As a protester standing up for very, very important causes; this is the way ya do it. You have to be disruptive and make it known that what is being said is wrong. The protesters did it exactly correctly.
This isn't funny. Congresspersons standing at a podium to declare the process on January 6th was corrupt and full of lies. They are the ones lying. So, how do you get the public to pay attention? You become a disruptor. I have been and proudly disrupted meetings and dialogue exactly as corrupt as this.
I stood and called the person at the podium a liar and a cheat for causing hardship to people and their property because of incompetent engineering and decisions made to benefit the people that were incompetent to cause such destruction. Every time the slimy engineer stood up at a meeting in Grand Traverse County, MI; I stood up, too. I verbally called him what he was and I would not sit down until he left the podium. I was never removed from the room or asked to shut up. Why? Because what I was saying was the truth. It made the newspapers and I was proud of it.
It involved a lot of federal money coming into Grand Traverse County to remove dams and the entire process from beginning to end was corrupt as the day is long. No one along the way could stop it. Why? Because there were millions if not billions at stake. After the cofferdam collapse, there were excuses left and right. Even the Record-Eagle never told the truth. It wasn't until about a year or so later that the Army Corp. of Engineers was in town to do some work that the truth was finally spoken. It was incompetence in the private sector, but, they got their money and moved on while homeowners and property owners and insurance companies and lawyers battled it out.
The entire process was disgustingly corrupt, no different than this. These legislators want to bring an end to the USA Democracy and they will lie and cheat and banter ANYTHING to bring about their goals.
No violence. No extremism. Just citizens finding a way to let the rest of America know these corrupt politicians are wrong and they will stop at nothing.