The investigations go on, the indictments haven't even come down and if they did everyone would be receiving pardons from Bush. As a nation we can do better than 'the years of Bush.'
The strategy that placed Bush into office in 2000 was corrupt and then once there was difficult to overcome because of the trauma the nation suffered while he was in office. I don't understand how people could 'bond' with the incompetency that caused over 3000 deaths on American soil, but, they did.
Unfortunately, the Rove Dogma allowed Evangelical Chrisitans to believe they could rule the government and in turn change the world into one of their making. I am sure there is a 'ripple effect' out there that lives today, but, it won't last much longer.
The Republicans used the 'good faith' of the majority religion in the USA, the Christians, to exploit the powers of the USA treasury to float an economy facilitated by an illegal oil war in Iraq. They left the USA in shambles and the recent trends in Wall Street reveals all too well the faux economy of the USA.
The Republican candidates touting their credentials as 'born again' since they once were leadership of 'reason' rather than 'extremism' will find a country tired of rhetoric and seeking answers to profound problems. The Republicans have no answers. They have 'their base' which profits from that standing and they have 'the hope' to appear as the moralist candidate that god will bless with insight to defeat terrorists networks and hence save their lives.
There is a real world to live in and the choices that will provide a liveable world whereby 'truly' moral solutions exist aren't found in any Republican platform. They just don't. The Republicans have become extremists willing to endanger lives at all turns with very poor performance in worker safety, national health care, international relations, the venue of peace over war, the USA economy well regulated to insure food and medication safety, and any aspect of national infrastructure.
The 'thing' about national health insurance is that the 'cost' to the nation will 'be there' anyway even if nothing is done. The Baby Boomers are falling under Medicare. Hello? We need to address the issue of a single payer system, the cost to the nation will never be greater than with this aged generation of Americans. We need to manage a government system of providing competent health care to the nation through the next twenty years without causing a debt more than already has been resulted by the illegal wars of Bush and the rest of it will be a walk in the park for future generations. The best aspect is that the receipients of that care whom are Baby Boomers will be around and healthy to help with the cost through employment and investment that adds to the tax base, IF, they are healthy enough to contribute. Definately, a healthy American is a 'fiscally fit' America.
It's time to take back the country. Don't be afraid of it. We can do this, but, unfortunately The Republican Party doesn't exhibit the characteristics of leadership we need in the year 2007 looking at 2008 as a turning point for our nation.
Have a better day.