Thursday, March 04, 2021

The vaccines...

 ...may prove to be of value in another way besides preventing infection.

Currently, there are victims of the SARS-CoV-2 that are experiencing lingering effects even after they win the fight and survived the infection. These victims will have to be followed as to their wellness in regards to the protection provided by the vaccines. In other words, are vaccine recipients immune to the lingering effects once they have recovered from any exposure? 

Defeating the lingering effects of exposure to the virus and the variants is just as important to surviving and being immune to end any disability produced by exposure. It is my estimate the vaccines will prevent the long term effects of cell damage. If body cells are protected or at least minimized from invasion by the vaccines the long term effects will end or be diminished.

There are additional vaccines in the pipeline, too.

It isn't as though H1B Visa holders aren't needed at home as well.

Not every viral mutant is a threat to life, but, some are and need to be contained as early as possible. The containment of these variants needs to be reviewed to tighten up their discovery and containment.

March 4, 2021

A study from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) (click here) has identified multiple mutations and unique proteins in isolates of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19.

The recent study, published in the Journal of Proteome Research, has also shown that the host produces several proteins of their own as their body launches an immunological defence in response to the viral attack, the Bengaluru-based IISc said in a statement on Thursday.

To better understand how the virus is mutating and its protein biology (proteins are made using genetic information), an IISc team led by Utpal Tatu, Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, has carried out a comprehensive proteo-genomic investigation a series of analyses of SARS-CoV-2 isolates. The isolates or viral samples were recovered from nasal secretions of consenting Covid-19 positive individuals here. The genomic analysis was done using what molecular biologists like Tatu call next generation sequencing (NGS), a technology that allows for rapid sequencing of the entire genome....

I think this Republican US House legislation needs to be included with immigration reform.

This article appears in Indian news media. The H1-B visa was never written to cause the loss of American employment. This is not about companies that are downsizing due to the virus, this is about employers that literally look to replace their well paid American workers with people from other countries and paid far less than their American counterparts.

The Democratic House Majority should be seeking out priorities of their Republican members to make legislation bipartisan and this bill is an easy "Yes" vote across the bipartisan members.

The necessity for this bill is absolute proof of the draconian nature of the private industry and their CEOs' inappropriate use of generous American policy. In addition to the priority of this bill to maintain American employment over that of their foreign counterparts, a clause needs to include the demand to keep American workers over those with an H1-B Visa if the company downsizes for any reason.

Keeping American workers employed should be the priority of all elected officials at all levels of government. Protecting Americans from loss of employment over foreign workers is NOT RACISM. These programs exist to assist American employers that cannot find American employees to fill their professional requirements. It is not to bring more minorities into the USA. Upholding the dignity and importance of American workers also includes the American minority status as well. Minority Americans are protected under this bill as well.

Methods to eliminate American workers from employment for cheaper labor is simply wrong. This is only one of the methods that threaten Americans in the labor market. It might be necessary for foreign workers on H1B Visas to return to their homelands as they should not be included in the $1.9 trillion support bill before Congress now. That is not racism, it is practical for returning Americans to find work again. Any foreign workers on the H1B Visa should have the understanding they do not have the same status as American-born workers.

March 4, 2021

Three American lawmakers (click here) have introduced a legislation in the House of Representatives that stops employers from hiring foreign H-1B workers if they have recently, or plan to, furlough their US workers and requires employers to pay their H-1B workers more than their American workers.

Introduced by Republican Congressmen Mo Brooks, Matt Gaetz and Lance Gooden the American Jobs First Act proposes to overhaul the H-1B visa program by making necessary changes in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The H-1B visa, the most sought after among Indian IT professionals, is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise. Technology companies depend on it to hire tens of thousands of ...