There can only be one reason. HHS finally has control of all the information and the information before is so wrong it is scandalous.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, July 20, 2020
Vladimir Putin lives in the White House.
Portland is only the beginning for sending the country into Marshall Law by November.
Trump created the problems in the city by his hate-mongering, so now he is going to take over the cities in order to take the election away from the American people. He escalated the spread of SARS-CoV-2 throughout the country for the same reasons.
July 20, 2020
By Gregory Pratt and Jeremy Gorner
This is what is on the streets of Portland. Trump's war on the American people.
Chicago may see an influx of federal agents (click here) as soon as this week as President Donald Trump readies to make good on repeated pledges he would try to tamp down violence here, a move that would come amid growing controversy nationally about federal force being used in American cities.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, for example, is crafting plans to deploy about 150 federal agents to the city this week, the Chicago Tribune has learned....
Both Portland and Chicago are lead by women. Trump believes women are incompetent to lead American cities. He has made disparaging remarks about Governor Whitmer as well.
The strategy he has for the elections in November is Marshall Law. The country went to the polls during the Civil War.
This is Portland's Canine Unit. (click here)
Trump's police are way out of line (click here)
They are beating people.
Violence has escalated in Portland after the arrival of Trump's police squad. I guess if they are going to beat innocent people that may happen.
Since taking office, Trump has done nothing but escalate the level of hate in the USA. He needs the hate to drive his base. These SHOW OF FORCE will be used in propaganda videos to drive the base. He wants his base to believe the USA is out of control by anarchists and the women elected to office, just can't handle the responsibility.
The people of Portland are not taking a backseat to this Trump assault on their city. None of this was an issue before Trump's police arrived.
July 20, 2020
By Linda Givetash
To the left is a FBI chart (click here) on the crime statistics in Portland. It is improving.
Dozens of women (click here) wearing yellow linked arms to form a protective "wall of moms" around Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday as the protesters clashed with federal law enforcement.
Video from the scene showed crowds chanting “Feds stay clear, moms are here!" and "Feds go home!" before protesters toppled a fence erected around the federal courthouse. Federal agents fired back with what appeared to be tear gas and flash bangs, the video showed....
Trump created the problems in the city by his hate-mongering, so now he is going to take over the cities in order to take the election away from the American people. He escalated the spread of SARS-CoV-2 throughout the country for the same reasons.
July 20, 2020
By Gregory Pratt and Jeremy Gorner
This is what is on the streets of Portland. Trump's war on the American people.
Chicago may see an influx of federal agents (click here) as soon as this week as President Donald Trump readies to make good on repeated pledges he would try to tamp down violence here, a move that would come amid growing controversy nationally about federal force being used in American cities.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, for example, is crafting plans to deploy about 150 federal agents to the city this week, the Chicago Tribune has learned....
Both Portland and Chicago are lead by women. Trump believes women are incompetent to lead American cities. He has made disparaging remarks about Governor Whitmer as well.
The strategy he has for the elections in November is Marshall Law. The country went to the polls during the Civil War.

Trump's police are way out of line (click here)
They are beating people.
Violence has escalated in Portland after the arrival of Trump's police squad. I guess if they are going to beat innocent people that may happen.
Since taking office, Trump has done nothing but escalate the level of hate in the USA. He needs the hate to drive his base. These SHOW OF FORCE will be used in propaganda videos to drive the base. He wants his base to believe the USA is out of control by anarchists and the women elected to office, just can't handle the responsibility.
The people of Portland are not taking a backseat to this Trump assault on their city. None of this was an issue before Trump's police arrived.
July 20, 2020
By Linda Givetash
To the left is a FBI chart (click here) on the crime statistics in Portland. It is improving.
Dozens of women (click here) wearing yellow linked arms to form a protective "wall of moms" around Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday as the protesters clashed with federal law enforcement.
Video from the scene showed crowds chanting “Feds stay clear, moms are here!" and "Feds go home!" before protesters toppled a fence erected around the federal courthouse. Federal agents fired back with what appeared to be tear gas and flash bangs, the video showed....
This is reporting as of 20 July 2020
Global Confirmed Cases : 14,348,858
The Americas still have the greatest number of confirmed cases, 7,584,675. That is 52.8 percent of the global confirmed cases.
The United States of America has 3,685,460 confirmed cases. That is 48.6 percent of all the cases in the Americas and 25.7 percent in the world. The USA is still leading globally in the number of CONFIRMED cases. Not tests, but, confirmed cases. And that is across the board with cases and deaths. Europe has also been leading in treatments for the virus. The steroid treatment and now interferon is out of Europe. I think the CDC encouraged the use of remdesivir.

Global deaths: 603,691
The Americas have 309,309 deaths which is 51.2 percent of the global death.
The United States of America has 139,468 deaths which is 45.1 percent of the Americas' deaths and 23.1 percent of the global deaths. The USA has the largest number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in the world.
It looks like Europe is having the best outcomes by region.
Southeast Asia worries me. Their growth in cases and deaths is still exponential. I am wondering about their ability to actually fight this virus. It is unacceptable for any region of the work to have uncontrolled exponential growth. That places the future in danger.
April 20, 2020
By Amy Searight'
...What is becoming clearer (click here) is that the impact of this pandemic will be hard-hitting and long-lasting in Southeast Asia, along with much of the rest of the world. Countries that earlier stood out as global leaders in “flattening the curve” are now grappling with massive new outbreaks; Singapore, for example, is grappling with a new wave of cases tied to its large migrant worker population. For other countries, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, the slow government response to the crisis and weaknesses in their public health systems are beginning to take a toll. The economic impact, which I wrote about last week, will be massive for a region that is widely under lockdown and heavily dependent on trade and tourism. This commentary provides updates on the public health impact of Covid-19 on Southeast Asia and the steps that governments in the region are taking to deal with it.
Southeast Asia has been hit hard by the novel coronavirus, with a surge of new cases over the past week in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore (for the latest numbers, see our CSIS Southeast Asia Covid-19 tracker). Only Thailand and Vietnam saw the number of daily cases drop....
Vietnam has been interestingly resistant to trends from other countries and on more than the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It has taken its sovereignty very seriously and develops policy without being reactionary. It's economic success to date has been impressive as well. Some really nice resorts that actually value its ecology and species are in Vietnam. Luxurious actually. Perhaps, Vietnam would consider being a leader in policy for the region that needs direction to end their viral spread.
I am sure Vietnam already knows if the region conquers SARS-CoV-2 it will be an accomplishment that will effect the Vietnamese people, too.
Global Confirmed Cases : 14,348,858
The Americas still have the greatest number of confirmed cases, 7,584,675. That is 52.8 percent of the global confirmed cases.
The United States of America has 3,685,460 confirmed cases. That is 48.6 percent of all the cases in the Americas and 25.7 percent in the world. The USA is still leading globally in the number of CONFIRMED cases. Not tests, but, confirmed cases. And that is across the board with cases and deaths. Europe has also been leading in treatments for the virus. The steroid treatment and now interferon is out of Europe. I think the CDC encouraged the use of remdesivir.

Global deaths: 603,691
The Americas have 309,309 deaths which is 51.2 percent of the global death.
The United States of America has 139,468 deaths which is 45.1 percent of the Americas' deaths and 23.1 percent of the global deaths. The USA has the largest number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in the world.
It looks like Europe is having the best outcomes by region.
Southeast Asia worries me. Their growth in cases and deaths is still exponential. I am wondering about their ability to actually fight this virus. It is unacceptable for any region of the work to have uncontrolled exponential growth. That places the future in danger.
April 20, 2020
By Amy Searight'
...What is becoming clearer (click here) is that the impact of this pandemic will be hard-hitting and long-lasting in Southeast Asia, along with much of the rest of the world. Countries that earlier stood out as global leaders in “flattening the curve” are now grappling with massive new outbreaks; Singapore, for example, is grappling with a new wave of cases tied to its large migrant worker population. For other countries, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, the slow government response to the crisis and weaknesses in their public health systems are beginning to take a toll. The economic impact, which I wrote about last week, will be massive for a region that is widely under lockdown and heavily dependent on trade and tourism. This commentary provides updates on the public health impact of Covid-19 on Southeast Asia and the steps that governments in the region are taking to deal with it.
Southeast Asia has been hit hard by the novel coronavirus, with a surge of new cases over the past week in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore (for the latest numbers, see our CSIS Southeast Asia Covid-19 tracker). Only Thailand and Vietnam saw the number of daily cases drop....
Vietnam has been interestingly resistant to trends from other countries and on more than the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It has taken its sovereignty very seriously and develops policy without being reactionary. It's economic success to date has been impressive as well. Some really nice resorts that actually value its ecology and species are in Vietnam. Luxurious actually. Perhaps, Vietnam would consider being a leader in policy for the region that needs direction to end their viral spread.
I am sure Vietnam already knows if the region conquers SARS-CoV-2 it will be an accomplishment that will effect the Vietnamese people, too.
There is absolutely no reason to violate the rules regarding COVID-19. Scientists are making incredible progress.
The time invested in protecting lives is minor. Scientists are making incredible progress and it is just a matter of having patience.
This potential new treatment is absolutely brilliant.
This potential new treatment is absolutely brilliant.
20 July 2020
By Clare Wildon, Jessica Hamzelou, Adam Vaughen, Conrad Quilty-Harger and Layal Liverpool
It is not getting better in the USA. So, let's take a look. I am grateful the world hasn't given up on treatments and vaccines.
...The seven-day average for daily new coronavirus cases in the US has risen for the 41st consecutive day, mostly due to ongoing spikes in the number of cases in Florida, Texas and California. Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti said the county is “on the brink” of shutting down again due to the recent rise in cases....
No right is absolute. One carrier can infect an entire city.
Morning Papers
The Rooster
This is ridiculous and a threat to all people. If religious freedom means breathing poison, then it is a cult and not a religion. No person or organization is allowed to MAKE ILL or KILL any American, actively or passively. It is out of the question!
This is arrogance and not faith.
COVID-19 will never come under control if BOZO religious groups are spreading the virus in the name of God. Church services are one of the super spreaders with only 50 people at a service. The schools will be the same way.
The practice of exempting religious gatherings from COVID-19 restrictions is a national security issue. Spreading a deadly virus is an assault on Americans. Why do we have medical doctors then? To treat errant practices by ministers?
July 20, 2020
By Valerie Strauss
Religious schools in Texas, (click here) where coronavirus rates have been spiking for weeks, do not have to follow any coronavirus-related health restrictions that local governments may impose on educational institutions because, the state’s attorney general said, it could impede the free exercise of religion.
In a July 17 letter, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that it would be unconstitutional to force religious schools to follow recommendations of health authorities about reopening schools during the pandemic, and he said they may decide for themselves “when it is safe for their communities to resume in-person instruction free from any government mandate or interference.”
“Religious private schools therefore need not comply with local public health orders to the contrary,” he wrote.
Texas in recent weeks has experienced a big spike in coronavirus cases, and many hospitals in the state are running out of space for intensive care patients, as well as ventilators, drugs and some personal protective equipment...
The Rooster
This is ridiculous and a threat to all people. If religious freedom means breathing poison, then it is a cult and not a religion. No person or organization is allowed to MAKE ILL or KILL any American, actively or passively. It is out of the question!
This is arrogance and not faith.
COVID-19 will never come under control if BOZO religious groups are spreading the virus in the name of God. Church services are one of the super spreaders with only 50 people at a service. The schools will be the same way.
The practice of exempting religious gatherings from COVID-19 restrictions is a national security issue. Spreading a deadly virus is an assault on Americans. Why do we have medical doctors then? To treat errant practices by ministers?
July 20, 2020
By Valerie Strauss
Religious schools in Texas, (click here) where coronavirus rates have been spiking for weeks, do not have to follow any coronavirus-related health restrictions that local governments may impose on educational institutions because, the state’s attorney general said, it could impede the free exercise of religion.
In a July 17 letter, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that it would be unconstitutional to force religious schools to follow recommendations of health authorities about reopening schools during the pandemic, and he said they may decide for themselves “when it is safe for their communities to resume in-person instruction free from any government mandate or interference.”
“Religious private schools therefore need not comply with local public health orders to the contrary,” he wrote.
Texas in recent weeks has experienced a big spike in coronavirus cases, and many hospitals in the state are running out of space for intensive care patients, as well as ventilators, drugs and some personal protective equipment...
"Good Night, Moon"
The new moon
28.9 days
0.5 percent lit
New Moon is a great time to see the sky, especially if in the Dark Sky Park.
July 19, 2020
By Jamie Carter
With a New Moon on Monday, (click here) the early part of this week is a great time to go looking for both Comet NEOWISE and the Milky Way, both of which should be looking their best as soon as it gets dark.
If you want to see Comet NEOWISE—the best naked-eye comet for 27 years—this week could be you last chance to see it and photograph it. For now it’s possible to see it even from light-polluted cities in the northern hemisphere, but it looks its best through binoculars....
July 20, 2020
The first Arab space mission to Mars (click here) blasted off Monday aboard a rocket from Japan, after weather delays set back the launch of the probe dubbed “Hope.”
A live feed of the launch showed the rocket carrying the unmanned probe, known as “Al-Amal” in Arabic, lifting off from the Tanegashima Space Centre in southern Japan.
“We have launched the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 42 (H-IIA F42) carrying aboard the Emirates Mars Mission’s (EMM) HOPE spacecraft... at 6:58:14 (JST) (2158GMT),” rocket manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said in a statement shortly after the launch....
28.9 days
0.5 percent lit
New Moon is a great time to see the sky, especially if in the Dark Sky Park.
July 19, 2020
By Jamie Carter
With a New Moon on Monday, (click here) the early part of this week is a great time to go looking for both Comet NEOWISE and the Milky Way, both of which should be looking their best as soon as it gets dark.
If you want to see Comet NEOWISE—the best naked-eye comet for 27 years—this week could be you last chance to see it and photograph it. For now it’s possible to see it even from light-polluted cities in the northern hemisphere, but it looks its best through binoculars....
July 20, 2020
The first Arab space mission to Mars (click here) blasted off Monday aboard a rocket from Japan, after weather delays set back the launch of the probe dubbed “Hope.”
A live feed of the launch showed the rocket carrying the unmanned probe, known as “Al-Amal” in Arabic, lifting off from the Tanegashima Space Centre in southern Japan.
“We have launched the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 42 (H-IIA F42) carrying aboard the Emirates Mars Mission’s (EMM) HOPE spacecraft... at 6:58:14 (JST) (2158GMT),” rocket manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said in a statement shortly after the launch....
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