Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The idea El Nino and only El Nino is to blame for the heating is nonsense.

Earth's mechanisms of climate such as storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. are not changing within the climate crisis. However, Earth's mechanisms are driven by heat to a greater and greater dynamic. The El Nino of 2023-24 was 3 degrees Celsius (37.4 degrees Fahrenheit) HIGHER THAN NORMAL.

So, what?

What that means is all that heat that churned in the ocean added to ocean heat as well as engaged HEAT TRANSFER in the way of midlatitude vortexes to the Arctic Circle further diminishing Earth's ice reserves. The reserves are so badly diminished that scientists conducting annual reviews of this ice can't stand on it anymore. The ice is so thin it is cracking under MINIMAL WEIGHT.

Earlier there was reporting that demanding less SOOT out of ocean going vessels is eliminating the shadow for Earth and caused increased heating. That is not accurate by any stretch of the imagination. It only pretends that sooty emissions is beneficial. The primary driver of increased heat this year has been the out of control El Nino. 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit above normal is very, very hot.

There is a popular thought about Thermohaline Circulation (click here) when disturbed by the climate crisis and it slows the entire process of Earth's decline will end. That is not correct. If Earth's heating continues past the absence of ice on the caps and in the Arctic and Southern Oceans it will negate any of Earth's natural physics to reverse into glaciation.

Earth runs on physics. There are physics from every aspect of Earth's presence, including space which is why the USA's expertise on all matters of human survival REQUIRES knowledge of space. Earth's physics can be disturbed even though it is a planet by the large population of humans on it AND their consumerism. The more people with a carbon footprint the more danger to Earth's climate exists. That human footprint includes all aspects of life including industrial activities that emit dangerous greenhouse gases. It is not the number of humans that needs focus, but, the carbon footprint each one has.

When a planet's physics is disturbed and it's path is changed there really is no returning it without natural phenomena acting on it and/or in the case of Earth human activity changing a negative path forward. In the case of Earth's climate crisis it is going to require every aspect of human greenhouse gas footprint/emissions to end. There is no ALLOWABLE EMISSIONS anymore. Human longevity will demand all greenhouse gas emissions to end.

The level of greenhouse gas emissions returning to pre-industrial levels should be the focus in order to obtain a planet with increasing populations and an Earth that is benevolent.


05 March 2024

El Niño (click here) has officially started, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Here's what it means for the Bay Area.

...The current El Niño event, (click here) which developed in June 2023, was at its strongest between November and January. It displayed a peak value of about 2.0 °C above the 1991 to 2020 average sea surface temperature for the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean. This made it one of the five strongest El Nino events ever, though it was weaker than the 1997/98 and 2015/2016 events.

El Niño is mainly a seasonal climate phenomenon with climate impacts on seasonal climate averages but can make extreme weather and climate-events more likely in certain regions. Furthermore, the seasonal forecasts are found to be more accurate during El Niño and La Niña events, particularly in the tropics, and this emphasizes the pivotal role of early warnings to support decision-making and enhance preparedness and anticipatory action....

Why was COP 28 such a joke?

COP28 (click here)

The corruption within the United Nations is profound to assign a petroleum producing country the right to hold a climate summit is ridiculous. There is no balance in Dubai to bring about a complete change in emissions. The fossil fuel industry emits carbon dioxide when it burns off methane, that is NOT A BENEVOLENT corporate activity.

In order for a country to qualify as worthy of hosting any climate summit it must demonstrate the advancements it has made to reverse the harm it at one time and/or continues to do to our planet, especially within the definition of greenhouse gas emissions.

...Industrial Revolution (click here) began in the mid-1700s, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were typically 280 parts per million (ppm) or less....

This is called ABRUPT climate change because it is happening on a very short time scale in comparison to Earth's life. Abrupt environmental change at any time in Earth's history has caused extinctions. Species cannot mutate and/or adapt to their best genetics during extinction events.

Read the article below really carefully. EVIDENCE PROVES the PLANS the fossil fuel industry has for OUR PLANET is not in the best interest of OUR PLANET.

The "idea" of "Net Zero" isn't realistic either. Net Zero is an interesting and moral concept, however, in order to give it profound meaning there MUST be a CAP on any and all greenhouse gases. Net Zero only demands more and more action be taken while there is no limit on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Earth will continue to warm while building more and more wind turbines and solar arrays. Net Zero IS NOT a guarantee to REVERSE emissions, so much as meet them no matter how high they become.

The goals for every country on Earth must be to eliminate the emissions of greenhouse gases and REPLACE energy demands by alternative energies.

Earth's warming cannot be limitless.

There must be a CLEAR, DEFINED LIMIT on all greenhouse gas emissions based in sound science. The containment must be measurable with actual benevolent outcomes. Measurements alone cannot be the answer to understanding THE REVERSAL of density of greenhouse gases and their emissions. Earth must reflect benevolence along with all efforts to contain and end dangerous emissions.

Greenhouse gases can be toxic at certain levels to Earth's benevolence, hence, the human race.

30 April 2024

...Big oil (click here) has privately acknowledged its efforts to downplay the dangers of burning fossil fuels, US Democrats have found.

Major fossil-fuel firms have also pledged support for international climate efforts, but internally admit these efforts are incompatible with their own climate plans. And they have lobbied against climate laws and regulations they have publicly claimed to support, documents newly revealed by the committee show.

The tranche of subpoenaed communications were unveiled on Tuesday morning by Democrats on the House oversight committee before a Wednesday hearing.

“For decades, the fossil-fuel industry has known about the economic and climate harms of its products but has deceived the American public to keep collecting more than $600bn each year in subsidies while raking in record-breaking profits,” said Rhode Island Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, who chairs the committee....

Trashing the ocean seems to not bother boaters. There should be a law.

Watching this video one has to question the wisdom of being on the water with such turbulence, but, it seems as though creating pollution goes along with foolishness. The trash will ultimately endanger human lives as well as marine wildlife because the USA is entering the tourist season and people can be injured or made ill by trash. There have been times when syringes were found on beaches. Evidently the efforts to clean up the ocean will continue indefinitely.

The boat seems to be unregistered. Florida is anarchy except when it comes to abortion, reading and LGBTQ rights.

April 29, 2024

...According to reports, (click here) it appears that the incident occurred during the Boca Bash on Sunday, April 28, an annual event that draws thousands of boaters, most of whom are there to party.

The party, which is held in Lake Boca Raton, isn’t affiliated officially with the city of Boca. It has an interesting origin story....