Friday, August 25, 2017

Category 4 in 36 hours. Central pressure dropped 44 millibars in 36 hours.

August 26, 2017

It would appear as though the eye made landfall at Rockport, Texas. The reach of this storm goes to the east coast. I am waiting to hear how many died.

24.00  -93.30 08/24/12Z   55   982 TROPICAL STORM
24.40  -93.60 08/24/18Z   75   979 HURRICANE-1
24.70  -93.90 08/24/18Z   75   976 HURRICANE-1
25.20  -94.60 08/25/00Z   75   973 HURRICANE-1
25.90  -95.40 08/25/06Z   90   967 HURRICANE-2
26.70  -96.00 08/25/12Z   95   947 HURRICANE-2
27.50  -96.50 08/25/18Z  110   941 HURRICANE-3
28.00  -97.00 08/26/00Z  115   938 HURRICANE-4
I expect Harvey to be different from the hurricanes of 2005. Harvey didn't have a long time to whip the ocean into a high storm surge. It could not have been pushing the same storm surge as the 2005 storms. Hopefully, it is only the rain that is causing hardship without a strong storm surge.

So, Trump pardoned a self-righteous white man, huh? No surprise there. Maybe he'll be Trump's next Homeland Security Secretary. It is all symbolism and is racism. Pardoning Joe Arpaio is an expression of racism.
Joe Arpaio was not only guilty of contempt of court, he was very much out of line with his peers.
Joe Arpaio would have found an age group to support him in USA prisons.
...Human Rights Watch (click here) presents in this report new statistics that testify unequivocally to the aging of the US prison population. Among our findings:
Between 2007 and 2010, as noted above, the number of sentenced state and federal prisoners age 65 or older increased by 63 percent, while the overall population of sentenced prisoners grew only 0.7 percent in the same period. There are now 26,200 prisoners age 65 or older....
The elderly in USA jails don't get sympathy from anyone. Contempt of court is not a life sentence. 
I have a brand new granddaughter. Eight pounds and 13 ounces. 20 and one-half inches long. I just left her, Mom and Dad are all doing well.

What the heck is a voluntary evacuation?

If your crazy enough to stay, then we don't care. Is that what it is?

The truth is there will probably significant flooding along I-10 all the way to Georgia. There is going to be multi-state economic impacts as the tourists head home and/or cancel plans.

Luckily this is close to the beginning of school and many people will be home after a vacation this summer, but, there is still some tourism that will be lost.

Interstate trucking companies need to route their freight north of the southern states involved. That will back up traffic at all the other southern routes and some commerce will be lost to time delays, but, at least the trucks and drives won't be lost.

The southern coastal areas back to Mississippi should be evacuated by now. The traffic will be tight and people need to leave now.

No one should stop at rest areas for very long until reaching I-20. Hotels should be preparing for evacuees from I-20 and north. There will be congestion on the interstates as far north as I-40 and west to I-35.

Depending on the rain amounts, there could be flooding along the Mississippi River from tributaries along the rain pattern to Memphis.

Check river gauges where you are (click here).

Leave the region before access road start to receive flooding. Leave when the rivers start to increase. Don't wait until the last minute.

Don't provide public service regarding safety to the American people and businesses unless there are tools to accompany the warning. 


Water is dangerous, respect it!

Don't guess, GO!

Divine justice for the EPA disruption?

Harvey. It is a really big system.

This is the northern reach of Harvey now a Cat 2 hurricane.

August 25, 2017
UNISYS Central Plains Infrared satelitte (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

August 25, 2017
UNISYS Southeast Infrared satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

When viewed in a singular view, Harvey doesn't seem like much of a storm, huh? When in fact, it is a monster with a diameter that reaches over 1500 miles.

August 25, 2017
UNISYS South Central Infrared satellite (click here for 12-hour loop - thank you)

That 1500 miles are just the winds that relate to the central pressure of 967 millibars and falling. It has nothing to do with the fact those winds are connected to water vapor over Florida.

August 25, 2017
UNISYS Infrared north and west hemisphere satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

Preemption? Only this time it is against the American people.

To left is Jim Hightower at a Bernie rally.

August 24, 2017
By Jim Hightower

Just days after last November’s election, (click here) jubilant members and top staffers of the notorious corporate front group called the American Legislative Exchange Council gathered for a celebratory lunch and planning session at the group’s D.C. headquarters. But rather than looking toward Congress and the newly Republicanized White House, these schemers were drooling over so many right-wing state governments. “There’s a sea of red,” gushed an ALEC official, asking with delight, “What are we going to do with these new legislatures?”...

...ALEC has pushed preemption with a vengeance, rapidly turning it from a cautiously used power to the corporate-politico cabal’s weapon of choice. In 2014, for example, Jobs with Justice, Fight for 15 and other activist groups began winning campaigns in major cities for minimum wage hikes. ALEC responded by holding a how-to forum on stopping such local actions and circulated a model bill called the “Living Wage Preemption Act.” Sure enough, nearly half of states have passed a version of it, with Ohio being the latest.

Used properly, preemption can be a democracy-enhancing tool for balancing governing powers. But when perverted and used badly, as is increasingly the norm, it asserts corporate interests over public good. The anti-democracy extremism of corporate profiteers and their corrupted political hacks was bluntly expressed a couple of years ago by ALEC member Howard Stephenson. The Utah state senator announced at one of the organization’s private forums: “We need to stamp out local control.”

It’s hardly news to the great majority of Americans, including most Republicans, that corporations already have way too much power over us. Letting elites quash our local decisions   by pulling the money strings they’ve attached to state officials goes against all that America stands for. Yet the arrogance of these autocratic state officials has no limit – they’re grabbing for total domination over grassroots democracy. 

People hate, hate, hate such pomposity and political overreach. So, let’s run right at them. Protecting corporate profits and power by overruling democratically made local policies is a crime that’s easily understood and loathed by nearly all Americans. As progressives, let’s take hold of this issue; passionately challenge the preemption thugs at all levels of political action; rally a broad-based right-and-left, bottom-up coalition to reclaim our democratic rights; and beat the bejeezus out of these sorry bastards. Learn how to get involved by visiting