Saturday, June 09, 2018

I apologize to Prime Minnister Trudeau and the other G7 members for the incompetence and crudeness of the USA President Donald Trump.

The world is in a very strange place tonight, due to the continued incompetence of the Executive Branch of the United States of America and the inept US Congress unwilling to impeach an obviously ridiculous US president.

At least no other leader gave into this crude and maniacal man placed into office by Russia. 

Today, Ukraine (click here) is moving toward a corruption-free government. That would not be happening if it were up to Donald Trump. If Donald Trump had his way he would be bowing to Putin's will and removing the USA from any alliance that has seen this country through for over two centuries. The French, after all have been the USA's strongest ally, even from the beginning.

President Putin is emboldened by President's Trump's weakness in seeking his approval. (click here). It is unfortunate the World Cup is being held in Russia. One can only hope the athletes will be in good hands after years of being cleansed of corruption within the FIFA organization.

Ukraine has been seeking a peaceful effort with their western border and with Crimea and there should be some progress even without Minsk II being upheld by Russia. Other than discussing political prisoners (click here) there is not much movement with Minsk II to end the hostilities. 

It was due to the Russian invasion into Ukraine that lead to eliminating Russia from the G8. That disgrace still lingers today and with Trump tied to Putin in ways no one really understands to date, except his election, it should be no surprise Putin is treated as a Republican crony and treated to corruption by Trump. The crude Trump manner is to verbally brutalize his opponents, except the opponents this time are the USA's allies. At any rate, Trump believes a good brow beating will move his demands forward and in the case of Putin, it is vitally important to him.

I am glad to see Trump is having a hissy fit about the G7 agreement. It is reassuring to know he made no progress. Earth's climate and women's equality are important and to realize Trump might have actually effected change is bone chilling. I thank you all.

June 9. 2018
By Damian Paletta and Anne Gearan

President Trump (click here) said Saturday he has instructed U.S. officials not to sign off on the joint statement from this weekend’s meeting of the Group of Seven industrial nations, blasting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for what the president termed “false statements.” Trudeau early Saturday harshly criticized new U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico and the European Union.
 President Trump issued his strongest trade threats to date at the end of his meeting with leaders from the Group of Seven industrial nations, angering foreign heads of state as the summit failed to ease tensions between the United States and its closest allies.

Trump said he had floated the idea of countries dropping all import barriers, saying he would do the same in return. But he warned he could cut off U.S. trade entirely with countries that kept current rules in place, arguing they had taken advantage of previous administrations to take advantage of the United States.

“We’re like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing,” Trump said here at a news conference. “And that ends.”...

Flint High School basketball needs a philanthropist to take a sincere interest in their plight.

They don't even have their own court for practice or to host "home court" matches. How many Flint HS students don't even know they have a basketball team? And where are the cheerleaders?

The Flint High School team has all the problems of any basketball team when injuries occur, but, add to that poverty, a city in severe declines and questionable water to drink. Where is the Gatorade when you need it? I know I am not exaggerating to say the team needs more than sponsorship, it needs a philanthropic and generous person to take a real interest in providing a space for them to practice and compete.

The Flint Jaguars lock arms during the national anthem before a game in Davison, Michigan, a nearby rural community on Feb. 18, 2018.

June 8, 2018
By Chris Donovan

"This is Flint!” (click here) yelled coach Cory Hightower at halftime during a losing game in the nearby rural community of Davison, Michigan. “Why do you think they get so excited when they dunk on us? Because this is Flint and they are never supposed to beat us. Look at that name on your chest. That’s history.”
On April 3, 2000, three basketball players from Flint, Michigan, nicknamed “The Flintstones” led the Michigan State Spartans to their last national title. The Flintstones — Morris Peterson, Mateen Cleaves and Charlie Bell — competed against each other on three separate Flint high school teams.
Eighteen years later, in 2018, Flint has seen a swift decline in population as the result of an ongoing water and financial crisis. Flint high schools have been closing one by one, and there is now only one high school basketball program left in the city: the Flint Jaguars, the result of Northwestern and Southwestern high schools merging in 2017.
The team’s inaugural season has not been without its challenges. The Jaguars began their season with 14 players and by their last month were down to eight....
...One player, Eddie Tiller, who was kicked off the team for disciplinary reasons, says, “If you can make it in Flint you can make it anywhere. That’s why there are so many great athletes that come out of here. We’re hungry.”...