...needs to recall unused oil and gas leases. Oil leases should never be developed or sold unless the is a reason for them and their use will benefit the people of the USA.
The US Interior Department should reassess the process and the degree to which the generosity of the American people are being abused by the petroleum industry.
Any right of way in the past ten years for oil pipelines need to be repealed. Water is a huge issue, especially in California. In the near future water availability is going to be a profound problem. Now is the time to take a realisitic look at public lands and the destruction and/or contamination of water resources.
The US Army Corps. responsibility for valuable water needs to be reassessed and extended to all waters that currently are used or will be used in the future for the people.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Role: (click here) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo, Huntington,
and Pittsburgh Districts cover portions of the State of Ohio (see map
below). The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide information to the
public on the USACE Regulatory role in activities associated with oil
and natural gas production and distribution.
Since its early history, the USACE has played an important
role in the development of the nation’s water resources. An
important part of our mission today is the protection of the nation’s
waterways and wetlands through the administration of the USACE
Regulatory Program.
Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) (CWA), the
USACE regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into Waters
of the United States (WOUS), including lakes, rivers, streams and
their adjacent wetlands. Under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403) (RHA), the USACE
has regulatory authority over construction, excavation, or deposition of materials in, over, or under navigable
Water abundance and purity needs to be assessed by the US Forest Service and the value of those forests in maintaining water resources.
Below if any traces of these chemicals are in water there will be damage to health.
June 15, 2022
Washington - The Environmental Protection Agency (click here) is warning that two nonstick and stain-resistant compounds found in drinking water pose health risks even at levels so low they cannot currently be detected.
The two compounds, known as PFOA and PFOS, have been voluntarily phased out by U.S. manufacturers, but there are a limited number of ongoing uses and the chemicals remain in the environment because they do not degrade over time. The compounds are part of a larger cluster of "forever chemicals" known as PFAS that have been used in consumer products and industry since the 1940s....