Sunday, February 02, 2025

Law breaker

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Donald Trump, yet alone Musk-rat, cannot alter USA programs, including USAID.

The leaders of these programs no matter domestic or international are absolutely correct. 

I hearken back to September 11, 2001 once again. After the attacks Former President “W.” Bush demanded an explanation as to how something so heinous could occur in the USA. It was discovered that the intelligence agencies weren’t communicating with each other. The way to solve that was to create an umbrella authority in Homeland Security. 

Once the decision was made to CREATE Homeland Security it had to pass Congress. Of course, there was little objection except that the agencies, such as the FBI, NSA, and CIA, would continue to have their own leadership, but, now there was authority over them that could receive information and decide if there was a greater threat the individual agencies didn’t find.

The problem with DOGE is that it is an independent and private entity at this point. There is no real power provided to Musk and is faux authority and access is illegal. There is nothing wrong with Trump seeking advice from private entities, but, that is as far as these people go.

I would not expect Musk-rat to have any authority in the future. He is not an economist, knows nothing about governance, and has enormous conflicts of interest. What is so concerning is his very early access to a little known agency called Bureau of Fiscal Services which really falls under the Treasury Department.

The Bureau of Fiscal Services is a little known agency because there are no major decisions made by these folks. These are Americans that move money around according to the laws before them. They are responsible for printing Social Security checks and veterans checks. They do the mechanical part of policy.

Shortly after Trump was elected Musk showed up there. Someone told him where money is disbursed to pay bills. There is no major policy issues with this office. This is strictly where money is sent out by the USA Treasury. There is absolutely no reason for Musk to be there unless he wants to interrupt the business of the day of the USA.

You’ll excuse me but that is nothing but BALLSY behavior.

We were lead to believe DOGE would be a benevolent entity with all sorts of good news about trimming the federal government and its budget. The Bureau of Fiscal Services has absolutely nothing to do with any of that. This is strictly a place that pays the bills. This bureau simply follows rules laid down by Congress and signed by the president.

What is of concern is that Musk infiltrating this bureau can cause people problems. It is not difficult to imagine Trump’s retribution coming to play by preventing payments from leaving the Treasury to the recipient. Not only that but superimpose Trump’s order to end grants. The hardship that would be caused by Musk in lockstep with Trump is enormous. It is why Trump has rescinded that presidential order. 

At this point, DOGE is proving to be a menace to the smooth operation of the federal government. DOGE must report its activities to Congress and if there is any funny business it must prosecuted. These are the tax dollars of the American people. This is not Musk-rat’s toy to do as he wishes. 

As far as I am concerned such ballsy behavior is way outside the rhelm of normalcy. I am not saying that Musk is stupid or unable to conduct the business he does, but, disrupting the federal government operations from a bureau that basically has no power except insuring the disbursement of the USA Treasury is way out of line. He has issues that we can’t solve for him. Carrying out such ideology from this bureau is a national security issue.

No one more than me and I would expect Congress would love to find ways of reducing fraud and abuse. The Medicare offices carry out such investigations all the time. It is not like this is a new concept. But, to have someone with enormous conflicts of interest simply march into a well functioning bureau is criminal. If DOGE is to have a place in OUR government it will be legislated by Congress with forthcoming recommendations enacted by Congress.

The people of this great nation have rights and DOGE is not going to remove them by angry Yes Men to Trump.


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Online there are all sorts of people speaking about magical methods to lose weight and treat diabetes. When it comes to diabetes they talk about type two diabetes because they don’t want the liability of children becoming ill or worse.

Vaccinations are not enough for these guys, they want to destroy the ObamaCare Standard for treating diabetes. There is no way that drinking warm water will solve a problem with high blood sugar.

Drinking warm water will force high blood glucose out through the kidneys which in time results in kidney failure. Glucose molecules are large and does damage to tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, ultimately destroying their purpose to the human body.

When injections like Ozempic or Mounjaro are taken it is to lower an A1C of greater than 7.0. Somehow that gets lost in the translation and all that is important is weight loss. 

But, the ObamaCare Standard of treating diabetes demands supplies for testing blood sugar without a copay. The BidenCare Standard for diabetes goes further and requires the insulin to be no more than $35.00 per month. 

When Trump cuts grants to the healthcare industry he is causing changes in the affordability of the supplies, insulin, and doctor visits with lab reports. Don’t think for one minute that cutting grants was a benign act. 

For Donald Trump, he would be happy with the Russian style of medicine. There is one set of hospitals and standards for the elite and another for the poor. It is sort of like having one MRI in the center of the USA with long lines in all directions. 

During the “W” Bush administration we saw the loosening of lunch standards for schools. Obesity in children increased. In the Obama administration we witnessed a first time overhaul of the school lunch program with real objections to sugar in children’s meals to help fight obesity leading ultimately to adult onset type two diabetes.

The last thing this country needs is a population handicapped by quackery. A healthy lifestyle is needed by all Americans  that comes by trusting the doctor and following the directions to improvements. 

Those people making videos to complete with highly educated AND licensed medical doctors are quacks. We have seen this before during the first coming of Trump, including the pandemic. Any assault in Medicare, Medicaid, SHIP, or Tricare is an attack on the health and well being of the American people.

Kash Patel is being slick

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In being slick he is in contempt of Congress. If he doesn’t know the law he doesn’t belong as director of the FBI. 

In his testimony he just wasn’t willing to speak the truth because Trump wouldn’t have liked it. Here again the Emperor has new clothes. The emperor has new clothes as redundantly stated by a future FBI director.

The USA is headed down the wrong path. 

The Emperor has new clothes.

No one challenged the reason why Trump demands an alternate reality while blowing smoke up hos skirt? 

Insecurity to authority is a strategy and we all know why now.

When I enter an online game there are rules to learn and strategies to engage. 

This is the real world governed by the rule of law.



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This is the fifth (2 military, 2 civilian, 1 technology) major incident with flying since Trump took office. 

We are a country of nearly 335 million people and growing everyday. We are a first world country today with high use of technology to provide quality of life.

We don’t run on prayers or artificial intelligence alone.

We need highly skilled and qualified people being paid what they are worth with incentives to stay in demanding and stressful jobs. If DOGE is cutting personnel and payments that at all reflected in these incidents and those to come there needs to be charges filed.

These incidents are not minor and are eroding our economy at the onset of Trump’s second coming.

This administration is flying by the seat of their pants and we all know it.

Rubio can’t be serious.

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The one person in this administration that would prove to be a real asset to the country has turned into a “yes man.” 

This issue require diplomacy based in solid facts. A USA Secretary of State cannot simply land on foreign soil and begin ranting about seizing the ownership of an international canal zone. If that is Rubio’s intention he could set off international tensions that results in war. The retaliatory tariffs are just the beginning. The USA overnight is becoming a pariah.

If there are known and provable violations to the Panama Neutrality Treaty that is a matter of moving legally in a variety of venues long before any show of force may occur. Sorry, but, Trump’s approach is insanity. 

The USA can’t simply throw its weigh around without impunity. There has to be factual evidence of violations to the Panama Neutrality Treaty as demonstrated in an open international forum before the USA Secretary of State can be taken seriously and sanctions leveraged. Sanctions on Panama is the first step to correcting any course. The USA can’t simply invade Panama, take control of the canal, and start collecting money for passage. That is a very hostile act.

Trump believes his own lies and the U.S.A. is getting into trouble. This stuff is really terrible stuff Trump is doing. When is he going to be stopped and proper steps taken? The USA will never have an income from the canal again. It can only apply pressure to force compliance  to the treaty. There will be no forceful takeover. Congress would never sanction such a war after the 90 day executive branch window expires. China will show up if something that aggressive occurs. 

The USA Congress needs to make it clear to Trump that 90 wars will be a solid basis for impeachment. Cohesion by the order of the president to the USA military is NOT an option anywhere in the world. Such aggressive actions by a USA president will result in payment of reparations and increased taxes on billionaires to pay for Trump’s Commander and Chief’s toying with lesser countries.

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Nuclear aggression is out of the question in that 90 day window. Defensive measures is the only permissible action.

A first strike nuclear attack is never a surprise operation. Any nuclear weapons release sets up Earth into a nuclear winter that makes it uninhabitable. The nuclear age was over, except for peaceful use of the technology, before it ever started.

It is still a deterrent to conventional weapon aggression. That is the reason countries like Iran and North Korea propagate weapon stockpiles.