The Bush Years have weakened the USA domestically and internationally. When are Americans going to wake up to whom the real patriots are?
Bush, in his State of the Union address will propose legislation that is another spending bill. Yet. He can't see his way to fully fund SCHIP. That's leadership that works to support Americans and a strong economy? No. That is leadership that is reactionary. They don't do a darn thing unless there is a 'dire' need. The Republicans wouldn't know what it is to have a plan if their lives depended on it.
They never had a good war strategy, ended up abandoning Afghanistan, never stabilized Pakistan. Republican Reactionaries. It has been and continues to be the "W"rong way to go.
Michael Moore Today
GO VOTE - Register Now !
December 31st, 2007 3:23 pm
2007 deadliest for US troops in Iraq
By Bradley Brooks / Associated Press
BAGHDAD - The second half of 2007 saw violence drop dramatically in Iraq, but the progress came at a high price: The year was the deadliest for the U.S. military since the 2003 invasion, with 899 troops killed.
American commanders and diplomats, however, say the battlefield gains against insurgents such as al-Qaida in Iraq offer only a partial picture of where the country stands as the war moves toward its five-year mark in March.
Two critical shifts that boosted U.S.-led forces in 2007 — a self-imposed cease-fire by a main Shiite militia and a grassroots Sunni revolt against extremists — could still unravel unless serious unity efforts are made by the Iraqi government.
City honored for forestry commitment
By Times Staff Writer
Published December 21, 2007
The Arbor Day Foundation has named Brooksville a Tree City USA community for its commitment to community forestry. This is the 14th year Brooksville has received this national recognition. To earn the recognition, Brooksville has met the four standards by having a tree board or department, a tree care ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program and an Arbor Day observance. The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service.
December 31st, 2007 3:51 pm
Iraq suicide attacks on the rise
By Tina Susman and Alexandra Zavis / Los Angeles Times
BAGHDAD — Although overall violence in Iraq has dropped to levels not seen on a sustained basis since the summer of 2005, suicide bombings appear to be making a comeback, according to figures released Saturday by the top U.S. commander in Iraq.
Responsibility for such attacks typically is claimed by the Sunni militant group Al Qaeda in Iraq, which Gen. David H. Petraeus said remained the greatest threat in the country.
Underscoring the threat posed by the group, the U.S. military announced the discovery of three bodies at a site north of Baghdad that a resident said contained a mass grave.
The discovery Friday about eight miles northwest of Baqubah coincided with reports that Al Qaeda in Iraq had used a nearby shack to hold and torture kidnapped victims, said Lt. Col. Patrick Mackin, intelligence officer for the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division.
George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction
See 'SiCKO' for Free:
three things to remember
December 27, 2007
1. "Love Letters", a play by A.R. Gurney, will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Mundelein High School auditorium, 1350 W. Hawley. All proceeds from the benefit will be used to help cover the expenses for the school's theater troupe festival. Admission for the event is a donation to MHS Theatre. A reception at the school will be held immediately following the performance. For details, call (847) 949-2200, ext. 1407.
2. Enjoy a day outdoors with your dog while learning how your dog communicates at a Rover Romp from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Lakewood Preserve near Wauconda. Discover locations of dog-friendly places in the Lake County Forest Preserves. The cost is $5 for residents and $7 for non-residents. For ages 18 and older. Registration deadline is Dec. 28. For details, call (847) 968-3400.,5_1_WA27_3THINGS_S1.article
Vaughan to ring in new year with green film festival
Dec 17, 2007 03:51 PM
By: Sean Pearce, Staff Writer
Vaughan’s City Playhouse Theatre will roll out the green carpet in the new year with an environmentally themed sampling of eco-friendly films.
The 2008 Green Reel Environmental Film Festival runs Jan. 4 and Jan. 5 featuring a smattering of award-winning international documentaries, mainstream Hollywood movies and independent films.
The slate of films has grown to include more than 20 including several free screenings sponsored, in part, by the David Suzuki Foundation, the National Film Board of Canada, Joe Public Films and the CBC.
Church seeks justice in health care at forums
By Coloradoan staff
Namaqua Unitarian Church, Seventh and Washington streets in Loveland, will host a series of forums on "Seeking Justice in Health Care."
The January forums will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. each Sunday starting this week.
The meetings are designed to provide background, stimulate thinking and offer paths for action.
> Sunday: "Sicko" - The 2007 Michael Moore documentary film. Following the film, Dr. Deanne Lembitz, a Fort Collins native and family physician in Windsor, will lead a discussion. She also is a member of the Larimer County Medical Society and Physicians for a National Health Program. This session will run until 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.
'Sicko' showing benefits local snakebite victim
Published Sun, Dec 23, 2007 12:00 AM
BLUFFTON -- The Democratic Club South of the Broad will host in January a showing of "Sicko," Michael Moore's movie on problems with health care in America.
Pasted from <>
Off The Stacks
The following is a calendar of events for Stamford's Ferguson Library. The Main Branch is at One Public Library Plaza, at the corner of Broad and Bedford streets. The South End Branch is located at 34 Woodland Ave. The Harry Bennett branch at Turn of River is at 115 Vince Road and the Weed Branch is at 1143 Hope St. For information, call 964-1000 or visit www.ferguson
Movies at the Main Branch
Enjoy recent hits, foreign language films, and compelling independents at the Ferguson Library's Third Floor Auditorium. The January movie schedule is as follows:
..."Sicko," Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. Filmmaker Michael Moore turns his critical eye on health care in the United States. USA. 2007. 123 minutes….
December 24th, 2007 11:41 pm
'SiCKO' in Stillwater, Oklahoma on January 11th, 2008
Reggie Cervantes, World Trade Center Survivor, American SiCKO, will introduce the film and take questions about her participation in it.
WHEN: January 11th, 2007 at 7:00 PM
WHERE: The Wesley Foundation, 823 West University Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074
Paul Rolly: Utah tech savvy half of the time
By Paul Rolly
Tribune Columnist
Article Last Updated: 12/21/2007 01:33:44 AM MST
As Utah plows through the 21st century to establish itself as a technology leader, it still struggles to get the bugs out.
Take the state's electronic reporting system for political action committees and political information committees to declare online their contributions and expenditures during designated reporting periods.
It beats the old cumbersome paper filings, right?
Except Utah's system doesn't work in odd-numbered years. PICs and PACs can only file electronically in even-numbered years. In 2007, for example, they must file hard-copy reports.
"It's just another one of those things we have to fix from past years," said Joe Demme of the Lieutenant Governor's Office. "The system was installed sometime in the 1990s, before we got here, and it wasn't done right."
Demme said it will be fixed "when we have the money to do it."
December 31st, 2007 4:26 pm
Family holds on tightly to memory of fallen Marine
By Elisabeth Kilpatrick / Beacon News
A sign on Jesse De La Torre's bedroom door at his father's house reads, "Lance Cpl. Jesse De La Torre; enter with respect." Inside, the walls are plastered with pictures: Jesse playing the saxophone as a teenager, Jesse posing with a llama in Iraq, Jesse looking serious and brave in his Marine blues. This is where Jesse's father, Aureliano, and siblings Juan, 14, and Brenda, 17, come now to spend time with the fallen Marine.
"Some people say, 'Oh, I know how you feel,'" Aureliano De La Torre said. "Not even close."
Jesse, a 1998 East Aurora High School graduate, joined the Marines in 2005. Last April, he was killed in Iraq after an improvised explosive device hit his Humvee. He was 29.
December 31st, 2007 3:09 pm
Drug firms probed in Iraq scandal
LONDON, England (AP) -- Britain's Serious Fraud Office has demanded documents from three major drug makers in connection with allegations the companies paid bribes to secure lucrative contracts in Iraq while Saddam Hussein was in power, the companies said.
GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly and Co. Ltd. -- the British affiliate of Indianapolis, Indiana-based Eli Lilly and Co. -- are all accused of violating the U.N.'s oil-for-food program, established in the mid-1990s to ease the impact on Iraqis of sanctions imposed on Saddam's regime after his 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
Under the program, money from Iraqi oil sales was to have been used for food and medicine.
All three companies have denied wrongdoing and said they were cooperating with the investigation.
December 30th, 2007 1:19 pm
A new, younger jihadi threat emerges
Terrorism experts say radical groups are targeting teenagers as young as 14.
By Marc Perelman / Christian Science Monitor
Casablanca, Morocco -- With a greeting that was as telling as it was macabre, Imane Laghriss dropped her satchel on the table of a trendy coffee shop here recently.
"It's stuffed with explosives, watch out!" snapped the young woman, echoing the grim humor commonly heard among Moroccan teenagers. But Ms. Laghriss's remark carried with it a degree of stark reality.
December 30th, 2007 1:24 pm
Military Recruits Eager Despite Wartime
Navy 'Deppers' Ready For Training
By Robin Mero / Morning News
BENTONVILLE, AR -- Lucretia Radloff used a fat black marker to pen the Navy's 11 General Orders of the Sentry across her pink bedroom walls.
When she leaves for basic training in June, the 17-year-old enlistee must be ready to recite them from memory -- anywhere, anytime, to anyone who asks.
A tiny brunette with delicate features, Radloff wanted to be a seaman since junior high school. She sat recently across a table from her mother in Starbucks, drinking a sugary coffee, shoulders draped with her boyfriend's letterman jacket.
December 30th, 2007 3:57 pm
Army using video game as recruiting tool
By Dianna M. Náñez / Arizona Republic
CHANDLER, AZ - Military recruiters are becoming increasingly creative as they work to boost enlistment rates.
That's what's happening today in Chandler, where a local Army recruiting office is sponsoring a video-game tournament that is expected to draw more than 100 people. Recruiters will promote the benefits of the Army as video-game buffs play "America's Army," a role-playing game created by the Army in 2002. A Chandler business, Tropical Smoothie Cafe, is hosting the event from noon to 8 p.m.
The Army's emphasis on more individualized recruiting efforts allows recruiters to answer questions and address concerns about joining the military when thousands of troops are deployed in Iraq, said Staff Sgt. Morgan Self, a Chandler recruiting officer.
December 30th, 2007 4:05 pm
Former Troops Guilty in Coke Sting
Arizona Daily Star
A former Marine recruiter who worked in Tucson and two former Arizona Army National Guard soldiers - one of whom served in Iraq - were sentenced Tuesday for their roles in smuggling cocaine as part of an undercover FBI sting.
Two other people who pretended to be military personnel to more easily transport the drugs also were sentenced Tuesday in connection with Operation Lively Green, a federal corruption investigation that led to the arrests of dozens of military personnel, U.S. Border Patrol agents and other federal and state officials.
Rocky D. Rios, a former guardsman, received the most prison time -- 51 months -- among the group.
December 30th, 2007 3:03 pm
French Warship Delivers Books To New York City Children
Books Going To New Orleans School Children, Too
The French warship Jeanne D'Arc is expected to deliver 10,000 books to school children in the United States on Friday. Most of the texts will go to New York City public school students immersed in French classes, and the rest will go to children in New Orleans.
"This gives a new meaning to the expression turning swords into plowshares,'' said Fabrice Jaumont, the education attache at the French Embassy in Manhattan, the cultural branch of the main embassy in Washington.
The 10-ton helicopter carrier, which serves as a training vessel for French navy midshipmen, was to dock at Pier 92 in Manhattan at 6 a.m. Friday, Jaumont said.About 7,000 books -- dictionaries, textbooks, novels, even comic books -- are going to 180 children participating in the French-English dual-language program launched at some New York City public schools this year.
December 29th, 2007 6:10 pm
Protests Expected at Rose Parade
By Solvej Schou / Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. — There could be some discord during the Tournament of Roses Parade as demonstrators promise to raise issues during the holiday spectacle that has been going on for more than a century.
Human rights advocates plan to protest a float honoring the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and anti-war activists, including "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan, intend to rally for peace.
The theme of this year's New Year's Day parade is "Passport to the World's Celebrations." It will feature 46 floats, 21 marching bands and 18 equestrian units.
Volunteers have busy in Pasadena and nearby areas this past week decorating the floats with buckets of flowers and seeds.
Anti-war protesters plan to rain on Rose Parade
Jason Rhyne
Published: Tuesday January 1, 2008
A contingent of activists calling for an end to US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney -- plan to do some uninvited marching during Tuesday's Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.
Calling themselves the White Rose Coalition, a name invoking the German resistance group that opposed Hitler during World War II, a convergence of protesters including anti-war icon Cindy Sheehan will "stage non-violent protests and demonstrations throughout the Rose Parade," according to a press release. Other activist organizations involved in the effort include the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC), CODEPINK and ANSWER, among others.
January 1, 2008 at 04:10:58
The White Rose and the Rose Parade
by Cindy Sheehan Page 1 of 1 page(s)
Since the conquest of Poland three hundred thousand Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way ... The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals ... Each man wants to be exonerated of a guilt of this kind, each one continues on his way with the most placid, the calmest conscience. But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty! — From the second leaflet of the White Rose. [5] ”
My first encounter with the White Rose Society (a small group of Munich University Students who were executed for their opposition to Hitler and the Third Reich) came on my way from Dallas to Crawford, Tx on August 6th, 2005.
I rode from the Veteran’s for Peace Convention in Dallas on the “White Rose,” a bus that had a huge ‘IMPEACH’ written on the side of it. On the bus was a picture of Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans and some of the quotes of the series of 5 leaflets that the Society spread denouncing Hitler from June 1942 to February 1943, when they were caught and executed. They were an obviously brave and moral group of wide awake Germans who sacrificed their lives to try and change the horrible direction that their nation was going in.
Gold Star Families for Peace and the Camp Casey Peace Institute has joined a group called the "White Rose Coalition" that will be carrying a large copy of the Constitution at the end of the parade and the Backbone Campaign’s Chain Gang will be following the parade. Many activists will tag along with our “Impeachment” banners, signs and other means of protest to call national attention to the accountability issue.
Being involved in this particular action has engendered the most hate mail for me since I left the Democratic Party! I am “ruining the parade.” I am the “representation of everything that is evil in the world today.” One woman named Carrie, was “sorry” that my son is dead, but he volunteered to “honor” this country with his service and even though Carrie is no “fan” of Bush (yeah sure), I have really “crossed the line” this time.
First of all, we are not protesting the parade at all, except that it is a symbol of corporate excess and it is my opinion it is not really moral to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on parade floats when people are still being killed in Iraq and suicide rates for our Veterans are skyrocketing because the VA system in under-funded and apparently not a priority for BushCo and Congress Inc
I can’t remember a time in my life where anyone protesting at a parade would have upset me at all, but since Casey was killed in Iraq and since I have faced and witnessed so much violence, oppression and hardship in the world, it is absolutely stunning to me that this protest would create so much vileness and venom. There are so many more important things in the world besides parades and football games. I have also tried to imagine an Iraqi happening to catch a glimpse of the Rose Parade on TV somehow and marveling how everything is so happy and beautiful in America when our nation has utterly devastated and destroyed theirs.
Since the “conquest” of Iraq, over one million Iraqis have been slaughtered or have died from the tragic, but unavoidable consequences of invasion and occupation. BushCo have desecrated our Constitution and the almost complete fascist take-over of our media and the blatant stealing of our freedoms here at home have bypassed many Americans while they are slumbering in our dull, stupid sleep.
As long as people like Carrie have their “circuses” to divert them, then they don’t have to bother their “beautiful minds” with the crimes of BushCo---but ignorance is not an excuse for being awash in the blood of nearly 4000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
I spend every second of every day mourning my son and longing for his future. I am sorry if someone wearing an “Impeach Bush and Cheney” t-shirt will ruin a parade for somebody, but we are trying to prevent many more people from having their entire lives ruined.
We cannot allow this criminal regime to continue as in the words of the first leaflet from the White Rose Society:
It is certain that today every honest German is ashamed of his government. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes ... reach the light of day.
Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, who was KIA in Iraq on 04/04/04. She is a co-founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace and the author of two books: Not One More Mother's Child and Dear President Bush.
Huckabee campaign office occupied
Tuesday, January 1st, 2008
Protesters ask former Baptist minister, “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”
Des Moines – With 40 percent of Iowa’s Republican caucus voters expected to come from the ranks of conservative Christians, peace activists occupied Mike Huckabee’s campaign headquarters in Iowa’s capital city Monday with signs asking the former Baptist minister, “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”
Eight members of the Iowa Occupation Project and Voices for Creative Nonviolence arrived at Huckabee’s Locust St. campaign office early Monday afternoon, waiting for the former Arkansas governor’s reply to a letter delivered two months ago that sought his pledge to completely withdraw from Iraq within 100 days of assuming office; halt all military actions against Iraq and Iran; fund the rebuilding of Iraq as well as health, education and infrastructure needs in the U.S.; and “…the highest quality health care, education and jobs training benefits for veterans of our country’s Armed Services.”
"We said if we didn't hear back we would be visiting..."
January 1st, 2008 6:41 pm
Protesters Arrested at Huckabee Office
By David Pitt / Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa — Three protesters seeking a commitment from Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee to end the Iraq war were arrested Monday for refusing to leave his office.
Police arrested Mona Shaw, 56, of Iowa City; Robert Braam, 51, Manhattan, Ill.; and Kathy Kelly, 55, of Chicago, around 1:20 p.m., Shaw said. They were charged with criminal trespass.
Des Moines police spokesman Vince Valdez said the three were taken into custody without violence and released.
The protest was part of a campaign called Seasons of Discontent: A Presidential Occupation Project, which goes by the acronym SODaPOP. According to its Web site, the project was organized by the Illinois-based activist group Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
Seasons of Discontent: A Presidential Occupation Project (SODaPOP)
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Categories: SODaPOP
By Jeff Leys and Brian Terrell
Campaign Resources
Nonviolent Civil Resistance During the Presidential Campaign
Hi Ho. Hi Ho. It’s off to Washington, D.C. we go. For another demonstration at the seat of power.
But hold on a minute. This fall and winter, the road to the seat of power goes through Iowa with its first in the nation presidential caucus.
Let’s journey to Iowa, together to bring nonviolent civil resistance and civil disobedience to the campaign offices and headquarters of Presidential candidates—both Republican and Democrat—who do not publicly pledge to take the necessary concrete steps to end the Iraq war, to rebuild Iraq, to forswear military attacks on other countries, and to fully fund the Common Good in the U.S.
Join this campaign: SODaPOP—Seasons of Discontent: A Presidential Occupation Project.
GO VOTE - Register Now !
January 2nd, 2008 12:52 am
Bhutto had "proof" state, spy agency rigging poll
By Simon Gardner / Reuters
KARACHI, Jan 1 - Benazir Bhutto was poised to reveal proof that Pakistan's election commission and shadowy spy agency were seeking to rig an upcoming general election the night she was assassinated, a top aide said on Tuesday.
Senator Latif Khosa, who authored a 160-page dossier with Bhutto documenting rigging tactics, said they ranged from intimidation to fake ballots, and were in some cases unwittingly funded by U.S. aid.
Bhutto had been due to give the report to two visiting U.S. lawmakers over dinner on Dec. 27, the day she was killed in a suicide bombing.
"The state agencies are manipulating the whole process," Khosa, a top Bhutto aide and head of her Pakistan People's Party election monitoring unit, told Reuters.
January 2nd, 2008 12:42 am
US Senate Candidate Camps Out on Tower
ATLANTA (AP) — A television reporter turned political candidate said he plans to remain on a small scaffold near the top of a tower to focus attention on his long-shot bid to unseat a U.S. senator.
Dale Cardwell was hoisted more than 300 feet up the Corey Tower near downtown Atlanta on Tuesday morning. He said he expects to remain there "for days," sleeping in an insulated sleeping bag and eating military rations. A Webcam tracks his limited movements. Overnight temperatures are expected to drop into the 20s.
Cardwell, who hopes to unseat Republican Saxby Chambliss, said he thinks the publicity stunt won't hurt his credibility, but will make people curious about his message: that politicians should pay more attention to the concerns of working people and less to those of wealthy corporate interests.
Cardwell faces DeKalb County chief executive Vernon Jones in the Democratic primary July 15.
Dale Cardwell goes to all extremes to stop government corruption, while offering himself as an alternative
Dale says:
“For 23 years I've been going behind the lines of power and big government and bringing back the REAL STORY. Like you, I'm disgusted by what's going on in Washington . Democrats and Republicans unable to fix the problems that SEEM SO OBVIOUS… Health care, Immigration, addiction to foreign oil, our crazy tax system… But you know what? I've uncovered the reason WHY Washington won't fix those problems… It's because our government and most of our elected officials NO LONGER WORK FOR US. Instead, they work for the giant multi-national corporations that fund their campaigns and then tell them what they CAN AND CAN'T DO. Many of today's politicians mean well, but they don't dare oppose the entrenched, moneyed interests that demand the CURRENT STATE OF POLITICAL PARALYSIS… paralysis that ensures THEIR continued financial well being. The truth is, if you're not in that club, or among the handful who gives big bucks to so called political action committees, then THERE'S NO ONE IN WASHINGTON WORKING FOR YOU.
I plan to change that.”
Saxby's Insiders
Dale Cardwell For US Senate (D-GA)
Dale Cardwell - US Senate
July 2000: DeKalb Sheriff Sid Dorsey's illegal misuse of county deputies.
Investigative journalist Dale Cardwell catches Sheriff Dorsey using on-duty county deputies staffing bank security jobs on behalf of the sheriff's private security company. The investigation leads to the exposure of multiple illegal acts by the sheriff, and the exposures are key to Dorsey's conviction on corruption charges.
March 2001: Derwin Brown Murder Investigation.
Dale Cardwell lands key interview with figure in the Derwin Brown murder investigation. The woman, who has refused to cooperate with authorities, tells Dale Cardwell that the shoot-out at Derwin Brown murder suspect Patrick Cuffy's home, was actually the result of a drug deal gone bad. Cardwell's exposure of Cuffy's drug dealing provides authorities the necessary leverage to jail Cuffy and create the pressure that eventually leads to Cuffy's cooperation with authorities. Cuffy admits that he carried out the murder of Derwin Brown on orders from his boss, Sheriff Sid Dorsey.
January 4th, 2008 5:29 am
Three US soldiers killed in Iraq
BAGHDAD (AFP) — Three US soldiers have been killed in Iraq, the US military announced on Thursday, making them the first American casualties of the new year.
A military statement said two soldiers were killed in a small-arms fire attack while conducting operations in Diyala province on Thursday. Another soldier was wounded.
A separate statement said another soldier was killed when his foot patrol was struck by a roadside bomb south of Baghdad on Wednesday.
The latest deaths bring the total number of American soldiers killed since the 2003 US-led invasion to 3,905, according to an AFP tally based on Pentagon figures.
January 4th, 2008 8:42 pm
Bush "Veto" Cancels Bonuses For Troops
But Congressional Critics Say Pocket Veto Is Invalid; Meanwhile, Troops Are Shortchanged
(CBS) Over the holidays, the White House made a surprising announcement: after months of negotiations and urgent demands from the president for passage of a Defense Department spending bill, the legislation - passed by wide margins in both the House and Senate - was being rejected by President Bush.
In announcing the move on Dec. 28, President Bush said that provisions in H.R. 1585 would have potentially frozen Iraqi assets in the U.S., and also made the government of Iraq vulnerable to litigation for crimes dating back to the regime of Saddam Hussein.
The move raised a couple of intriguing questions: one, since the president has already issued more than 1,100 signing statements in which he has selectively chosen which provisions of the law he will or will not enforce, why did he not sign one on this issue? (In fact, this week he issued another signing statement to preempt enforcement of a law that would make it easier for state and local governments, as well as private investors, to divest themselves of assets in Sudan, to protest the genocide in Darfur.) And two, is the veto even valid?
And in the wake of the controversy, a sad fact remains: a congressionally-backed pay raise for troops and bonuses for new recruits are on hold.
January 4th, 2008 8:24 pm
Candidates back impeachment hearing
Portland Press Herald
PORTLAND — Two Democratic congressional candidates from southern Maine are applauding Rep. Mike Michaud for calling for impeachment hearings on Vice President Dick Cheney.
In a letter sent last month, Michaud, D-Maine, urged House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers to schedule impeachment hearings before the end of current congressional session. The letter cited “serious allegations” that the vice president played a role in mischaracterizing prewar intelligence, outing CIA agent Valerie Plame, and abusing detainees, among other issues.
Michaud’s call is being echoed by state Sen. Ethan Strimling and York County District Attorney Mark Lawrence, both of whom are Democratic candidates for Congress.
“We need an investigation into the abuses of this administration, and there are many of them,” Strimling said in a statement, “and impeachment hearings will provide an opportunity to get facts on the table.”
January 4th, 2008 6:11 pm
Impeachmentwalker closes in on his goal
By Evan Lehmann / Brattleboro Reformer
WASHINGTON -- John Nirenberg of Brattleboro closed in on the 400-mile mark Thursday in a long, sometimes treacherous, walk lasting more than a month that's meant to promote the impeachment of President Bush.
Trucks roared by the 60-year-old and his walking partner, Frank Enneking, 72, as they trudged along the shoulder of U.S. Route 1 in southern Pennsylvania, steadily moving toward the Maryland border, which they hoped to cross before dark.
Nirenberg is nearly within reach of his goal: shuffling into the Capitol office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in an attempt to spur her toward impeachment proceedings against Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. The walk began on Dec. 1 in Boston.
January 4th, 2008 5:18 am
The Women Vote
By Katharine Q. Seelye / New York Times
DES MOINES — We just caught up with some numbers that you’ll want to see. Turns out Barack Obama did better among women than Hillary Rodham Clinton did.
Overall, Mr. Obama won 35 percent of women, while Mrs. Clinton won 30 percent and Mr. Edwards 23 percent.
She did well only with women over 65. While older women tend to vote in higher numbers than younger women, that’s still devastating news for her, since women were supposedly the backbone of her candidacy.
This weakness was forecast in the Des Moines Register poll, which showed Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton drawing equal numbers of women, at 32 percent each.
Here’s the breakdown from the entrance polls. Bear in mind that these percentages do not take into account the second ballots.
Mrs. Clinton did the worst with youngest women, getting only 11 percent of those under 24 years old; Mr. Obama won 51 percent of them. Mr. Edwards did better than she did among that age group, with 19 percent.
January 4th, 2008 7:36 pm
Hillary Clinton Says She Is 'Most Innocent' on Campaign Trail
Senator Still Hopeful As She Arrives in New Hampshire
By Kate Snow / ABC News
Sen. Hillary Clinton went on the counterattack today, one day after a stinging defeat in the Iowa caucuses to Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.
She said New Hampshire voters need to take a hard look at Obama, suggesting that they shouldn't just buy into his message of "hope" without analyzing his policies.
Clinton said she wasn't suggesting anything in particular about Obama, but simply "drawing contrasts."
"I'm running on my record. … I'm running on my plans," Clinton told reporters. "I think everybody needs to be vetted and tested. That's the way elections are supposed to operate. The last thing the Democrats need is to just move quickly through this process."
Friday, January 4th, 2008
9/11 Rescue Workers in New Hampshire to Demand Meeting with Rudy Giuliani
What: Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers tell reporters their stories of being abandoned by Rudy Giuliani, sidewalk screening of new Brave New Films video
When: Saturday, January 5th at 6pm
Where: Outside the Dana Humanities Center, Saint Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire
Visuals: People wearing television sandwich boards screening new video; 9/11 rescue and recovery workers available for on-site interviews and photographs
On Saturday, January 5th, Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers will visit New Hampshire to tell their story of the real Rudy Giuliani. Their visit will accompany the release of THE REAL RUDY: ABANDONED HEROES, a short, investigative documentary produced by Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films and premiering online at Ironworker John Sferazo, paramedic Marvin Bethea and janitorial worker Alex Sanchez, who have asked Giuliani to meet with them in Manchester, will show the video on portable DVD screens and talk to reporters.
January 3rd, 2008 7:31 pm
Giuliani Keeps Campaign Focus on Terrorism
By Michael Cooper / New York Times
HOOKSET, N.H. — With the political world focused on Iowa, Rudolph W. Giuliani released a graphic new television advertisement here Wednesday in which scenes of Osama bin Laden firing a rifle segue to the smoking wreckage of the World Trade Center.
Mr. Giuliani, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, also gave a speech at a military museum in Wolfeboro, N.H., in which he called for a “surge” in Afghanistan.
“One of the things that we should do right now — I believe we should do it immediately — is, we should double the number of our troops who are American-led combat troops in Afghanistan,” he said, speaking in front of a giant American flag and beneath a display of mannequins of soldiers behind sandbags. “We need to bring a surge to Afghanistan and make it effective right now.”
But Mr. Giuliani seemed to soften his surge proposal as the day went on. Asked later in the day how he could increase the troops in Afghanistan without diverting troops from Iraq or sending troops returning from Iraq on extra tours of duty, Mr. Giuliani told reporters: “You wouldn’t have to do that all at once. You could do that gradually.”
Giuliani To Run For President Of 9/11
February 21, 2007 Issue 43•08
NEW YORK—At a well-attended rally in front of his new Ground Zero headquarters Monday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani officially announced his plan to run for president of 9/11.
"My fellow citizens of 9/11, today I will make you a promise," said Giuliani during his 18-minute announcement speech in front of a charred and torn American flag. "As president of 9/11, I will usher in a bold new 9/11 for all."
If elected, Giuliani would inherit the duties of current 9/11 President George W. Bush, including making grim facial expressions, seeing the world's conflicts in terms of good and evil, and carrying a bullhorn at all state functions.
"Let us all remember how we felt on that day, with the world watching our every move, waiting on our every word," said Giuliani, flanked by several firefighters, ex-New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, and Judith Nathan, his third wife. "With a campaign built on traditional 9/11 values, and with the help of every citizen who believes in the 9/11 dream, I want to make 9/11 great again."
Join Congressman Wexler
The charges are too serious to ignore. There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unneccesary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Chris Dodd leaves the presidential race with an important message for us, and his campaign folks also have a message for everyone out there
I expect I'm in the same position as a lot of readers with regard to the now-compacting Democratic presidential field. I didn't hate any of them, and quite liked a few. And the one who stood head and shoulders above the others always came with the qualifier: "Of course he could never get the nomination."
Until last night, some little voice inside me kept whispering, "Well, with that large a field, just maybe, you know, he could."
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
How is the poor job creation of 2007 different from 2003? Housing collapse. This is huge. 2003 housing market and building was rising.
The country is currently in a recession. Did I recall a figure to the cost of oil at $100 per barrel? That is simply disregarded as 'growth' in some venues. It's not. Even by the definitions of Republicans, rising costs stunts 'Supply Side Economics.'
The USA may very well be heading into more than a recession. Supposedly, Bush is going to address still ANOTHER government spending program in his State of the Union address. If it doesn't cover new infrastructure for alternative energy, electric cars and hydrogen cars in a way that is a priority and a new transportation infrastructure which excludes the internal combustion engine at every turn, then I believe the House and Senate has to trash such a bill and propose one that makes sense and incorporates new ideas for all the problems the USA faces.
If Bush can't do what is best for this country then I guess we'll suffer a recession or worse until we have a new president that can provide for the infrastructure needs of this country while courting peace instead of inciting war. Doesn't seem as though Bush's War Economy has done anything for Americans. Nothing.
U.S. jobs growth stalls, fanning recession fears (click here)
The Associated Press
January 4, 2008 at 11:18 AM EST
WASHINGTON — Hiring practically stalled in December, driving the nation's unemployment rate up to a two-year high of 5 per cent and fanning fears of a recession.
Employers last month added the fewest new jobs to their payrolls in more than four years, according to the employment report released Friday by the Labor Department. The report showed that employment conditions are deteriorating, strained by a housing slump and credit crunch that are sapping economic strength.
“The economy is getting hit by some body blows. The big question is whether the economy can withstand it or will it take a fall,” said Ken Mayland, president of ClearView Economics.
The unemployment rate jumped from 4.7 per cent in November to 5 per cent in December, the highest since November 2005 after the Gulf Coast hurricanes dealt the country a mighty blow. Total payrolls — both private employers and government — grew by just 18,000 last month, the worst showing since August 2003, when the economy suffered job losses as it struggled to recover from the 2001 recession.
On Wall Street, the stocks tumbled. The Dow Jones industrials were down more than 150 points in morning trading....
The USA may very well be heading into more than a recession. Supposedly, Bush is going to address still ANOTHER government spending program in his State of the Union address. If it doesn't cover new infrastructure for alternative energy, electric cars and hydrogen cars in a way that is a priority and a new transportation infrastructure which excludes the internal combustion engine at every turn, then I believe the House and Senate has to trash such a bill and propose one that makes sense and incorporates new ideas for all the problems the USA faces.
If Bush can't do what is best for this country then I guess we'll suffer a recession or worse until we have a new president that can provide for the infrastructure needs of this country while courting peace instead of inciting war. Doesn't seem as though Bush's War Economy has done anything for Americans. Nothing.
U.S. jobs growth stalls, fanning recession fears (click here)
The Associated Press
January 4, 2008 at 11:18 AM EST
WASHINGTON — Hiring practically stalled in December, driving the nation's unemployment rate up to a two-year high of 5 per cent and fanning fears of a recession.
Employers last month added the fewest new jobs to their payrolls in more than four years, according to the employment report released Friday by the Labor Department. The report showed that employment conditions are deteriorating, strained by a housing slump and credit crunch that are sapping economic strength.
“The economy is getting hit by some body blows. The big question is whether the economy can withstand it or will it take a fall,” said Ken Mayland, president of ClearView Economics.
The unemployment rate jumped from 4.7 per cent in November to 5 per cent in December, the highest since November 2005 after the Gulf Coast hurricanes dealt the country a mighty blow. Total payrolls — both private employers and government — grew by just 18,000 last month, the worst showing since August 2003, when the economy suffered job losses as it struggled to recover from the 2001 recession.
On Wall Street, the stocks tumbled. The Dow Jones industrials were down more than 150 points in morning trading....
I simply love this picture. It's from the NYTimes. They appear to be ethnic Pashtuns. Musharraf has to answer for lack of security.

Mourners still gathered at the site in Rawalpindi where Benazir Bhutto was killed last week in rawalpindi, Pakistan. A contingent from Scotland Yard arrived Friday to help investigate the killing, at the request of President Pervez Musharraf. More Photos >
ISLAMABAD: British counterterrorism officers arrived in Pakistan on Friday to join the investigation into Benazir Bhutto's assassination a day after President Pervez Musharraf dismissed allegations that his government may have had a hand in the slaying.
The Scotland Yard team will provide forensic and technical expertise into the killing of the opposition leader but will not be allowed to go on a "wild goose chase and create a political disturbance," Musharraf said late Thursday.
Bhutto's killing on Dec. 27 plunged an already volatile Pakistan deeper into crisis as it battled a surge in violence by Al Qaeda and Taliban extremists. It also forced a six-week delay in parliamentary elections, now set for Feb. 18, which were seen as crucial to restoring stability and democracy....
The Scotland Yard team will provide forensic and technical expertise into the killing of the opposition leader but will not be allowed to go on a "wild goose chase and create a political disturbance," Musharraf said late Thursday.
Bhutto's killing on Dec. 27 plunged an already volatile Pakistan deeper into crisis as it battled a surge in violence by Al Qaeda and Taliban extremists. It also forced a six-week delay in parliamentary elections, now set for Feb. 18, which were seen as crucial to restoring stability and democracy....
Bhutto Assassination: PPP wants UN inquiry (click here)
Press Trust of India / Islamabad January 05, 2008
Slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan's People Party (PPP) has said it will co-operate with the Scotland Yard team probing the assassination of their leader but stuck to its demand for a UN inquiry."
The Scotland Yard team will only carry out a police-type investigation but we stick to our demand for probing the conspiracy of assassination of Benazir Bhutto through the United Nation Commission," party's information secretary Sheery Rahman told The News.
She said the party would co-operate with the Scotland Yard team, and rubbished claims that Bhutto was responsible for her death as she did not care for security. "This is an insult to the Shaheed leader and all those who lost their lives with her," she said."
The video footage clearly shows the absence of adequate security around the PPP leader just when she was leaving the Liaquat Bagh premises and after. None of us were scanned when we went in, and nobody was scanned as we left as well," Rahman said.She said rather than admitting its own failure, the regime was trying to tell people that "you will be responsible for the consequences if you try to exercise your fundamental rights.
"Rahman said the security lapses were so huge that Benazir Bhutto was left totally exposed to the assassins."
The Mohtarma was clearly shot at, and the blast happened minutes later. The October 18 blasts followed a similar pattern. There was firing first, followed by the blasts," she said.
Calif. faces Sierra blizzard, heavy rains in trio of storms

January 4, 2008
Photographer states :: The day after the major storm that hit the northern California coast last night. We've been in the middle of a power outage since 5 AM and only regained power about fifteen minutes ago (11:15 PM) The storm wholloped the coast last night with winds clocked in some places at 60-90 MPH along the coast, and on some of the ridgetops to the east, 145 MPH! Oregon and Washington were hit harder than we were. . .man, what a storm!

January 4, 2008
Weston, Oregon
Photographer states :: This is the result of high winds along the Blue Mountains

January 5, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
Basically, it's headed across the continent. California did very well in preparation though. I congratulate all. Nice job.

Sand bags and plastic sheeting cover the back a home at the edge of a hillside Thursday, Jan. 3, 2008, in Malibu, Calif. Homeowners still struggling to rebuild their lives after last fall's wildfires are preparing for downpours that could bring more than a foot of rain to some mudslide-prone mountain canyons. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)

Associated Press - January 4, 2008 3:04 AM ET
Rain, wind and snow have begun hitting California in the first of a trio of powerful storms.
Forecasters say the back-to-back storms could bring more than a foot of rain to mudslide-prone canyons, dump up to ten feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada and buffet the state with hurricane-force winds.
Snow began falling in the Sierra Nevada mountains Thursday afternoon. Forecasters have issued a rare blizzard warning for the Sierras, with up to 10 feet of snow expected in some areas above the 6,500-foot level.
Governor Schwarzenegger announced that officials will activate state emergency operations centers in Los Alamitos and Sacramento on Friday and have been coordinating with the California National Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard and local authorities.
600K Without Power After Calif. Storm (click here)
Saturday January 5, 2008 11:01 AM
Associated Press Writer
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - A storm that pummeled California with gale-force winds and heavy rains was forecast to drop a thick blanket of snow on the Sierra Nevada on Saturday and keep thousands of people from their homes in mudslide-prone areas.
Flights were grounded and a major highway was closed as gusts reached 80 mph Friday during the second wave of an arctic storm that sent trees crashing onto houses, cars and roads and cut power from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Central Valley....
Blizzard conditions close Interstate 80 closed across Sierra (click here)
The Associated Press
Article Launched: 01/04/2008 05:16:21 PM PST
SACRAMENTO—Blizzard conditions prompted authorities to close Interstate 80 across the Sierra, the main east-west link between Northern California and Nevada.
The California Department of Transportation says the route is closed from Applegate, about 40 miles northeast of Sacramento, to the Nevada state line.
On Highway 50, another link between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe, chains or snow tires are required from Pollock Pines to Meyers.
Avalanche danger closed Highway 88 from east of Silver Lake to the Kirkwood ski resort and from east of Kirkwood to west of Picketts Junction. Chains are required elsewhere on the highway.
Severe weather slams California; forecasters say more to come (click here)
January 5, 2008
SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -- Howling winds, pelting rain and heavy snow pummeled California on Friday, toppling trees, flipping big rigs and cutting power to more than a million people.
Flights were grounded in northern California as gusts reached 80 m.p.h., sending trees crashing onto houses, cars and roads. Fearing mudslides, authorities in Orange County urged residents of three fire-scarred canyons to flee....
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