This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
December 7, 2011 By Scott Shane and David E. Sanger
The Shahed 136 (click here) is an Iranian loitering munition, (suicide drone). In Persian Shahed stands for Witness. This drone was designed by Shahed Aviation Industries and produced by HESA. In 2019 this drone was launched from Iran against the Saudi oil plant....
Washington - The stealth C.I.A. drone (click here) that crashed deep inside Iranian territory last week was part of a stepped-up surveillance program that has frequently sent the United States’ most hard-to-detect drone into the country to map suspected nuclear sites, according to foreign officials and American experts who have been briefed on the effort.
Until this week, the high-altitude flights from bases in Afghanistan were among the most secret of many intelligence-collection efforts against Iran, and American officials refuse to discuss it. But the crash of the vehicle, which Iranian officials said occurred more than 140 miles from the border with Afghanistan, blew the program’s cover.
The overflights by the bat-winged RQ-170 Sentinel, built by Lockheed Martin and first glimpsed on an airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 2009, are part of an increasingly aggressive intelligence collection program aimed at Iran, current and former officials say. The urgency of the effort has been underscored by a recent public debate in Israel about whether time is running out for a military strike to slow Iran’s progress toward a nuclear weapon....
Iran's drones have to be met with weapons to counter it's ability to kill and destroy within Ukraine. The Iranian threats are all too real. Among the real threats to the globe is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is a real threat to international stability and Russia is counting on it. Iran had to contribute to the voracity of the alliance, hence, the drones. Iran could not go on forever seeking to be protected without offering a reason to be an ally to communist countries. Iran now has thrown its support to Belarus to join the SCO. Initially the SCO was organized to support trade and peace, that has morphed into an alliance to fight Putin's wars.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (click here) is an intergovernmental organization founded in Shanghai on 15 June 2001. The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six “Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey). In 2021, the decision was made to start the accession process of Iran to the SCO as a full member, and Egypt, Qatar as well as Saudi Arabia became dialogue partners.
Since its inception in 2001, the SCO has mainly focused on regional security issues, its fight against regional terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism. To date, the SCO’s priorities also include regional development....
The SCO has become a convenient method to circumvent the Free World sanctions.
China with 23.03 million tons worth $9.78 billion was Iran’s main trade partner among SCO member states during the period. It was followed by India with 4.51 million tons worth $1.93 billion and Russia with 2.62 million tons worth $1.01 billion.
Iranian exports hit 27.18 million tons worth $13.47 billion during the period.
China with 20.27 million tons worth $10.41 billion, India with 3.18 million tons worth $1.26 billion and Pakistan with 2.62 million tons worth $1.01 million were the main export destinations....
November 16, 2022
Before the outbreak of recent mass protests, (click here) Iranian leaders were working to ameliorate their country’s international isolation through official membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). According to the official state news agency, Iranian officials still maintain that officially joining the SCO—which is slated to occur by April 2023—will bring benefits in the economic, commercial, and strategic sectors. Furthermore, from the perspective of the SCO itself, Iran's political cooperation may be useful for the organization’s relations with the Islamic world. However, considering the impact of international sanctions and other forms of pressure—which have only intensified following Iran’s crackdown on protests—this step may not bring about radical change in the region’s geopolitics....
The USA holds responsibility to ending the assault of Iranian drones on Ukraine. IF. There is actually an end in sight. Russia is losing the war. It is bombarding Ukraine because it is the only hope it has to maintain a militarized zone at its borders with Ukraine.
Putin's new general is bombarding the Ukraine borders in hopes to buy time to improve the Russian military. Dmitry Medvedev, the former president of Russia that was a place holder until Putin could be made permanent Czar, is taking a new posture. He is going to succeed in transforming the Russia military into a juggernaut. At least that is the propaganda. Medvedev has received a head nod from Putin. How many people of the original government industrial complex is still living anyway?
Welcome to another week as seen through the eyes of Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and prime minister, and currently the deputy head of the country’s security council....
President Biden is indeed a grandfather that predicted Russia's initial invasion into Ukraine long before it took place. That is hardly demented. But, Medvedev has to say something to the remaining citizens in Russia.
Russia is seeking every affiliation it has to rework it's aggression and try to overtake Ukraine's defenses. It is using missiles to prolong an attack in hopes of reworking it's military to not only sustain the militarized borders, but, escalate the war to remove and/or kill all Ukrainians from their homeland.
This is genocide. It began as a "walk in the park" military action by Vladimir Putin to fit his politics and maintain control with the communists that line the Kremlin. More than 50 percent of Russians oppose his dictatorship and many of those have left Russian borders for safer land to avoid military service which is basically suicide.
It is unfortunate, but, the affiliates of Russia, including those in the SCO are more or less supporting this genocide. The leadership of the SCO need to be made to understand they are supporting genocide and in that a danger to their people if their participation escalates this conflict.
Trials regarding the Ukraine genocide by Russia needs to begin in absentia. The world needs to understand this is not politics, this is genocide and any participation in it results in guilty findings in the world courts.