Saturday, November 06, 2021

Every Republican Governorship…

 …equates to control of elections through the Secretary of State and more voter suppression.

Wall Street always has been…

 …and will continue to be the obstruction to Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions. Wall Street and the Petroleum Industry have a symbiotic relationship. Wall Street uses petroleum money for liquidity. Petroleum on the global market provides CASH everyday. Petroleum should be removed from stock exchanges. It is not an investment. It is cash liquidity for investment banks, private equity and all those off shoring nightmares. It isn’t a stock. It doesn’t even act like a stock.

The wealth component of petroleum needs to end. It will rob every human being of their newly obtained wealth and return them to lower Middle Class or Poor. Wall Street has no use for any people that live subsistence lives. They will take back the progress made possible by Democrats. Wall Street has to be taxed to keep monies in the pipeline to sustain the new wealth of Americans. The new wealth in our economy needs to be protected. Americans need to resist buying anything, including housing and cars, that are falsely inflated. They will lose everything if they continue to throw good money at greed. It is greed driving prices, not real inflation.

Let me make this plain.

Youngkin is cutting taxes and replacing those taxes with Greehouse Gases. 

Just that simple. 

Youngkin is not cutting taxes because there is a surplus in the Virginia treasury. He is playing with the futures of all Americans and global community.

Youngkin is Carlyle?

He bought the Governorship. The voters may as well put the Saudi Crowned Prince in Virginia’s Executive Branch. Where were all the negative ads about Carlyle?

The Democrats never showed up. They never ran the campaign they should have.

Youngkin is never going to put offshore wind turbines first, he will put offshore oil first. The environmental folks better get their act together and end exploration off Virginia’s coast.

The Democrats need to take climate to the polls. If McAuliffe made alternative energy the focus of his campaign, he would have won. You can shoot holes through Youngkin’s resume when comes to climate. All anyone had to do was disclose Youngkin’s interest in Big Oil and Gas and it would have been over. Say good-bye to clean and beautiful Virginia beaches.

Start making plans to Youngkin’s hidden agenda. 

The oil industry is going to lie, cheat and steal the future from young Americans. They will use every trick in the book. End this Governorship before it gets started.