If that is the cause then a full 33% are at least leaning conservative. That is the base of the GOP and some may be attracted by Libertarians, but, this poll doesn't really impress me. It is good know and Harvard is a quality study, but, besides being too early to tell what the nation actually thinks of the law; many of these folks are already covered by their parent's plan.
...A solid majority, 56 percent, disapproved of the law when it was called the Affordable Care Act. Just 17 percent said the measure would improve the quality of health care; 78 percent said quality would either stay the same or get worse. Half said the law would increase costs, while 46 percent said costs would decrease or stay the same.
The survey, of 2,089 18- to 29-year-olds, was conducted between Oct. 30 and Nov. 11 and had a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points. It is the latest in a series of two dozen polls that Harvard has conducted of young voters since 2000.
Some real statistics according to a young Democrats organizaton:
This generation will be about one third of the electorate by 2015, so it is important to get it right with them. This generation was about 21% of the electorate in 2012. They have generational priorities that do not carry through with older voters, not even their parents necessarily. I want to say first, I like them. They are free willed and frequently volunteer so I would expect them to be INVOLVED in politics at the grassroots level more than other generations.
This generation of voters are more diverse; in 2012 the percentage of non-white was 39%.
The voters were majority college educated or getting a college education. Where this generation was not college educated, only 35% voted in 2012. Where they were college educated 66% voted in 2012.
Going back to 2008 there was an increase of 104% compared to 2004 that voted in primaries. In the general election of 2012 their numbers were 23 million.
This generation are joiners. They like social circumstances and hold very strong political opinions. It is my opinion they see government as a method to solving problems and tend to vote in their best interest. I think social media has brought out the activist side of this generation and they refuse to be left out of the debate and insist on being heard and COUNT in the direction of the country.
They have in past voted Democratic, but, I also believe they are very open minded to all opinions and consider them with brevity IF the opinions are based in fact. I don't believe they are easily steered from the truth. I think they seek it and adhere to the reality the truth presents and then work on solutions.
I also believe the younger members of this generation trend toward being naive. They trip over themselves a lot. BUT, their learning curve is good. In some ways they have to learn the ropes about life themselves because their circumstances are unlike those of previous generations. I think they are also innovators and are very capable of leadership EVEN if they are naive about their own brevity.
From what I have witnessed and heard from this generation they rely first on ideology and manufacturer their opinions out of the ability to imagine with some degree of fantasy. There lives are so new to the American landscape they have to rely on imagination to bring about a new reality. This was the lost generation. The ones that the ESTABLISHMENT forgot and found themselves homeless and in the cold after 2008. They have every right to move through life differently while building sustainable work with sustainable employment or entrepreneurship. They are not the folks that will seek information or direction by other and older generations. They learned their lesson of generational forgetfulness all too well.
If they are miffed at President Obama it is because their operational ideology was violated. They seek to be perfect in a world far to difficult to live in. If they are not perfect they do not get hired. When leaders, such as the President, are imperfect their own ideas of who they are and how hard they have to work is rattled. I don't blame them.
Much of their disillusion is due to GOP propaganda. They are targeted with hate speech and have commercials made about them to victimize their own body images and sense of privacy, so why wouldn't they be disillusioned and angry? So, while Harvard counts numbers what they don't count are the lives they live and the reality they are seeking to change.
Disillusionment empowers this generation and they move on what they know and what they believe. The opinions they hold today will change as they feel more control and direction in their favor.
The opinion polls of this generation is a moving target because they problem solve as quickly as possible and move in the direction of their best interest. They are smart folks.