Friday, March 29, 2013

There are pressing responsibilities that need to be carried out.

Hispanic population grows in most Kentucky counties (click here)
Published: March 18, 2011 

PIKEVILLE — All but 12 Kentucky counties saw their Hispanic populations grow since 2000, and in more than a third of counties, Hispanic numbers at least doubled.
Growth in Hispanic and African-American populations statewide was higher than expected, said Michael Price, interim director of the Kentucky State Data Center.
In Fayette and Jefferson counties, the Hispanic population more than doubled. Fayette County's Hispanic population cracked 20,000, nearly 7 percent of the county's total 295,803.
Other minority populations grew far less quickly: Fayette's black population grew by 21 percent, to nearly 41,000 or about 15 percent of the total, and those reporting multiple races grew by 75 percent....

The Huffington Post  |  By Elise Foley Posted:   Updated: 03/22/2013 6:09 pm EDT

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), (click here) who has devoted much of his career to advocating for stricter immigration enforcement, disavowed Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Friday for supporting reform -- and for speaking Spanish when he did so.
"Rand Paul began his speech in Spanish and it went downhill from there," he wrote in an op-ed titled "Why I No Longer Stand with Rand Paul" for The Christian Post. "His speech was filled with virtually every single discredited pro-amnesty cliché you could imagine."
Paul gave a speech to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday outlining his plan for immigration reform, which would include allowing undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States, work legally, and eventually become citizens. He also called for increased border enforcement and has rejected the claims that his proposal should be considered "amnesty" or even a "pathway to citizenship."...

University of Kentucky - Violence Against Women Video (click here)

Kentucky Life Expectancy (click here)
The Huffington Post  |  By  Posted:   |  Updated: 03/22/2013 6:09 pm EDT
Read more here:

There is no respect for people with a conscience. Lord knows Breibart doesn't have one.

By Robert Preidt
Thursday, February 28, 2013
...Among the 20 percent of respondents (click here) who said they know a victim of gun violence, most said that person was a family member, good friend or even themselves. Blacks (42 percent) and people aged 18 to 29 (28 percent) were most likely to know a victim of gun violence.
Members of racial and ethnic minorities were most likely to say they worried about becoming victims of gun violence, with 75 percent of Hispanics and 62 percent of blacks expressing such concern, compared with 30 percent of whites, according to a Kaiser news release....
Now, if the Republicans want to evade their responsibility while dodging the issue of violence in minority communities, they won't be winning elections. The GOP believes the only legislation they have to pass is Immigration Reform and the elections of 2014 are in the bag. They need to reassess.
The plight of the USA minorities go far beyond immigration reform. Their lives do not have equity and their quality of life does not measure up. The GOP really needs to pay attention to the legislation President Obama puts forward to improve the lives of our minorities, lower income and poor. Seriously. They need to get all this done and they need to put President Obama's cabinet and judicial nominees together to solve the problems of the country.

The Republicans are toying too much with their responsibilities. The elections have been over for four months now.

A poll's finding that most Latino voters of all political persuasions favor tougher gun laws poses more problems for Republicans.
March 12, 2013|By Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times
A strong majority of Latino voters — Democrats, Republicans and independents — supports stiffer gun control laws, including more vigorous background checks and creation of a national database of gun owners, according to a new survey of that increasingly important slice of the electorate.
The poll suggests Latinos tend to lean leftward in the gun debate regardless of political affiliation, which could further complicate GOP efforts to boost Latino support after November's poor showing....
...A ban on semiautomatic weapons garnered 54% support among Latinos surveyed, and a measure allowing teachers or security personnel to carry loaded guns on campus was rejected by a strong majority, with just 39% approving....

I appreciate Captain Kelly for making the statement. The AR-15 should be in the possession of the police right now, but, evidently the gun shop owner has a relative with a firing range. It is the only thing that makes sense. OR. The gun shop owner has a real attitude problem. Which is more than case.

It is amazing, when do the laws of Arizona actually apply to the citizen rather than the political vapors of the Gun Lobby?

By Josh Voorhees
March 26, 2013 
Maybe it's more difficult (click here) than we all thought to purchase an AR-15-style rifle—well, at least if you make it very clear that you never plan to actually fire it.
A Tucson, Ariz., gun store says that it is canceling Mark Kelly's recent purchase of the semi-automatic rifle because the outspoken gun-control advocate wasn't going to keep the assault weapon but instead turn it over to police after using it to show how easy it was to obtain. "While I support and respect Mark Kelly’s 2nd Amendment rights to purchase, possess, and use firearms in a safe and responsible manner, his recent statements to the media made it clear that his intent in purchasing the Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle from us was for reasons other then for his personal use," Diamondback Police Supply Co. owner Douglas MacKinlay said in a statement posted to Facebook on Monday....


Hispanics in Arizona’s Eligible Voter Population (click here)

  •  The Hispanic population in Arizona is the sixth largest in the nation. About 1.9 million Hispanics reside in Arizona, 3.8% of all Hispanics in the United States.
  • Arizona’s population is 30% Hispanic, the fourth largest Hispanic population share nationally.
  • There are 824,000 Hispanic eligible voters in Arizona—the fifth largest Hispanic eligible voter population nationally. California ranks first with 5.9 million.
  • Some 19% of Arizona eligible voters are Hispanic, the fourth largest Hispanic eligible voter share nationally. New Mexico ranks first with 39%.
  • About 43% of Hispanics in Arizona are eligible to vote, ranking Arizona 19th nationwide in the share of the Hispanic population that is eligible to vote. By contrast, 80% of the state’s white population is eligible to vote.

Within three days AG Holder wrote basically the same thing to a confused and frustrated Senator.

Has anyone actually read the letters? For content, I mean.

AG Holder clearly (the word is CLEARLY) stated that the USA has not and has no intention of carrying out drone strikes in the USA.

But, he goes further.

AG Holder EXPLAINS to the Senator there is absolutely no reason to even consider such drone strikes in a country with WELL ESTABLISHED laws and the enforcement capacity to match. 

Yemen was and is unable to contain threats against the USA by USA's own treasoned citizens. Was there ever anything else to discuss?

The Drama Queens. That is all it is. 

They are placing lives in danger in refusing to allow a clear 51 vote majority in the Senate regarding much needed gun control legislation.

What goes on instead? 

Drama. Across the USA are Drama Queens arming teachers and innocent citizens in high crime areas. Meaningless actions that only increase the dangers in our society and we know that. We know that for a fact. We know the Assault Weapons Ban works and that is what really bothers them. Not that people will be safer or children will be happy, but, because the Assault Weapons Ban actually does do what it is written to do.

Why was AG Holder crystal clear regarding the drone strikes? Because he wanted every citizen who needed to know, their government was not the enemy. 

That's why.

It is a Southern Tradition. Seriously. It is called "Being a Butthole."

You think I am joking? Not. Dead serious. It is when someone wants to appear to be superior for whatever reason and absolutely proves they don't know a darn thing about what they speak. It is proven strategy in those stuck on their own importance.


See these guys think they have something enlightening to say. So, they believe once they are understood the light bulb will go on in everyone else's minds. That is how brilliant these boys are.

You just let it happen and watch with a blank look on your face and allow them to think they are worthy of every bit of admiration they desire. Serious. Afterward, life goes on.

There will be consequences. Nothing they say are based in fact and are all populous dogma, but, it is better than SNL sometimes.

The "Rand Paul Thing" is Libertarians trying to make something out of nothing. They been doing that for a long time. They obviously have some victories, because, some people like it when they don't have rules or decency or morality to live by. Those cads vote, too.

Quite the alliance is forming on Capitol Hill. (click here) How about this grouping? Rand PaulMike LeeTed CruzJames Inhofe, and Marco Rubio.
Inhofe and Rubio (R-FL) have signed onto a letter threatening to filibuster any gun restrictions, according to Inhofe's office.
The letter was originally signed by tea party favorite Sens. Paul (R-KY) and Lee (R-UT), and joined by Cruz (R-TX).
It reads:
Dear Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,
We, the undersigned intend to oppose any legislation that would infringe on the American people's constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens' right to self-defense. It speaks to history's lesson that government cannot be in all places at all times, and history's warning about the oppression of a government that tries.
We will oppose the motion to proceed to any legislation that will servce as a vehicle for any additional gun restrictions....


When any company, organization or government seeks the best bid for any type of construction or refurbishment they need competent people.

Any bid for construction from anyone FIRST has to have quality engineers draw up the plans and list the materials. Both the blueprints and the materials have to meet SPECS.

No layman can do this.

Those specifications will save lives, time, money and create longevity to a project.

I don't care how small or large the project needs planning and SUPERVISION.

It is all to easy for construction companies to short change bids. Don't let them get away with it. Any project needs to have a supervisor, AN INDEPENDENT PARTY, that can look at 'the plan' for the construction and know whether it is being conducted correctly and within SPEC.

Please take the time and spend the money to do things right. There is no excuse for what occurred that a child is now dead in an airport. No excuse. A resident engineer where construction exists that knows the lay of the land is worth his or her weigh in gold. Keep a competent engineer on the payroll so when new projects are started they are completed correctly.




Any possible impact on existing infrastructure is discovered BEFORE it occurs. 

At first glance there is absolutely no impact on the wall and ceiling in the picture below. If the floor was intact after the panel was then lifted, then someone decided it was okay to place this heavy panel on the floor without security it at all. It was destined to tip over. The panel was too heavy and too narrow to stand alone. 

Please don't do this to people. Competency will save lives and provide value to any project small or large.

Thank you.

The USA Infrastructure failures. The country needs investment of responsible contractors.

It looks as though the board was never secured to the wall. That is substandard construction. It is not possible to only secure a unit that large and heavy to the floor and expect it to stay in place.

March 23, 2013
by Larua McCallister and Alice Barr
Witnesses reported hearing a loud crash in the new terminal of the airport and people screaming as they scrambled to help the family trapped by the massive sign.
It took between eight to 10 airport employees to lift it off of them, Birmingham Fire and Rescue Battalion Chief Donald Jones said.
The children were taken to Children's of Alabama where Luke later died. Heather Bresette was taken to University Hospital in Birmingham where a spokesperson said she was in critical condition. The names and conditions of the two other injured Bresette children are unknown at this time.
A spokesperson for the airport said airport officials don't know why the board fell, but said they will investigate the matter....

Teacher defeats bizarre man with a video cell phone.

The Republic | azcentral.comFri Mar 29, 2013 11:33 AM
State Sen. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, (click here) faces a possible assault charge after he barged into his grandson’s Yuma high-school classroom and confronted the boy’s teacher, according to a police report.
After being asked to leave three times, and realizing the teacher was video-recording the incident on her cellphone, Shooter left.
The Yuma Police Department report, as well as witness accounts, portrayed the senator as visibly angry when he entered the classroom at the Yuma Private Industry Council charter school last Friday morning.
The Republic obtained the police report through a public-records request Thursday evening. The report notes that police have been unable to contact Shooter, a committee chairman at the state Legislature; he did not return a phone call from The Republic....
...Muñoz then reached for her cellphone and started recording the encounter, while another school official entered the classroom and also asked him to leave, the report said.
Muñoz told police that Shooter’s abrupt entry into her classroom made her “afraid for her safety and the safety of her student.” She later told police she wanted to press assault charges against Shooter, and the investigating officer said he would forward the report to the city prosecutor.
Muñoz also told police she would pursue an “injunction against harassment” against Shooter in city court.
The school’s policy prohibits visitors from going past the front desk, according to the police report....

Men with too much money are victimizing the citizens of Midvale Park, Arizona.

This is the neighborhood crime map for Midvale Park, Arizona (CLICK HERE) where men with too much money want to introduce guns where they have never been before.

There have already been three shootings since January 29, 2013.

Janurary 29, 2013 at 10:22 PM there was a shooting at 1900 block of W. Arroyo Vista Court

March 3, 2013 at 7:20 PM there was a shooting at 5600 Block of S. Pin Oak Dr.

March 24, 2013 at 10:09 PM there was a shooting at the 5400 Block of South New Hall Drive

Since January 29, 2013 there have been five assaults, one vandalism, four burglaries, twelve thefts and twelve other crimes not listed along with the three shootings.

This is the Midvale Park Neighborhood Association (click here)

Next Monthly Meeting will be Thursday April 4th at 6:30PM at Grijalva Elementary School 1795 W Drexel Rd. Our Guest Speaker will be Paul Cunningham Tucson City Council, Councilmember from Ward 2

We have an organized community that can decide if they want more firearms in their neighborhoods OR if they would rather a donation to complete their project.

LIGHTS ON OAK TREE Dr: Project began in 2006 Phase one complete - looking for additional funding.  Actively working with the City of Tucson and others to complete the project - estimated cost to continue lights along Oak Tree to South Headley is $500,000.

Because the Neighborhood Association of Midvale Park, Arizona has seemed to figure out that if they put up more lights in their neighborhoods they can stem crime.

Now this is the pretty lady that is their councilwoman. She said they don't need more guns in Midvale Park. I think she knows what she is talking about.

First Latina Elected to Tucson City Council (2007)
Born and raised in southern Arizona (Somerton, Arizona)
University of Arizona graduate, 2000, BA in Communication
Married to Ruben Reyes with one son, Emiliano and one daughter, Luciana
Pima County Youth Internship Coordinator, putting 450 kids to work each year (1996-2000)
Pima County Neighborhood Reinvestment Coordinator, working with 20 neighborhoods to provide $3.5 million in neighborhood improvements        (2000-2005)
Co-founder, César Chavez Holiday Coalition
Co-founder, Las Adelitas, an organization to mobilize Latinas and their families
Board of Directors, Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault
Since 2007, Regina Romero has proudly served Tucson residents on the City Council. She brings more than fifteen years experience in progressive public policy, job training and neighborhood reinvestment to the Council.
Cesar Chavez believed in unions. This is a perfect opportunity for a national union to come to Midvale Park, Arizona to help the people out in offering a donation to the completion of their lights on the street project. While the union is there they can ask for a gun return to assist with crime prevention because I already know there is going to be an escalation in death in this neighborhood. So, if the union can make a donation based on the number of guns turned in to help complete the project is might be the best thing that has happened to his neighborhood and to this City Councilwoman.

Additionally, why hasn't Governor Brewer, John McCain, Jeff Flake whom is owned by the NRA in a very big way and their US House Representative not helping to fund this project?

This is the US House Representative Ron Barber with our hero Congresswoman Giffords. I think we know why the men with too much money choose this district to distribute guns. 

This is Mr. Barber's Contact information:

I am going to write to him right now and tell him about this atrocity happening to innocent people and ask that he find a way to help complete the lighting project. I wish others would contact him and support any effort he seeks to stop this hideous assault on his district by men with too much money.

Sabotaging government compliments of NRA values.

Guns are piled inside a crate outside a police station in Tucson, Ariz., on Tuesday during a buyback. Tuesday marked the second anniversary of when a gunman opened fire on former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as she met with constituents in 2011, killing six people and leaving 12 others injured.

January 09, 2013 4:39 AM

..."I've been getting threats," (click here) Kozachik says. "I've been getting emails. I've been getting phone calls in the office trying to shut this thing down or 'We're going to sue you' or 'Who do you think you are?' "
Todd Rathner, an Arizona lobbyist and a national board member of the NRA, may sue. He has no problem with the gun buyback, but he does have a problem with the fate of the guns once police take possession of them."We do believe that it is illegal for them to destroy those guns," he says....

That was then in January. Ready for one? All that money spent to make the streets of Tucson safer, right? Forget it. There are a bunch of rich men seeking to cause more deaths.

TUCSON, Ariz. March 27, 2013 (AP)
A former mayoral candidate in Tucson, Ariz., (click here) is launching a privately funded program to provide residents of crime-prone areas with free shotguns so they can defend themselves against criminals.
Shaun McClusky said the program modeled after one recently launched in Houston would provide training and enough money to buy a basic shotgun to residents who pass background checks, the Arizona Daily Star ( reported Wednesday.
Donors have committed about $12,000 to the program that McClusky said could start handing out guns within 60 days, the newspaper said.
McClusky said citizens need to do more to protect themselves because city government is failing to do the job.
"We need to take back our city, and it needs to come back to the citizens and not the criminals," he said....

Gun give aways in March in some of the most troubled areas of the city. These men have too much money. Now Tucson is going to have to have another gun by back program in the areas where these guns were distributed and hope they get them all back again.

The men carrying out this program need to be held responsible for their irresponsible actions. They need to be arrested with the first clear violation of the law any of these guns cause.

...Councilwoman Regina Romero said the Midvale neighborhood, one of the areas identified by McClusky, is a safe place where residents "don't need a gun to survive."
McClusky estimated it would cost about $375 to arm each person. The figure would include about $200 for each single-shot shotgun along with a box of ammunition, training and background checks.
McClusky said he learned of the fledgling Houston effort known as the Armed Citizen Project and thought it would be perfect for Tucson.
Travis Pratt, an Arizona State University professor of criminology and criminal justice, said studies have shown that guns increase crime, not decrease it....

I can think of a lot better ways to spend $375.00 per citizen receiving the guns.

I want to know when there are crimes committed with these weapons where EXACTLY they came from because it is going to happen. Promise. This is nothing short of GUN WALKING. That is exactly what this is.

When it comes to candidates running for office or re-election and they back the NRA all one has to do to oppose them is cite a survey stating the citizens in that state or district or city or county believe there should be strict background checks and Senators like Cornyn lie about the wishes of their constituents.

Opposing the NRA candidates are not that difficult. KNOW THE DISTRICT OR STATE OF WHICH ONE IS RUNNING. Don't know it by the opposition's rhetoric, know from the ground. People will win when they understand that long standing establishment Republicans don't carry out their business with their Senate seat, but, conduct others business against the wishes of their own constituency. "Father does not always know best."

While the NRA Congressional Payoffs lay down cover for the organization.

By Published: March 28
...Lanza was outfitted like a commando, with guns and ammo clips engineered to kill the maximum number of people in the minimum amount of time. There were other weapons in the family’s possession that would have seemed better suited for recreation or self-defense — the reasons why, according to the National Rifle Association, we need to arm ourselves to the teeth. But Lanza left a .22-caliber rifle at home and a 12-gauge shotgun in the car he drove to the school. He had maximum mayhem on his mind....


Wayne LaPierre lays down a strategy against the people of the USA. He seeks to instill fear of each other in order to sell guns. Nothing he says equates to being able to stop someone as well prepared as Adam Lanza. Adam Lanza was not a thief seeking booze, cigarettes, the best silver and jewelry. Adam was a determined killer. He had a plan. He had fantasized about the plan and he defined his masculinity in a very inappropriate manner.

He defined his masculinity ALONE and with the idea of having power over his pain. Across the spectrum of these gunmen, they are fighting off demons. Their own demons. 

I hate to put myself forward as an exceptional mother, I was not. I didn't have substance problems, the boys had pets as they grew up, they joined youth organizations; The Boys and Girls Club, The Cub Scouts, 4-H. I did all the things a single Mom was suppose to do to make sure her sons were exposed to healthy thinking of masculinity. When the boys confronted the idea of guns and war in their teens they did so with the supervision of a 'unit commander' in the form of JROTC. They provided community service. They put up and took down the school flag. They had a guy to talk to, a real guy whom if there were any questions about how the boys were doing was a phone call away.

But, I wasn't perfect. Not by a long shot. The boys had their 'teenage stuff' going on and I could afford to provide them a comfort zone of sex appeal and charisma. My oldest son was very charismatic and had many benefits others his age did not. He was and is a good looking guy. But, he and I had our scuffles. We weren't happy with each other sometimes. But, I pushed back against the extremes where other parents didn't. I think it paid off.

This mess that the NRA creates by promoting hugely powerful guns in our society as necessary is nonsense. The NRA is not going to provide a security in life or to your home that is realistic? Not. There is absolutely no reason for military style weapons in the world. None. Military style weapons should be secluded to the battlefield. End of discussion.

The idea that LaPierre puts forward is that the bad guys, usually from the black ghetto, is going to invade your home with the same weapons you can purchase at Walmart or worse from some gun store stocked to the rafters with mass death. It is crazy. To begin the Ghetto Kids are getting their weapons from the rich white kids that are probably your local drug dealer in the high school. So, the idea that White America is making their lives safer by stocking up on military style weapons is bizarre. White America is creating their own hell by having these weapons at their disposal because their teenagers are probably selling them into the city to people they don't even know.

So the next time there is a Home Invasion with military style weapons, remember, it was the hell the victims created that have come back to haunt them.

When is this idiocy going to end? Never? Forever Americans are going to have this cycle of insanity in their lives because LaPierre is a FEAR MONGER!`

Just remember one thing. Just one thing. When the majority of us are able to stand in pride of our children, OUR BAD HABITS, have deprived other wonderful parents of that pleasure in life.