Thursday, February 06, 2025


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Elon, NASA already knows what the Mar’s square is. Why don’t you?

Arameiform terrain (click here) and the Mars Keiffer Model (click here) are intricate discoveries that create an entirely different reality that is Mars. We know Martian terrain is not static. The volatility of carbon dioxide and seasonal ice recreate the surface of Mars, primarily in the southern regions.

Pretending a square structure on Mars is made by some sort of humanoid might be interesting at parties, but, hardly the way anyone affiliated with space exploration should discuss this. After all, Americans should have a clear understanding of the dangers of space, even Mars, as they think about manned flights away from Earth.

American hearts and minds are not plutocratic toys. I wish MAGA would get that straight. They haven’t got it right so far.

Musk is an engineer and not a scientist. 

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…knew what this was when they saw it.

Listen to the words of our protectors.

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He has an absolutely beautiful mind full of peaceful intentions for all the world. The safety of everyone lies in these deep understandings of how the world works. When First World nations seek peace far more than conflict all people are safe. There is a huge difference between peace and surrender in his words.

These deep understandings were garnered from experience. This is the expertise Trump wants to purge from this country.

The question is why?

Americans need to ask themselves who would benefit from such a purge.

We have been here before.

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During his term in office, President Biden removed the sanctions that Trump signed.

Get used to hostilities in the Justice Department.

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The same goes for Pam Bondi. If she practices personal and/or party politics over and above the law and the truth she should expect a backlash from all parties involved, including State Attorney Generals in protection of the people. Bondi is not a dictator. Let’s hope she is at least competent.

Class Action Lawsuit

This country is facing unprecedented and unjustified attacks on its justice system because the president insists on living a lie as part of his politics.

There is a fact that continues to be true beyond all others in that the attacks upon lawmakers and police on January 6, 2021 did happen. The facts are widely known and documented. In that lies a truth that is irrefutable.

There is another truth in that the demands by the current president regarding a botched election where he was to take office were also investigated widely. All the election outcomes in question were recounted and election machines were reviewed. The results of all those many inquiries were that President Biden was rightfully sworn into office.

The truth is the truth and just because Trump wants to lament over it doesn’t change the facts. No populous dialogue or enormous sets of pardons is going to change those facts.

I believe career agents, be they CIA or FBI and others such as Border Patrol and ATF are dedicated to this country because they take the brevity of their oath seriously. Their training alone takes a great deal of time resulting in somewhat of a select process within the their ranks. They put their lives on the line as any law enforcement officer does. They are special and important in ways that maintains national security and domestic peace.

These people are vital to our country and are in many ways irreplaceable. What they are experiencing is the anger of Mr. Trump and his retribution POLITICS with a real attempt to rewrite history. The president’s directives and those of Mr. Musk can be characterized as Anti-American and wholly dangerous. It is also slander that will follow these agents the rest of their lives.

I believe this requires a class action lawsuit ending the presidential order as it is based in false accusations with deleterious outcomes for the agents and this country. This would be a move to protect and defend the country and the integrity and dignity of the intelligence agencies of the United States of America.

These agents lived the truth of January 6th and its aftermath. They had peers in the Capitol Police and local District of Columbia police die due to the attacks on the USA Capitol. To say the attacks of Trump and now Musk are continuing cause the agents a great deal of distress. We as a country do not need more casualties of January 6th. We don’t need lies to replace the truth.

A class action lawsuit intended to end the executive order and maintain the status of the mission of these vital people must go forward. It is correct and lawful to do so.

End the carnage of the USA Constitution.