No one wants to hear about Iran’s uranium. Not their yellow cake either. That is fear mongering that fits into any violent ideology that Trump has in mind. There are UN inspectors for that.
Iran is receiving 100,000 test kits for Covid-19. I think Iranians have a lot more to think about and finding funding for than nuclear weapons.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, March 03, 2020
Updates of "Super Tuesday" by the Washington Post.
March 3, 2020
John Wagner and
Colby Itkowitz
...Fourteen states, (click here) plus American Samoa and Democrats Abroad, hold their contests today, awarding 1,357 delegates, or 34 percent of the total available. Polls start closing at 7 p.m., with Vermont and Virginia. California’s polls are the last to close, at 11 p.m. ET. In between are North Carolina (7:30 p.m.); Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee and most of Texas (8 p.m.); Arkansas (8:30 p.m.); Colorado and Minnesota, plus the rest of Texas (9 p.m.); and Utah (10 p.m.)....
Chris Matthews retires "Hardball" after some controversy. (click here for "Me Too" - thank you)
Chris Matthews has had an incredible career in both politics and journalism by any standard. His insight had proved interesting and he never pulled punches when seeking answers to political questions. I do believe the power of his position in his news program went to his head, especially when stating, "Bernie Sanders will never be president." Elizabeth Warren should have not been asked to play "Truth or Consequences" about accusations revolving around Michael Bloomberg. Her criticisms were based in her understanding of the facts, what else is there to question?
In regard to the sexual harassment on his television set; time moves forward and people change. What seemed tolerable before is no longer. I am sure his indiscretions off stage don't rise to the level of even worrisome, but, the comments were unwelcome and caused discomfort with at least one other female journalist. It is appropriate to state a different female journalist found any flirtations innocent and dismissed them. That doesn't make either women correct or incorrect, it is a matter of comfort and not maturity.
Recently, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of some serious crimes against women. The list of professional men that found degrading women by using them for sexual pleasure "part of the job" and the "price of fame" is quite incredible. This revelation by Laura Bassett in GQ only indicates the rise of women is not over. The "Me Too Movement" is still impacting the memories of women that have grievances against men issuing unwelcome attention to them.
The "Me Too Movement" is a magnificent demonstration of how deep secrets can exist for money and power. It revealed the depth of corruption that existed in the sexual TONE of society and the "Secret Man Society." Never did I expect women to come forward in such large numbers while identifying very powerful men that have been engaged in basically criminal activity.
Flirtation in the work place is wrong and also abuse. Women have a right to a safe and welcoming work environment regardless of their type of work or status in society. There is no job description that includes sexual compromise of any manner, yet here it was. It was not only hidden from sight, but, reinforced by "The Good Ole Man's Club." It was quite a brotherhood and one that was completely unwelcome in any work place.
Women have been accused of "screwing their way to the top." All I can say is, really? Women always are made to be responsible for what is actually horrible and crass behavior by men. I am sorry to hear Laura Bassett was made uncomfortable by Chris Matthews. It was wrong and the culture that tolerated it for so very long was completely corrupt and never respected women in the first place or their talents and abilities.
In regard to the sexual harassment on his television set; time moves forward and people change. What seemed tolerable before is no longer. I am sure his indiscretions off stage don't rise to the level of even worrisome, but, the comments were unwelcome and caused discomfort with at least one other female journalist. It is appropriate to state a different female journalist found any flirtations innocent and dismissed them. That doesn't make either women correct or incorrect, it is a matter of comfort and not maturity.
Recently, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of some serious crimes against women. The list of professional men that found degrading women by using them for sexual pleasure "part of the job" and the "price of fame" is quite incredible. This revelation by Laura Bassett in GQ only indicates the rise of women is not over. The "Me Too Movement" is still impacting the memories of women that have grievances against men issuing unwelcome attention to them.
The "Me Too Movement" is a magnificent demonstration of how deep secrets can exist for money and power. It revealed the depth of corruption that existed in the sexual TONE of society and the "Secret Man Society." Never did I expect women to come forward in such large numbers while identifying very powerful men that have been engaged in basically criminal activity.
Flirtation in the work place is wrong and also abuse. Women have a right to a safe and welcoming work environment regardless of their type of work or status in society. There is no job description that includes sexual compromise of any manner, yet here it was. It was not only hidden from sight, but, reinforced by "The Good Ole Man's Club." It was quite a brotherhood and one that was completely unwelcome in any work place.
Women have been accused of "screwing their way to the top." All I can say is, really? Women always are made to be responsible for what is actually horrible and crass behavior by men. I am sorry to hear Laura Bassett was made uncomfortable by Chris Matthews. It was wrong and the culture that tolerated it for so very long was completely corrupt and never respected women in the first place or their talents and abilities.
Sincerest sympathies to all those that lost friends and families. It is a devastating event.

1521 UTC (10:21 AM)
NOAA/National Weather Service Regional Satellite (click here)
The clouds were really dense over Tennessee. It was the leading edge of the low pressure system. See below, thank you.
March 3, 2020
By Steve Cavendish and Rick Rojas
A powerful storm system (click here) cut a path through the middle of Tennessee in the early morning hours, shredding buildings, toppling electrical lines and littering streets with debris....
NOAA/National Weather Service Surface Map
March 3, 2020
1500z (10:00 am)
It is fairly easy to see the low pressure system FRONT moving through Tennessee. The pictures from the ground are horrific. There are reports of currently 22 dead and some missing.
March 3, 2020
By Steve Cavendish and Rick Rojas
...Officials (click here) warned that the number of confirmed fatalities could rise, as officials were still working to get a handle on the reach of the devastation and emergency workers continued to search through the rubble of damaged buildings. Police officers were going house to house in some areas, and road crews were clearing streets and dangerous electrical debris....
Tornado video (click here)
9 hours ago
Video shows tornado moving through Nashville, Tennessee, amid reports of fatalities and extensive damage.
I want to thank all the candidates from Day One of this race for the White House. We have never seen so many qualified candidates in the history of Democratic politics. I want to thank Mayor Pete Buttigieg (click here) and Senator Amy Klobucher (click here) for their endorsements to close the gap from such a wide candidate field. They love their country and will step aside in the understanding the people are speaking loud and clear. Their help will be needed right up to November.
I think we have heard from Beto O'Rourke (click here) about his endorsements.
The voting has been going on for weeks if not more than a month in some states. So, there will still be a range of candidates reported in the outcomes today. But, today is a big day for all the candidates remaining (alphabetically), Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Joe Biden (click here) was the big winner out of South Carolina and his campaign believes the momentum from that contest can propel him to victories on Super Tuesday and beyond. But if Biden is finally hitting his electoral stride, and delivering on the promise of rebuilding the Obama coalition, he’s still running behind Bernie Sanders, who has been consolidating progressive support, making inroads with independents and showing strength with voters of color, particularly Latinos. Sanders has a superior, nationwide grassroots operation, and has likely already banked a lot of Super Tuesday support in the form of early voting in California and Texas. For now, Sanders holds onto the top spot in our rankings....
...Beyond the two-man race at the top, the 2020 field has become a bit of a muddle. Elizabeth Warren’s debate-stage evisceration of billionaire Mike Bloomberg boosted her national poll numbers and fundraising, and she’s vowing to fight on to the convention, with the support of a secretive Super PAC. Bloomberg has spent more than half a billion dollars to build support in the Super Tuesday states. But his candidacy was premised on the idea that Biden would fade after the four early state contests concluded. That isn’t happening — and the billionaire could ironically boost the democratic socialist Sanders by pulling moderate votes away from Biden....
Personally, I am very happy Elizabeth Warren is still in the race. She has run a forthright and brave campaign. She has every reason to be proud of her accomplishments to date.
There are many differences between the remaining candidates, but, one thing is clear they love this country and are capable of excellent governance. Today, they are facing very serious issues. We are seeing a change in the USA as it is regarded in the world. It is not a good change. There is a burgeoning pandemic which has the capacity of being an epidemic and the costs are high. People will die from this virus and not in small numbers. There is an additional problem in that the current president is making this virus a political issue and minimizing the severity of it's potential.
...Death rate in critically ill: 49% or higher (click here)
A total of 72,314 COVID-19 cases, diagnosed through Feb 11 were used for the study. Of the 72,314 cases, 44,672 were classified as confirmed cases of COVID-19 (62%; diagnosis based on positive throat swab samples), 16,186 as suspected cases (diagnosis based on symptoms and exposures only), 10,567 as clinically diagnosed cases (from Hubei province only, diagnoses based on symptoms, including lung x-ray), and 889 as asymptomatic cases (diagnosis by positive test result but lacking typical symptoms).
"Most cases were diagnosed in Hubei Province (75%) and most reported Wuhan-related exposures (86%; ie, Wuhan resident or visitor or close contact with Wuhan resident or visitor," the authors said.
Eighty-seven percent of patients were aged 30 to 79 years (38,680 cases). This age-group was the most affected by a wide margin, followed by ages 20 to 29 (3,619 cases, or 8%), those 80 and older (1,408 cases, or 3%), and 1% each in ages less than 10 and 10 to 19 years.
Of the confirmed cases, 1,023 patients—all in critical condition—died from the virus, which results in a CFR of 2.3%. The CFR jumped considerably among older patients, to 14.8% in patients 80 and older, and 8.0% in patients ages 70 to 79. Among the critically ill, the CFR was 49.0%....
The USA is not China and quite frankly China's response initially is similar to that of Trump's response to the emergency. It was not taken seriously and as a consequence national security was compromised. But, that is Trump, his middle name is "Compromised." I think the candidates have a difficult road ahead of them to bring brevity to his issue without looking political. I don't know what that response will be because they are all political figures, but, they are all leaders as well. I am sure they will find a way to carry the brevity of a pertinent message forward without appearing to exploit it. Trump cannot say the same and quite frankly he has ridiculed the Democrats openly and with bravado that states clearly he is making Covid-19 a campaign issue.
There are other issues such as the war at the USA southern border that places children in interment camps for an indefinite period of time. People who have come to the USA southern border were and are looking for work. The work they had at home in the Northern Triad dried up when the USA pulled it's aid as per Trump's executive orders. That means the Northern Triad is once again in potential if not actual danger of being ruled by the drug cartels with child soldiers and rape and murder of women and the elderly.
Regardless of the patience seen in some USA agricultural communities (Basically because they have no other choice but to put on a good face and show patience.) there is a continuing rise in Farmer suicides.
From Forbes:
August 30, 2019
By Chuck Jones
....After China made its announcement (click here) that it would stop importing U.S. agricultural products American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said, “China’s announcement that it will not buy any agricultural products from the United States is a body blow to thousands of farmers and ranchers who are already struggling to get by.”
He added, “In the last 18 months alone, farm and ranch families have dealt with plunging commodity prices, awful weather and tariffs higher than we have seen in decades. Farm Bureau economists tell us exports to China were down by $1.3 billion during the first half of the year.”...
This is a community that loves the land and their purpose in life. The commodity price is always an issue, but, these past two years has been a greater issue then other times. We can't afford to lose these people. Commodity prices are a problem, but, also the weather. Some farms are still underwater (click here), literally underwater from devastating storms where major rivers have gone over their banks. Part of this issue stems from the FACT the USA has not addressed the climate crisis. Levies could have been reinforced, but, adverse politics over climate of all things has worked against these Americans.
There are other issues such as the neglect of the National Parks and the desire of the current president to turn them into Disney World. Enough of this disrespect for environmental principles that have brought respect to the land and enduring national parks that bring tourists from all over the world. Up to now the USA national parks have been a proud example of the values of Americans and even that is being trampled by opportunistic, populous greed.
September 10, 2019
By Edward R. Berchick and Laryssa Mykyta
About 4.3 million children (click here) did not have any health insurance coverage in 2018, an increase of 425,000 (or 0.6 percentage points) from the previous year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2018 report released today....
Trump is trying to make his budget look good to his constituents, but, it is at the cost of other Americans including our children. That is six percent of the American children today. The bad news doesn't stop there.
In 2018, (click here) 8.5 percent of people, or 27.5 million, did not have health insurance at any point during the year. The uninsured rate and number of uninsured increased from 2017 (7.9 percent or 25.6 million)....
And why is this bad news occuring?
...Between 2017 and 2018, the percentage of people covered by Medicaid decreased by 0.7 percentage points to 17.9 percent. The rate of Medicare coverage increased by 0.4 percentage points. The percentage of people with employment-based coverage, direct-purchase coverage, TRICARE, and VA or CHAMPVA health care did not statistically change between 2017 and 2018....
To Americans with health insurance and receiving care the idea of this being bad news is one thing, but, this tragedy is real and it shortens people's life spans and diminishes children's quality of life. They can't learn if their health suffers.
Statistics for the sake of statistics is ridiculous, but, statistics are real and relay a reality of Americans that are unable to raise themselves out of poverty and/or have jobs that do not provide health insurance or good health insurance. The idea one American child in the USA has no health insurance because a blastedly greedy president wants to provide tax breaks for his wealthy friends is disgusting.
Today, Trump and the Republicans are running around the country trying to open clinics in Black neighborhoods. Sure, they will be open until election day and then what happens?
I think these statistics and the number of Americans CHRONICALLY UNINSURED AND SUFFERING is a national disgrace and matches the disgrace the USA now faces internationally and there is only one reason why, Donald John Trump and his draconian ideologies.
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