Friday, February 16, 2018

If anything, Governor Rick Snyder inhibited any and all responses to Flint, Michigan's health emergency.

Governor Snyder demanded the Emergency Managers to move against any spending that Flint, Michigan could not afford. The idea raw river water would be introduced to the people of Flint is unconscionable. The river has a very long history of pollution, toxic pollution (click here).

Snyder never spoke with the people of Flint or even went to view the river before pushing the Emergency Managers to move against the best interests of the Flint residents. Where Rich Snyder really loses his credibility is to realize the gross neglect of the simplest of details. There were no major effort that needed to take place to realize the Flint River was not an option for drinking water to anything living.

Image result for flint riverFebruary 15, 2018
By Leonard N. Fleming and Karen Bouffard

The picture to the left is actually of the surface waters of Flint River.

Gov. Rick Snyder (click here) is partly to blame for the Flint water crisis for failing to ensure a rigorous investigation by state agencies and for not declaring an emergency sooner, according to a new report from the University of Michigan.

The declaration from UM’s School of Public Health also casts criticism on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for failing to “notify the public of Legionnaires’ disease outbreak and refusing to cooperate with (the Genesee County Health Department)’s investigation.”

The report — funded by the Bethesda, Maryland-based de Beaumont Foundation, five UM public health lawyers and the Network for Public Health Law — said the governor “bears significant legal responsibility” for his role over the state agencies in charge of protecting public health.

“The governor had adequate legal authority to intervene by demanding more information from agency directors, reorganizing agencies to assure availability of appropriate expertise where needed, ordering state agencies to respond, or ultimately firing ineffective agency heads,” the report stated. “But he abjured, either due to ignorance or willful neglect of duty.”...

To the right is the location of the Mott Dam. It is the purple symbol. 

The C.S. Mott Dam just 5 miles (8 km) downstream and west of Genesee forms C S Mott Lake and was completed in 1972 for recreational use. Local attractions along the lake include Crossroads Village, Stepping Stone Falls, and the riverboat Genesee Belle.

Flint is a city in Genesee County, Michigan.

"Eat Safe Fish Guide" (click here) 

The pages to the left and below are from the "Eat Safe Fish Guide." The guide tells consumers how much fish is safe to eat from the Flint River in a single month.

Carp and Walleye upstream of the Mott Dam (on the Flint River) can be eaten four times a month. But, the fish downstream of the Mott Dam, namely Carp, Large Mouth Bass and Small Mouth Bass,  can be eaten very carefully, like, really limited or only six times a year.

The fish in most of the Michigan rivers have limits on how often they can be consumed and how much. 

One might ask, "What's the deal with this rationing of fish caught in the Flint River?" 


There are toxins in the river such as PCBs, PFOS (“perfluorooctanesulfonic acid”), and Mercury; or; Mercury in combination with PCBs.

The State of Michigan's Department of Health and Human Services publishes this document. 

The point is the Flint River has been and is still polluted. There has been no real remediation for the pollution. The reason the fish are edible by humans at all is because the DOSES of fish is limited to reduce the danger to those that fish the Flint River.

Now, don't get me wrong there is a big difference between fishing the Flint River with the idea of "catch and release" and eating the fish from the Flint River. Heck, "catch and release" can happen all the time so long as a person wears gloves and washes their hands regularly. Just regular soap, anti-bacterial isn't necessary to avoid the toxins. 

Rich Snyder had and has volumes of information within the very State of Michigan libraries and departments to detail the dangers of drinking Flint River water. There is no excuse. He is guilty of every aspect of crime regarding the Flint River. 

Another number of high school students in the USA dead, huh?

February 14, 2018
By Connie Ogle, Nicholas Nehamas and David Ovalle

He preened with guns and knives on social media, (click here) bragged about shooting rats with his BB gun and got kicked out of school — in part because he had brought bullets in his backpack, according to one classmate. He was later expelled for still-undisclosed disciplinary reasons.
The portrait of Nikolas Cruz, suspected of fatally shooting 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland and wounding 15 others at his former school, is a troubled teen with few friends and an obsessive interest in weapons. Administrators considered him enough of a potential threat that one teacher said a warning was emailed last year against allowing him on the campus with a backpack...

There seems to be an identity issue among these high school killers. The Columbine murderers were member of "The Black Trenchcoat Mafia." Dylan Roof was an avowed White Supremacist and evidently so is Nicholas Cruz. I suppose the young men need to find their masculinity and motivation somewhere, they are unable to justify it themselves.

That seems to be the difference between mass murderers that hunt down innocent people to maim and kill and these murdering idiots.

In realizing that there is a very strong case to remove symbols of hate and antisemitism from the American landscape.

To critic the media at this time is to remind the country that this is the 18th school shooting in the USA according to Bloomberg's political group that reports this mess on a regular basis. I think it was the Washington Post that criticized the Bloomberg Group that three of their accountings occurred either by a single suicide whereby the man was on an abandoned school property and/or other parameters that made the entries more truthiness and not fact. The Washington Post is very set on revealing the truth of any media reporting and that is very important, however, do a few listings mean the accounting in total should be considered in error? I don't think so.

I don't consider any of the reporting, extraneous or not, within the Bloomberg group unimportant. There are dead people, primarily Americans, they occurred in affiliation with an education property and it should be scrutinized. Absolutely. Child murderers could be rehearsing for an actual attack.

The Huffington Post is stating Cruz ties to White Supremacist was loose and nearly unimportant. Really? I don't think so.

White Supremacists are self-avowed and with that comes the understanding if they say they then they are.

I might point to an interest paradigm related to the Roof murders and those in Florida. Both young men were very casual about their plans. Roof was so cold blooded he sat among his victims inside a church for bible study. After he killed nine people, he simply went about his business and was only apprehended when a woman saw him walking down her street.

The very same cold-blooded paradigm occurred in Florida, only this time it was the murderer of children called the police to brag about it and left the scene without a scratch.

It is my opinion, Roof and Cruz were coached. I don't care if they ever attended a Clan meeting, they were coached. They were brought along, even if just the internet, and then turned loose when the time was right for them. I strongly believe Cruz is a mimic of Roof. I also believe men that align any aspect of their identity to White Supremacy are a danger within this country and this goes back decades, SO WHAT IS THE PROBLEM already. If a person is affiliated with an extremist group that is known to be dangerous, receives coaching to murder in any way possible then the White Supremacists are a definite danger to the people of the USA and need to be handled to remove any potential to weapons. The Second Amendment of the USA Constitution does not allow for mass murderers, especially of children, to roam free in the name of the First Amendment.

I disagree strongly that Cruz was mentally ill. If Donald Trump wants to say White Supremacists in general are mentally ill, then keep the guns out of their hands.

I might add, it was the Russians that were the first to arm their soldiers with automatic weapons. ThKalashnikov rifle. That rifle is now a menace to the entire world in the many versions that exist today. It is time the Small Arms Treaty mean something.

Now as to the Russians in Syria. It is related to the Mueller Investigation in a very interesting way.

February 15, 2018
By Maria Tsvetkova

Moscow (Reuters) - About 300 men working (click here) for a Kremlin-linked Russian private military firm were either killed or injured in Syria last week, according to three sources familiar with the matter....

The reporting ranges from 80 dead men to this report of 300 dead Russians. Evidently, Putin has engaged in growing his own Russian Blackwater or whatever Eric Prince is calling his Goons these days.

I have yet to read an accounting of any USA soldiers dead in this confrontation between REGULAR American troops and this private force of Russians. I will assume the Americans walked away unscathed at the moment. 

If one recalls, one of the ambitions of Eric Prince in donating enormous amounts of money to Trump's campaign is to be able to have access to Russia and other countries to train more Good Squads. Prince is the brother of the Education Secretary, what's her name. Let's just imagine for a moment that happened under Trump and this confrontation occurred. What does anyone think would have happened?

Eric Prince is former USA military and has his own "al Qaeda like" training facility.

...Trump transition (click here) told The Intercept that Prince has been advising the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in on candidates for the Defense and State departments. The official asked not to be identified because of a transition policy prohibiting discussion of confidential deliberations....

...“Waiting for the numbers to come in last night. It was well worth the wait!!!! #PresidentTrump2016.” Prince’s sister, billionaire Betsy DeVos, is Trump’s nominee for education secretary and Prince (and his mother) gave large sums of money to a Trump Super PAC.

In July, Prince told Trump’s senior adviser and white supremacist Steve Bannon, at the time head of Breitbart News, that the Trump administration should recreate a version of the Phoenix Program, the CIA assassination ring that operated during the Vietnam War, to fight ISIS. ....

My mistake, I gave Betsy too much credit for her age, she is Prince's mother, evidently.

But, at any rate, Eric Prince liked money so much he  was willing to speak to a known White Supremacist Steve Bannon. So, we have to assume the White Supremacists in the USA are advised on military tactics by the likes of Eric Prince. I think that is called treason.

But, to underscore the Russian deaths, if they had received training from Eric Prince how many would be dead if any and what would be the body count of American soldiers in this encounter. 

Putin pulled Russian fighting forces from Syria and gave these mercenaries a place under the guise of the Kremlin and turned them loose in Syria. It is easy for a Russian President to register mercenary deaths than Russian soldier deaths among the voting Russia public. Needless, to say, the Russian leadership outside the usual folks are not happy that any Russian is dead in Syria when they understood their troops were home.

Slightly changing direction, I want a full PUBLIC accounting of OCO Funds.

February 15, 2018

By Ben Brimelow

A simmering conflict (click here) between Israel and Iran in Syria could have erupted into another regional war were it not for the intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to an Israeli investigative journalist.

On Saturday, an Israeli air force helicopter shot down what Israel says was an Iranian dronelaunched from the Tiyas Military Airbase in central Syria by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The drone was shot down a minute and a half after entering Israeli airspace, the investigative journalist, Ronen Bergman, wrote in an op-ed article in The New York Times this week....

Given the extremism of leadership in Israel right now, and the fact Jarrod Kushner advocates those positions from the inner circle of the White House, I want to know where the OCO Funds are going.

If Putin didn't step in with Bibi Netanyahu the global community might be looking at a re-ignited Syria without a return of refugees. That said, the fact Putin is in the middle of this mess, only tells me Assad is reinforced in which ever manner necessary by Russia. Is there a concern for Israel, regardless? Maybe. Is Israel facing a confrontation with Iran? I would think that was minimized by Putin, but, there is no way to know for sure that the Ayatollah is obeying every Russia command.

The thing is this: The Shia Crescent extend throughout Syria. It is one of the reasons Syria obtained a destabilizing force after the initial drought drove farmers into the cities. It didn't take long or much force to push Syria into a civil war due to the high diversity of Shia and Sunni in the borders of Syria. There is still borders to Syria, right?

If Netanyahu decides that Russia and Iran are a threat, that won't stop him and if Trump is having a spending spree of OCO Funds to support Netanyahu then the USA and Russia are in a full scale SOMETHING. 

I strongly suggest before these issues get out of hand, President Putin begin a strong campaign for a peace initiative to return the refugees to their homeland and a UN resolution to establish borders that provide a space for everyone. I suggest the Shia Crescent be dissolved and land dedicated to the Shia be provided to prevent further violence. The land for the Shia is already eroded with drought and war, there is no good land in Syria. All the land will have to be rehabilitated and may very well require harnessing dams for flood control and at the same time providing a source of irrigation.

At any rate, if the USA soldiers are in Syria, I have to wonder why. See, Israel under extreme leadership is expansionists and it would be highly advisable for Trump to be moving borders when refugees have not been provided their homelands and way of a return to farming.

While on the topic of mental health...

...this is an unscientific observation, in that, among a small population of homeless people, men are acquiring a schizophrenia.

This population is well cared for by a Methodist ministry. There are no direct medical services available with this ministry. The schizophrenic appearance of the two men in particular occurred over the past year and the outbreak began about six months into the knowledge of their homelessness.

These two men are slight in build, not tiny, but, smaller in stature than other men in the group. There are women in the group and they have not manifested any schizophrenic behaviors.

Height and weight are important for any of these adults. But, in the wild where the homeless live, either the wilderness and/or city streets, men that are smaller than others have problems with assault. It is difficult to say whether these two men were assaulted without detailed conversations. Yes, they are still capable of rational conversations then confronted with same.

The ministry that protects these people will find men come into their open door kitchen for a meal that have been assaulted with bruises about their face, missing belongings and lost eyeglasses. These two men were never observed to have that occur, according to the minister and volunteers.

The behavior leading up to that intrusive schizophrenic behavior begins with isolation to protect from assault. These two men when spoken to are well spoken and able to construct an understanding of social issues when told. There is a television with a news channel playing on most days when there are meals available.

Both these men are somewhere between 35 and 45 and can take care of their personal needs. Even today with such behaviors manifesting they are able to find shelter and food. They do not have relationships and some of the larger men do.

After they isolate, they become silent and far less social and then the behaviors begin. The longer the behaviors are tolerated the quicker they return even after a very sane conversation. The behaviors are a retreat for safety. At least that is my belief.

There needs to be more extensive research conducted through ministries that care for the homeless to provide additional services such as support personal speaking to those with such ACQUIRED behaviors. My concern is that the survival of particular men without PTSD necessarily will become more and more difficult the longer they are homeless. The behaviors become a part of their personality without a challenge to them. When that occurs, my fear, is they will become unemployable and have far worse circumstances than being homeless. 

I think there MAY also be a fear of authority when homeless that will drive these behaviors.

These are acquired behaviors and pretend behaviors. This, so far is exclusive to these men and there is no such behaviors among the women who may or may not be attended to by a man/men.