Middle Class and quality of life and end any international military ambition that would rob those citizens of such national achievements.

May 13, 2019
By Hudson Lockett and Daniel Shane
...A weaker exchange rate (click here) in the wake of the latest rise in US tariffs would provide China with cheaper and more competitive exports as it grapples with the latest demands for concessions out of Washington. But it would also have costs.
In August 2015, Beijing carried out the biggest one-day devaluation of the renminbi in more than two decades, in what critics described as an effort to boost its export-driven economy. However, the downward adjustment of the currency exposed China to criticism and it complicated relations with the US, where politicians have long argued that the renminbi is undervalued.
The move also undermined China’s efforts to have the renminbi accepted as a global reserve currency alongside the dollar, yen, euro and sterling. Gains made by the renminbi in this respect, before the devaluation, have since been reversed. In March the currency accounted for just 1.2 per cent of international payments, according to data from Swift....
I guess. The two half brothers weren't particularly close though.
I find it curious Kim Jong Nam was considered a valuable CIA agent. He was exiled and was held in ridicule for a long time. I don't know what he would have known that was valuable. That idea raises speculation on who he had contact with that provided information to him to pass to the USA. I find Nam's death very tragic and bizarre. If it involves the USA, I think that is especially unfortunate. I doubt he had influence with Un.
Nam was a reformer. That makes him important for reasons other than being a CIA informant.
11 June 2019
By Ben Graham
The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, (click here) who was killed by two women who smeared his face with the nerve agent in an airport, was reportedly a secret CIA informant.
The Wall Street Journal has spoken to a secret source who claims there was a "nexus" between the US spy agency and Kim Jong Nam — and that he had met with operatives several times.
They added that Kim — who lived mainly in the Chinese enclave of Macau —was killed while on a trip to meet his CIA contact person and that he was "almost certainly" in contact with security services of other countries.
The source told the Journal that the CIA, was relieved that his assistance didn't come out in the wake of that killing...
His murderers got away with it, because the prosecution could not prove intent to murder. SO WHAT! They killed him whether they were naive to the fact they were using a nerve agent of not. Bizarre.
...Lawyers for the women have previously said they were pawns in a political assassination with clear links to the North Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and that the prosecution failed to show the women had any intention to kill. Intent to kill is crucial to a murder charge under Malaysian law...
If Un is not a party to this conspiracy, he should be demanding justice for his brother's death.
Nam was a reformer. That makes him important for reasons other than being a CIA informant.
11 June 2019
By Ben Graham
The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, (click here) who was killed by two women who smeared his face with the nerve agent in an airport, was reportedly a secret CIA informant.
The Wall Street Journal has spoken to a secret source who claims there was a "nexus" between the US spy agency and Kim Jong Nam — and that he had met with operatives several times.
They added that Kim — who lived mainly in the Chinese enclave of Macau —was killed while on a trip to meet his CIA contact person and that he was "almost certainly" in contact with security services of other countries.
The source told the Journal that the CIA, was relieved that his assistance didn't come out in the wake of that killing...
His murderers got away with it, because the prosecution could not prove intent to murder. SO WHAT! They killed him whether they were naive to the fact they were using a nerve agent of not. Bizarre.
...Lawyers for the women have previously said they were pawns in a political assassination with clear links to the North Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and that the prosecution failed to show the women had any intention to kill. Intent to kill is crucial to a murder charge under Malaysian law...
If Un is not a party to this conspiracy, he should be demanding justice for his brother's death.
Trump is unfit for office.
Chart to left - click here.
The Trump Administration has the highest turnover rate of White House staff during the first year of a presidency. The reason the second year is lower is that many administration offices remain empty. The Secretary of Defense cabinet level position remains empty while major movement of troops and USA assets occur.
Currently, the US House may enter into an Impeachment Inquiry. Mental Health of the President has to be included in that inquiry. There are many professionals in the country with opinions regarding the mental health of Donald J. Trump.
Additionally, there is a problem with racism with the President. He not only hates China, but he also has one Oriental American in his administration. His level of racism and bigotry is a part of his decision making. Having a minimal representation of minorities in his Cabinet is reflective of his administration's diversity.
Of course, the law breaking of Trump on a continuous basis in lying to the American people and sequestering conservative voters into an uneducated electorate, is completely unethical as well. There are profound issues with Trump and the Special Counsel report only touches on one aspect of disqualifying characteristics. As the chief of the Executive Branch, Trump is incompetent.
The Trump Administration has the highest turnover rate of White House staff during the first year of a presidency. The reason the second year is lower is that many administration offices remain empty. The Secretary of Defense cabinet level position remains empty while major movement of troops and USA assets occur.
Currently, the US House may enter into an Impeachment Inquiry. Mental Health of the President has to be included in that inquiry. There are many professionals in the country with opinions regarding the mental health of Donald J. Trump.
Additionally, there is a problem with racism with the President. He not only hates China, but he also has one Oriental American in his administration. His level of racism and bigotry is a part of his decision making. Having a minimal representation of minorities in his Cabinet is reflective of his administration's diversity.
Of course, the law breaking of Trump on a continuous basis in lying to the American people and sequestering conservative voters into an uneducated electorate, is completely unethical as well. There are profound issues with Trump and the Special Counsel report only touches on one aspect of disqualifying characteristics. As the chief of the Executive Branch, Trump is incompetent.
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