Thursday, January 12, 2017

This is what all the oilmen in the Trump administration would like to stop. TOO LATE!

January 11, 2017

Cornhusker Harvest project slated for commercial operations in 2019 (click here)

US developer Apex Clean Energy is exploring the feasibility of a 300MW wind project in southeast Nebraska.
Saline County officials have approved Apex’s request to install a meteorological tower for wind resource studies at the site, which spans parts of Fillmore and Saline counties.
The Cornhusker Harvest project has entered the Southwest Power Pool queue for 227.7MW and Apex expects to file for the remaining 75.9MW in the spring.
Existing high-voltage power lines and highways would limit the need for new infrastructure, said the developer.
Local property owners formed the Saline County Wind Association and have negotiated a common landowner wind lease agreement with Apex.
The developer estimates the Cornhusker Harvest scheme will generate annual tax revenue for the community of $3518 per megawatt, or about $1m.
Apex aims to start commercial operation in 2019.

The word from Japan is that investment in alternative energy is slowing BECAUSE they need to assess the amount of energy already produced in the country by these methods. Got that? Japan has invested and built so much alternative energy infrastructure it lost track of what is being produced. That is what happens when a country's people author a global initiative called, "Kyoto Protocol."

China has made considerable investments into alternative energies as well. China is turning toward it's grid to allow the alternatives to deliver 100 percent of what is being produced.

The USA is the only major country STUCK in the 1950s!

There are many reasons the international community is more than annoyed with the USA, the country with the largest historical CO2 in the world.

Oh, you don't think Trump's oilmen are going to penalize the work in alternatives?


This is sick and Republicans state they appreciate competition, free market and less regulation. It depends what side of the fence they are on. This is all about cronies and keeping power.

January 12, 2017
By Heather Richards

A bill proposed by six state lawmakers (click here) would charge utilities a penalty if they use wind or solar energy to provide Wyoming consumers with electricity.

If Senate File 71 were law, there would be six permissible resources for generating electricity for Wyomingites, including natural gas and coal. Wind and solar are not on the list, except for individual use.

Utilities would have a year to reach the first compliance milestone of the bill, in which each company would have to get 95 percent of its Wyoming-sold energy from the approved resources.

The following year, 2019, companies must reach 100 percent compliance.

Under the bill, if electricity were generated by wind or solar in Wyoming to serve customers in the state it would come with a $10-per-megawatt-hour penalty. That penalty would be double the suggested tax hike on wind also under consideration this legislative session.

Two of SF 71’s co-sponsors, Rep. Tyler Lindholm, R-Sundance, and Rep. Scott Clem, R-Gillette, referred comment on the bill to Sen. Larry Hicks, R-Baggs, who did not respond to calls requesting an interview.

The bill is unsound, said Shannon Anderson, lawyer for the Powder River Basin Resource Council....

Clean Energy is the future and the future is here.

January 11, 2017
By Joshua S. Hill (click here)

A new study (click here) has concluded that states like Iowa, California, & Texas, which have strong clean energy industries, are also attracting businesses and creating jobs in the thousands.

The “groundbreaking study” released this week by the US Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) (click here) ranked all 50 US states based on the ease with which some of America’s “most recognizable brands” are able to procure domestic renewable energy. The study — Corporate Clean Energy Procurement Index: State Leadership & Rankings, compiled by Clean Edge on behalf of RILA and ITI — concluded that not only is a strong state clean energy program beneficial for creating economic growth and more jobs, but the report also showed that demand for clean energy among retailers and technology companies is expected to skyrocket to 60 gigawatts by 2025.

The ranking of America’s 50 states are as follows:...

Alabama is 50th with a score of 1.82. (click here) Does Alabama have clean and alternative energy in their vocabulary? Alabama leaders, if not impeached, might try introducing the language as a start.

This is a note that has been sent to a local congregation of Jewish citizens. The names of all have been changed.

...I want to share with you all that there is a heightened occurrences of bomb threats to Jewish community centers all over the country. All Jewish institutions received a note from the ADL with recommendations to insure security for our communities. One of the changes that we are going to incorporate on our Friday night services is that we will ask of you to use ONLY the Smith Street door. We are going to keep the Jones Street door locked during Friday night services and if you arrive a half hour after the service begins and the door is locked , please just ring the bell and Adam or Eve will let you in. Thank you for your understanding.

Wow! What an event we have waiting for our congregation this coming Shabbat. Smith, Jones, Aldie, Abraham and Jack are ready to be called to the Torah. We are expecting close to 200 people as no one wants to miss the abundance of joy that will fill our beautiful sanctuary on this joyous Shabbat. My prayer is that our Fab Five be sure to savor and enjoy the fruits of their hard earned success.

This is the terror that is circulating through the country because of the rise of White Supremacists.

How did we get here?

If Mr. Trump accepts the 2016 election hacking, then what is he going to do about it? It was therefore an illegitimate election?

Mr. Trump seems to think the ends justifies the means.

January 12, 2017

New York — In a combative and freewheeling news conference, (click here) President-elect Donald Trump said for the first time Wednesday that he accepts Russia was behind the election year hacking of Democrats that roiled the White House race. Looking ahead, he urged Congress to move quickly to replace President Barack Obama’s signature health-care law and insisted anew that Mexico will pay the cost of a border wall.
The hour-long spectacle in the marbled lobby of Trump’s Manhattan skyscraper was his first news conference since winning the election in early November, and the famously unconventional politician demonstrated he had not been changed by the weight of his victory.
He defiantly denied reports that Russia had collected compromising personal and financial information about him, lambasting the media for peddling “fake news” and shouting down a journalist from CNN, which reported on the matter. His family and advisers clapped and cheered him on throughout....

No prostitutes allowed.

TAKE note of January 11, 2017 everybody. (click here) Because there’s a chance that this was the day your mother/grandmother learnt what a golden shower was.

The term #goldenshower was trending worldwide on Twitter and you can thank a bunch of unverified documents involving US President-elect Donald Trump for that.

In fact, we may now have some clue as to why his hair is that particular hue ...

Why is this not a good thing? Because we have young people at risk and there should be no form of justification that can point to the White House or Congress.

January 11, 2017
By Heather Clark

Sacramento, Calif. — A controversial California bill (click here) that was signed into law this past September went into effect last week, exempting youth under the age of 18 from facing arrest and criminal charges for being involved in prostitution.

Senate Bill 1322 was introduced last year by Sen. Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, and views teens and pre-teens involved in prostitution as being victims rather than criminals.

“Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution. This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions,” a summary of the legislation outlines.

Instead of arresting the teenager, the law directs that a police officer “who encounters a minor engaged in a commercial sex act shall report these circumstances as abuse or neglect of a minor to the county child welfare agency.” If the teen is considered to be in proximate danger, the Department of Social Services may place the young person into an environment that is deemed safe in order to get them off the streets....                 

I don't care who leaked the documents about the "Russian Dirty Dossier."

If USA intelligence leaked the information all the better. It will be one of the few times Clapper and I would agree.

11 January 2017
By James Wilkinson

The Director of National Intelligence (click here) told Donald Trump that he was 'dismayed' by leaks of an intelligence document that claimed, among other things, that the President-elect had hired Russian prostitutes.
Clapper also told Trump that he did not believe the leaks of the claims, which have yet to be substantiated by outsiders, did not come from within the US intelligence community.
'I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,' he said in a statement....

Donald Trump has two vulnerabilities, sex and his big mouth. He should have known better than to succumb to an intimidation scheme by Russia. He was too willing to do anything it takes to build another casino and/or hotel.

The USA right wing is going to be ranting and raving this is another Democratic backlash from events that have no meaning. That isn't the case. The RNC had a compromised candidate and they didn't care.

DNI Clapper statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump. (click here)

There is a lot to be considered within this new reality regarding the USA's national security.

The media continuously states "we are in new territory with this administration." I guess there are reasons and none of them are good.

Everyone involved with information regarding the relationship between Trump and Russia is in question and can be prosecuted. I suggest the DOJ currently in the White House take a good look at this and act quickly. Trump has threatened to remove all the intelligence agents currently serving and replace them with loyalists. This is a cover up and shows culpability for any compromise of the USA.

Russia was really throwing it's weight around. It not only compromised a candidate in a presidential election, it was stating to Julian Assange there was a way to handle his isolation to end the problems; hence, Wikileaks cooperation with stolen DNC emails.

Wikileaks would have published them anyway, but, Assange was involved in his defaming of Secretary Clinton.

Comey. Comey's role in defeating Secretary Clinton is more than curious. His insistence in carrying out verbal attacks against Secretary Clinton needs investigation and he needs to resign as soon as possible. Given the current information regarding the intimidation of Trump and the knowledge of the intelligence agencies regarding same, what was Comey doing pushing the buttons for Trump.

President Obama needs to decide about many issues with the inauguration only days away. This was an illegitimate election and considering the degree of involvement of a foreign power the inauguration calls into question what will occur with this President-Elect. The USA has never had a traitor before about to be inaugurated, indeed we are in new territory.

...Clapper added that the dossier did not factor into a report made earlier by the US agencies that concluded Russia had attempted to influence the US election to ensure a Trump presidency.

'The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions.'

'However,' he added, 'part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.'...

There are many people involved and they include Republicans.

January 11, 2017
By Greg Miller, Ellen Nakashima and Karen DeYoung

As the nation’s top spies (click here) prepared to brief President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on Russian interference in the 2016 election, they faced an excruciatingly delicate question: Should they mention the salacious allegations that had been circulating in Washington for months that Moscow had compromising information on the incoming president?

Ultimately, they concluded they had no choice. A 35-page dossier packed with details of supposed compromising personal information, alleged financial entanglements and political intrigue was already in such wide circulation in Washington that every major news organization seemed to have a copy.

“You’d be derelict if you didn’t” mention the dossier, a U.S. official said. To ignore the file, produced by a private-sector security firm, would only make the supposed guardians of the nation’s secrets seem uninformed, officials said, adding that many were convinced that it was only a matter of time before someone decided to publish the material....

Donald Trump does not have the character to be President of the United States of America. He allows compromise to enter his life through sexual activities he believes are his entitlement and secrecy that surrounds it. The two make for a very compromised Executive Branch and Congress considering the many people who know about these claims.

...The document was also at some point delivered to the FBI. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) acknowledged in a public statement Wednesday that late last year he had “received sensitive information that has since been made public” and, unable to assess its accuracy, delivered the file to Comey....

The British agent involved would be sought by adversaries to end his ability to validate the facts from fiction. Regardless of the knowledge by the public of the dossier, it does not make the world safer for Steele.

...It comes as it emerged that a former British spy has vanished after being named as the author of the 'dirty' file and fled his $1.9million mansion in fear telling his neighbour: 'Look after my cat.'

Ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele was named as the author of the salacious Russian dossier.

Steele, 52, was seen fleeing his gated home yesterday and appears to have been in such a rush most of the lights were left on.

A security source said: 'He is terrified for his safety', adding he may now be abroad or in a safe house....

The interference in the USA elections is known. It is not only known, it was requested by Mr. Trump during a public speech. I strongly suggest the US DOJ act on what is known in anticipation of finding the sources of the information in the dossier. Where Russian women/prostitutes were involved, they will never be found. Very likely, Mr. Trump realized that. So, if the women are missing there are questions to ask of their whereabouts and potential for harm or worse all of which benefits Donald Trump.

July 2016: A large amount of material has been gathered on Trump based on sources, which is believed to be of huge consequence, if true. The allegations are passed to the FBI.

September 2016: The FBI asks for more information but gets no reply

How much information is enough information for the FBI. In the case of Hillary Clinton the mere idea of having additional information from a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner was all Comey needed. Comey's judgement is seriously in question. I don't find him trustworthy. Mr. Steele's reputation in authoring the information far exceeds the potential emails on Mr. Weiner's computer.

October 28: FBI Director James Comey announces the bureau will be investigating Hillary Clinton over mishandling of confidential emails

October 31: The document on Trump is leaked to David Corn, of the Mother Jones online political magazine who run a piece on the dossier without revealing its details

November 9: Trump is elected President...

...'And then, a former British ambassador to Russia independently was made aware of these findings and he took the information to John McCain – Senator John McCain of Arizona – in the period just after the election, and showed it to McCain – additional findings.

'McCain was sufficiently disturbed by what he read to take it to FBI director James Comey himself personally, they had a five minute meeting the two men, very little was said, McCain turned it over to him and is now awaiting what the FBI’s response is to that information.'

The identity of the former British ambassador has not been disclosed. 
