Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The changes in Student Loan and Pell Grants will assist students facing increasing costs due to State deficits.

U.S. GDP Revision Fail to Downplay Strength of Q4 Recovery (click here)

Posted 3/26/2010 5:01 AM ET by from FX360
Although U.S. fourth quarter GDP growth was revised down from 5.9 to 5.6 percent, the impact on the U.S. dollar was minimal. The greenback sold off slightly against the euro and quickly rebounded after its knee jerk sell-off against the Japanese Yen. With the EU officially announcing its financial mechanism for Greece today, a mild downward revision to the U.S. growth numbers will not be enough to offset the positive sentiment....

University of California at Berkeley student Natalia Garcia protests on campus (click here) Thursday in Berkeley, Calif. Demonstrations, marches, teach-ins and walkouts are planned nationwide Thursday in what is being called the "March 4th National Day of Action for Public Education." Events are being held at most of California's public colleges and universities to protest budget cuts that have led to canceled classes, faculty furloughs and steep fee hikes. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)

The Global Economic Crisis of October 2008 has come to roost in State budgets. As a result of that reality has been the increasing tuition rates at state funded colleges and universities. California has already raised tuition at least twice to the students in their colleges. The students are facing leaving their educational opportunities behind as rates continue to increase and become unattainable to them.

The USA cannot afford to have its 'brain trust' shrunk to endanger its future and sovereignty. These actions by the federal government are necessary and correct to insure the continuation of excellence and achievement at the State Universities.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

President Obama will sign a bill today that ends a 45-year-old program under which banks and other private-sector lenders such as Sallie Mae receive a federal subsidy for making government-guaranteed college loans.

Instead, the U.S. Department of Education - which already makes roughly a third of these loans through its direct-lending program - will make 100 percent of them starting July 1.

The change will have a big impact on some lenders and colleges but relatively little on borrowers. They will continue to get the same loans - including Stafford loans for students and Plus loans for parents and graduate students - on largely the same terms....

BEFORE THE BELL: US Stock Futures Edge Higher After Fed Data (click here)

MARCH 17, 2010, 8:26 A.M. ET

U.S. stock futures on Wednesday pointed to an extension of the slow but steady gains over the past week, as markets continued to respond to news of the Federal Reserve's unchanged stance on interest rates.

S&P 500 futures rose 2.4 points to 1157.20 and Nasdaq 100 futures were up 3.5 points to 1932.00. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 22 points.

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday, with the DJIA closing higher for a sixth straight time and the S&P 500 finishing at a 17-month high as the Federal Reserve again said it would keep interest rates low for an extended period and as Standard & Poor's said it would not imminently downgrade Greece.

While expectations are growing that next month the Fed may change its language to a slightly more hawkish posture, the Bank of Japan doubled a loan program to $221 billion as it kept interest rates at 0.1%....

Obama: healthcare will need adjustments to cut costs

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is signing a bill Tuesday that finalizes his big health care overhaul and revamps the U.S. student loan system.

Obama will sign the bill and speak at Northern Virginia Community College, just outside Washington. That's the college where Vice President Joe Biden's wife, Jill, is an instructor.

The student loan provisions were included in a health care overhaul bill Obama signed last week. This final legislation tweaks some parts of the health bill that House members insisted be changed.

The president will meet later with French President Nicolas Sarkozy (sar-koh-ZEE'). Obama and the first lady also will host a private dinner for Sarkozy and his wife.

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday (click title to entry - thank you) that a U.S. healthcare overhaul is a "critical first step" but that adjustments will be needed in the new law to further reduce costs.

Healthcare Reform

Critics of the ten-year, $940 billion overhaul have complained the revamp does not go far enough in reducing healthcare costs.

Obama, in an NBC News interview to air on Tuesday on the "Today" show, said adjustments will be needed to the law.

"I think it is a critical first step in making a healthcare system that works for all Americans. It is not going to be the only thing. We are still going to have adjustments that have to be made to further reduce costs," he said.

Obama is to sign a package of final changes to the new law on Tuesday in Alexandria, Virginia.

(Reporting by Steve Holland; editing by Todd Eastham

When is the FCC finally going to do their job and shut down Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh?

Yesterday we witnessed the arrest of nine Christian Based militia members. Their goal? To kill police officers and inspire more violence against them. The Murdoch and Rush enterprises do NOTHING by lace blatant lies with truth and insight violence.

This is the headlines from FOX news yesterday. It didn't denounce the intended actions of the militia members, IT WARNED THEM.

This article is a warning to the people of their viewer and listening audience. When is the FCC going to do shut them down, when they are giving out locations of police officers? All the programs yesterday evening O'Rielly, Hannity and the rest were nothing but lies laced with the truth.

FBI stages raids against christian militia group (click title to entry - thank you)

HAMMOND, IN - Federal authorities are expected to unseal charges against several people arrested in a series of weekend raids in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.

Sources accuse the FBI of targeting a christian militia group called the Hutaree. Two people were arrested in northwest Ohio, a third in Illinois. All this happened a day after cameras captured a raid in Hammond, Indiana. On its website, the group claims it's preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive.

Some of the seven people arrested face gun charges. Officials say they're also pursuing other suspects.

On February 16, 2010 I blogged this (click here):

Yesterday Senator Bayh said something that made me pause in wondering what this is all about, regardless of how I like or dislike his opinions. He appeared at a podium with his wife and children. How much of the 'hate' he understands does he carry as worry for his family or himself for that matter?

Beck is doing nothing, but, maligning the federal government and advocating violence. He stated the other day, "I saw a police officer standing on a corner the other day. He had a gun strapped to his belt and I wanted to ask him how he could handle the fact he had a gun and wasn't using it, because, if it were me I would be using it all the time."

There are a couple of things in that statement. It indicates those that are 'like' Glenn Beck are self-righteous and above the law. It also implants logistics to 'easily had' weapons that police carry on them. You know I never think about the weapons police carry. I mean never. I assume they are human beings and police officers first and expect them to defend and protect. I never see a police officer as a potential source for weapons.

Nor do I see a police officer as a threat. Beck saw the officer as a threat. A man or woman carry a weapon when he has none and he is trying to carry out a so called revolution against Progressives.

There is a limit to freedom of speech. Glenn Beck is way over that limit. I sincerely believe someone like Senator Bayh may be making adverse decisions in the best interest of the country because he is more a human being than someone like Beck ever could be.

In the article of this entry, the UK has noted an uptick in hate toward Muslims. The government is suppose to track these things and advice the Justice Department and leadership regarding issues that threaten innocent citizens. It is time the USA federal system do the job that needs to be done.

Glenn Beck on multiple occasions has advocated violence. He should not have access to the media and the FCC should begin prosecutions regarding the violence he advocates.

The United Nations prosecuted three journalists in regard to the Rwanda Genocide. Beck is not giving out locations of people to kill, YET. At least not that I know of. The guy is on a real power trip these days and the people in 'his movement' have substantially invested in its outcome.

There is something sincerely wrong when a well established and respected Senator doesn't seek re-election after he already researched and invested in his victory in 2010. I wish Senator Bayh well and hope he is successful.

Glenn Beck needs to be recognized for what he is and stop him from hiding behind the First Amendment of the USA Constitution. He is abusing the right to practice it. Fear accompanied by hatred is a real commodity and that is Beck's product. His only product.

When is this going to stop? When are our Congressional elected officials going to be safe and when will the FCC finally act to stop the hate mongers that are MORE than rhetorical, but, finding success in actually encouraging militias to act in violence against the USA Constitution?

I wish someone at the World Courts would do something if the federal administration in the USA are stymied.